Stop the white genocide. I know some of you cucks out there don’t care about white genocide. Some of you say “some people are just choosing to not have kids” or “ideology is what is most important”. But what you are missing is that it’s intentional. I haven’t figured out the “why” they want to end the white race. All I can think of is that it is payback even though looking at history, whites have given this planet a ass load of technology, art, moon landings etc.
Demographics are key here. Whites do not have kids at the same birth rates as other minorities. (((They))) know this. Higher IQ people have less kids than than lower IQ people do. Not only do lower IQ people have more kids than higher IQ people, the lower IQ group is getting paid to have them, so basically, whites are subsidizing their own genocide. You know what they say, if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it.
When you say “some people are just choosing to not have kids” there is two things at play here. 1. is (((They))) have propagandized us thru TV and other commercial means telling us how great a child free life is. You can travel and have a nicer house and drive a more expensive car. You can focus more on your career as well and be that successful professional you’ve always wanted to be. And 2. Whites have an average higher IQ and as noted before higher IQ people tend to have less kids. We don’t need 10 kids to run a farm because the high IQ people gave us the means to do the work with less people.
If you are worried about ideology, you better be worried about demographics. Low IQ people do not care about your ideology at all. You can’t mix low and high IQ people in mass amounts and expect them to get along. I’ll let you do your own research on race, IQ and criminality.
And the last thing is that if you think things are hunky dory now, and we get along now so we will get along 10 to 20 years from now, you are mistaken. Even the people who do not really hate whites now, probably will later when they see there is something to gain from them. They will turn on us. Most minorities just tolerate whites. Right now we see the start of the anti-white propaganda that is out in the open now. News agencies don't even hide it anymore. A recent example is the article asking if you spinning class was too young, too thin and too white. People are now openly posting anti-white post on social media. This means they feel emboldened, they know there will be no repercussions. Couple this growing slowly over time to the point whites become an absolute minority in this country, there will be hell to pay for whites. The time for reparations will be here soon.
The problem is all the non whites being let in/have been let into white countries. Get rid of them and white people's birth rate doesn't matter.
Hunter Torres
We have to stand up for ourselves. We have to support other whites especially white conservatives. White liberals are politically correct, masochistic nihilist and are race traitors. They think when the day comes for the minorities to get their dues, they will be spared because they were on their side. Well it will not work that way sad to say. One good thing is that there isn’t too many of the white leftist. Most leftist are minorities or jewish and as we know, Jews are not white.
Remember! It’s OK to be White. Embrace your whiteness and it’s rich history. Be proud of our past and look to carry that pride into the future. We have the right to exist and pass on our achievements. Take care of yourself, be healthy, have white kids and teach them good morals and values, don’t be a degenerate and do drugs or drink in excess.
What do you mean. Japan has a small birthrate but it doesn't matter because everyone there is japanese so even if their population declines some they will still be japanese forever. White people also shouldn't have to be competing against a bunch of non whites in birth rate in their countries. Kick them out/kill them and the problem is over.
Isaac Myers
Just wait until someone takes out Soros. The world is going to change
Ryan Garcia
i'm 21 and i am already looking for a SO. i wanna start having babies at 25 and have 3-4 kids.
Nolan Campbell
There's over a billion white people, and there's 7 billion people on the planet. So like 14% of the world population is white.
Mason Foster
OP is also a kike shill, whether or not they are aware of it.
Thanks for reminding me I was a Kike Shill. I forgot.
Jason Jenkins
This is the spirit.
Hudson Peterson
Because we're broke millennials. Thanks.
Oliver Rivera
>Higher IQ people have less kids than than lower IQ people do. Not only do lower IQ people have more kids than higher IQ people, the lower IQ group is getting paid to have them Yes, because on some subconscious, instinctual level, lower IQ people realize that their offspring are far more likely to be incarcerated or die than the offspring of people with high intelligence.
>Come on white people, don't let the suicidal, idiotic, self-destructing niggers outbreed you! Compete with them in their race to the bottom, stupid go-I mean, fellow white people!
They don't want children until around 28-30. I want a younger one so that I'm sure I can have many children, not just one or two. Still searching
James Perez
Ryder King
Luke Ross
White people hate themselves, both the men and women would rather breed with people from other races you see it all the time here even from the self proclaimed "white nationalists"
You guys are cucks
Luke Sanchez
add asians srsly they arent even recognized as victims to political correctness
Chase Brooks
This. Seriously whenever I find a girl I really like she ends up being a disappointment
Cameron Torres
I assume it's because rape is bad
Alexander Morris
I asked my sisters (26 and 31) when they planned on having kids. Their response will anger you. . . . . >Having kids would be selfish and bad for the environment. The Earth's ecosystems can't sustain how many humans we have already!
And that answer was enough for them. They took offense at the suggestion, implying that to carry a baby was to be akin to cattle, and that they were higher than that.
>Bringing a white child into this world only for it to be more degenerate with each passing day and they get taxed into oblivion >Not starving the federal beast today >Not fighting in the upcoming race war as a solider because you have nothing to lose and no family to be held hostage and tortured.
ISHYGDDT. By all means, contribute more white taxpayers for the Jewish overlords.
Adam Cox
Ok Mohamed.
Gabriel Johnson
I dont care.
Julian Green
r/k select can change due to environment, IQ doesn't.
Kevin Adams
Ill take both. My wife dresses like the one of the left at home while doing chores of working out, and like the one on the right in public
Just breeding more whites and doing nothing else isn't going to fix anything, more and more shitskins will be imported who will always outnumber you and they can hate you legally The key is a mixture of both, have more white kids while also fighting the marxist machine to ensure they can actually have a future
Elijah Brown
>Yes, because on some subconscious, instinctual level, lower IQ people realize that their offspring are far more likely to be incarcerated or die than the offspring of people with high intelligence.
Or you know... it could just be that low IQ people think nothing else but dicking everything that moves and circumventing the need to use contraceptives or condoms because doing it without one is pleasurable and cumming inside feels way better than pulling out, oblivious to consequences and entirely devoted to "feel goods."
High IQ people have contraceptives and still fuck around, but are entirely caught up with consequences/morals unlike low IQ who can simply bounce on a partner to escape responsibilities. High IQ people also spend too much time finding that perfect mate or spending fucking years building relationships because either they can't be around someone who is not on their playing-field. High IQ people will literally opt out of family building if they can't "so and so" who is absolutely perfect for them and their children. The conclusion is for high IQ people sex is there so the needs are met and can take as much time/ignore building a family for nihilistic/professional purpose, and low IQ fuck and fuck and fuck and fuck and cumming inside feels good.
Contraceptives are the shit that is causing the white genocide. It was never intended for white people and was a means to simply control the nigs and minorities who spouted 8 spawn families and started complaining to the gubmint that "my kids are hungry! do something about it!"
Liam Gray
'More White Deaths than Births' was Heralded throughout news outlets in 2013. The US Census had finally release the 2012 data on demographics in the US and it was clear that the future would not be the same as it was for previous generations. The New York Times wrote a detailed article about the census data showing this great change from a people's stagnated numbers to a decline in population (Ref 1). Since then, every year there has been more White deaths than births. There will not be a turn around for the next three generations.
Where are we at today? The most up to date count for the population of US Whites alone, nonHispanic origin is 199,665,900, according to the US census (Ref 2), but this is not accurate. Using data from the CDC and Pew Research Institute we have a more accurate number. The data shows that nonWhites are counted as White even though they don't share the same genetic origin. There is three groups counted as White when they are not. People from the Middle East, 2.1%, people of Jewish origin, 2.3%, and biracial newborns from a White mother, 4.62% (Ref 3-5). Using this data the White alone, nonHispanic origin US population is 181,656,036, which is 54.7% of the population.
US Whites in 2050: The median age for Whites is 44.9. By 2030, all baby boomers will be older than age 65 (Ref 6). At this point there will be drastic changes in demographics. The White population will start to plummet. Birth rate for Whites is 10.7 (Ref 7). Using the CDC births and mortality data we see the reality of the demographics change in 2050 (Ref 8). By 2050, the US White population will be 94,182,573 with no end in sight. Because of the situation we are in this will continue to
Aaron Fisher
dive until we are at fraction to what we are now. In other White countries they are also expected to have drastic changes in demographics as well (Ref 9).
What are key causes for White women having less children?
Contraceptives: By looking at the history of births in the US we can see when the shift happened. In 1961 the births for Whites is 3,600,864. This was the was the turning point. 1962 the births went down instead of up, 3,394,068 (Ref 10). What caused this? A strong correlation that birth control pills had a major impact. “On June 23, 1960, the FDA approved the sale of Enovid for use as an oral contraceptive. It was manufactured by G.D. Searle and Company, a firm that had also supported Gregory Pincus’ research for many years (Chesler, 1992; FDA, 2000, Grimes, 2000; Lange, 2007). By 1965, one out of every four married women in America under 45 had used the pill. By 1967, nearly 13 million women in the world were using it. And by 1984 that number would reach 50–80 million (Asbell, 1995).” (Ref 11)
The numbers correlate until 1976. Even though more than ever women were on the pill, the births start going back up. Why? “For 1970–1973, the pill had the lowest failure rate among reversible methods examined (2%) However, the failure rate for the pill had increased to 6% by 1982 and to 8% by 1988.” (Ref 12) This shows that the pill was failing. The study also goes into other contraceptives were failing at higher rates as well. It seems to correlate with the rise in births. The information shows that contraceptives have a big impact on births. Which had a direct effect on births
Genetic Suicide: Oetzi “the 5,300-year-old mummy's maternal line appears to have originated and died out in the eastern Italian Alps.” “In 2012 a complete analysis of the mummy's Y chromosome, which is transmitted from fathers to their sons, revealed that Oetzi's paternal genetic line, named G2a, is still present in modern-day populations.” (Ref 13) This shows that women who choose to miscegenate are committing genetic suicide, because their genetics die and does not get passed on. Which eventually any genes that did will be wiped out of the Evolutionary cycle completely. Men have to choose not to have a son to commit genetic suicide. They are not bound by gene pools.
In 1980 counting for race in newborns went from the race of the child to the race of the mother. It even change the number of newborns for Whites that year from 2,898,732 to 2,936,351. Why? Before this any mixed race child was counted as nonWhite. You can see in the same year Blacks and Native Americans went down in number when they changed the designator for counting race of the newborn. 37,619 nonWhite newborns were counted as White. Which at the time made up 1.28% of White mothers who committed genetic suicide. This causes less White children to be born.
Immigration from nonWhite countries: In 1965 “The law, known as the Hart-Celler Act for its congressional sponsors, literally changed the face of America. It ended an immigration-admissions policy based on race and ethnicity, and gave rise to large-scale immigration, both legal and unauthorized.” (Ref 14) At the time of the immigration law Whites made up over 90% of the demographics. Even though we have a lower birth rate than our grandparents the reason why we only
Jack Ortiz
make up 54.7% today is because of this immigration law, that the public didn't support.
This also causes lower births for the host nation. When a influx of foreign aliens come into another group they destroy the habitat that allows that group to live. “Habitat loss poses the greatest threat to species.” (Ref 15) Humans are very unique when it comes to habitats. We change the environment to suit our needs for our survival and prosperity. Each genetic group is unique to their own habitat. Because humans change their environment to suit them other groups start changing the environment. This causes a destruction of the White habitat. Without a stable habitat the birthing goes down. Which shows in the data.
Is this genocide?
There is three things that is needed for it to be genocide, intent, opportunity, and capability. The data by itself does not prove all three. It shows capability and opportunity, but not intent. Capability in this case is having contraceptives, writing a law, using propaganda to promote open borders, and genetic suicide. Opportunity is having the ability to distribute contraceptives, being a lawmaker or paying one to push a law, and access to mass media and educational institutions. We have evidence for opportunity and capability, but without intent it is not
Mason Perez
Jews benefit from whites being in power and free aid to Israel. Minorities feel no guilt over the holocaust because they are incapable of empathy and feel that the holocaust is a white issue.
Israel needs the west to survive. The second the U.S./Europe collapses Russia and the rest of the Middle East will take the gloves off without having to worry about American air superiority.
Whites have voluntarily allowed themselves to become enslaved by Jews and whites are committing racial suicide with white women pulling the trigger. We deserve to pass for being so pathetic until proven otherwise.
Isaac Gonzalez
I thought this was implied. But yes we really need to just end immigration all together.
Jonathan Reyes
Evidence of intent:
Contraceptives: There is no evidence to present that shows contraceptives were intended to be used to destroy Whites in part or in whole. The data actually shows that contraceptives, including abortion, has an equal effect on births in the US.
Genetic Suicide: Policies and laws have been made to promote integration nonWhite groups into White communities. “The Fair Housing Act not only prohibits discrimination but, in conjunction with other statutes, directs HUD’s program participants to take significant actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, achieve truly balanced and integrated living patterns” (Ref 16). In “1965, President Johnson signed the act establishing the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) (Ref 17). The Fair Housing Act targets White communities for integration with nonWhites not the other way around.
Indoctrination shows intent as well. Actively targeting children to accept racial integration proves intent. White privilege conferences is supported by the US government to train teachers on how to identify, discourage, and teach awareness of White privilege (Ref 18-21). The trauma caused by these program to White children instill self hatred by unfounded guilt. News reports are starting to come out that they are telling White children in kindergarten that they are born racist while other groups are not (Ref 22). This promotes genetic suicide by getting White children to cognitively associate White children as inherently bad and nonWhite children as inherently good making it so when these children become older they will not want to have White children. Psychological warfare is also done through media to devalue Whites. By portraying Whites as degenerate, in different forms of media, Whites will develop a disliking to each other. Example: a White woman is normally
Jeremiah Davis
My wife has some Native blood in her, but I'm personally unfazed by it. She has green eyes, gets a noticeable tan in summer but is generally fair skinned.
She is of excellent moral character and for all intents and purposes, our children will be white. I dare you to tell me I'm wrong for procreating with someone who isn't "pure".
Ayden Hernandez
portrayed as a whore in the movies unless she is being targeted, in that case she is shown as sensible and noble. She is paired with a degenerate White boyfriend who loses her to a nonWhite. White men are shown to be lazy disrespectful, and stupid unless he is being paired with a nonWhite. Then he is shown as sensible and heroic (Ref 23). This is Pavlov’s Operant Conditioning (Ref 24) used to social engineer Whites to committing genetic suicide. By using these method spread through ideology by the schools and reaffirmed in media which is funded by the government backed by laws this shows evidence of intent (Ref 25).
Immigration: In one generation the US went from over 90% White to 54.7%. The 1965 immigration act lead to the destruction US Whites. The fact is Whites never voted for this. The politicians took it upon themselves to do it. Since then Whites have voted in every president who ran on closing the borders. Yes, even Obama. The very fact they knew open borders
Adam Martinez
leads to the destruction of the host nation and kept doing it proves intent (Ref 26).
Genocide is happening: We are being targeted for extermination and people are openly denying it to make sure it happens. This is the evidence for it
>implying Asians aren't the group most discriminated against.
They're so discriminated against people don't even notice they're discriminating. The left LGBQPKKK group discriminates for their high earnings, high education levels and overall much better socioeconomic status over all minorities and whites while the right hate them because they're not white. Casual and serious racism against Asians is not talked about because it's not noticed. Asians don't pussy about and cry about shit like that unlike whites and shitskins.
Lucas Taylor
Anyone else really pissed off they were born in time for the biggest decline of the white race instead of at any other point in history where whites were prospering
And whites didn't pussy about and cry about it till now when it is becoming more and more evident that (((they))) want whites gone. Asians will be next. And who says we can't join forces with them to cull the shitskins?
Nathan Lee
Ending immigration won't do much except slow the inevitable by a couple of years. Even if all immigration, illegal and legal, completely stopped today it doesn't address the demographic and age problems we face.
A good way to look at it is the ethnic makeups of elementary school classes across the nation. Across the entire U.S. currently, the ration of non-whites to whites in elementary school is 52/48. As we age that is what the demographics of the country will start to shift towards as the more white generations also happen to be older and die off. Now we take into account birth rates once the white population finally stabilizes after 2050 and white births start to become equal to or greater than white deaths again. Minorities historically have more kids per capita than whites so while the white population will once again start growing in 2050 it will be at a slower rate than the minority population grows.
This isn't a dystonia or blackpill it's the current situation with historical precedent. It happened to the white Republican state of California and there is no going back to the point where that state is almost unrecognizable to what it was a generation or two ago. Texas will fall in our lifetimes and as a nation there is no turning back politically after that.
I can't because I fell in love with a Chinese girl.
Chase Ramirez
White Americans don't realize how bad it will get because this will be the first time a majority population has contracted in modern history while a minority population explodes.
We are all familiar with Detroit on Sup Forums and the concept of white flight and how it has ruined once thriving cities. But those are just a few bad cities here and there and can't possible happen in my comfy suburbia right? When the Boomers start to die off who is going to be buying these houses? There is less white people our age to buy them then boomers living in them currently. For every couple entering the housing market between 2030 and 2050 there will be 2.4 Boomers leaving due to death or old age. Once the estates pass off to surviving relatives or the banks they won't want to hold onto empty houses forever so they will start getting sold at lower prices to minorities just to make some amount of money and not pay property taxes on empty houses.
It will seem like there is white flight all over but few places left to move to. Look for way more gated/isolated communities. This is what people mean when they start to say we will resemble Brazil and their day to day lives.
Camden Gomez
> while a minority population explodes. Whites are a global minority Whites need to stop referring to non-whites as "minorities"
None of this actually refutes the argument that attempting to procreate like dumbass niggers is an idiotic reproductive strategy.
William Blake — 'The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow'.
Does this study address at all how the white postwar babyboom only was able to occur because of how succesful, prosperous, and bountiful the economy of the West was at the time?
Kevin Roberts
because women hate me and would make my life an inescapable misery
Kevin Watson
>Whites are a global minority I point this out to people whenever this topic comes up and they are always surprised
Chase Reed
Fucking kek is that Tyler the Creator? Whoever made that meme knew nigga is unironically gay for BWC.
Dominic Hughes
Hold the line Love isn't always on time
Sebastian Lee
We are going to survive.
Fryan Prophecy At last she opened her lips, and said: My eyes are dim, but the other light dawns upon my soul. Yes, I see it. Hear, Jrtha, and rejoice with me. At the time of the submersion of Atland, the first spoke of the Yule stood at the top. After that it went down, and our freedom with it. When two spokes, or two thousand years, shall have rolled down, the sons shall arise who have been bred of the fornication of the princes and priests with the people, and shall witness against their fathers. They shall all fall by murder, but what they have proclaimed shall endure, and shall bear fruit in the bosoms of able men, like good seed which is laid in thy lap. Yet a thousand years shall the spoke descend, and sink deeper in darkness, and in the blood shed over yon by the wickedness of the princes and priests. After that, the dawn shall begin to glow. When they perceive this, the false princes and priests will strive and wrestle against freedom; but freedom, love, and unity will take the people under their protection, and rise out of the vile pool. The light which at first only glimmered shall gradually become a flame. The blood of the bad shall flow over your surface, but you must not absorb it. At last the poisoned animals shall eat it, and die of it. All the stories that have been written in praise of the princes and priests shall be committed to the flames. Thenceforth your children shall live in peace. When she had finished speaking she sank down.
kek df is this? Germanic Child teaching Germanic Doggos to kill LEAFS
Nicholas Price
If the Russians offered visas to those of white European origin only to live in the Eastern territories and develop them would you participate Sup Forums?
Zachary Perez
Whites can't compete with other races on a level playing field.
At every point in history whites needed racist affirmative action policies to get ahead. This was repeated in th US (Asian Exclusion Act, Jim Crow), Australia(White Australia policy), South Africa(Apartheid).
As soon as whites have to compete on a level playing field, they start complaining about white genocide.
>mandated the segregation of public schools, public places, and public transportation, and the segregation of restrooms, restaurants, and drinking fountains for whites and blacks.
>The term White Australia policy comprises various historical policies that effectively barred people of non-European descent from immigrating to Australia.
>White poverty contradicted notions of racial superiority and hence it became the focus of "scientific" study. The report recommended that "employment sanctuaries" be established for poor white workers and that poor white workers should replace "native" black workers in most skilled aspects of the economy. >The authors of the report suggested that unless something was done to help poor whites racial deterioration and miscegenation would be the outcome. >The report raised serious questions for supremacists about white racial superiority. >Since poor whites were found to be in the same situation as natives in the African environment, the idea that intrinsic white superiority could overcome any environment did not seem to hold.
think about it this way, you were born in time to save the white race
David Flores
Non whites have their own countries. They should try to build their countries to be as good as white ones, not come and leech off the work of white people.
Soon whites will not have an ancestral home land because the EU is being run over by shitskins.
Brandon Moore
No real option to have children. Husband, who is all for pretending he cares about the survival of the white race, doesn't want to have children.
It's getting to the point where it's far too late for me.
But he loves to go on here and bitch about the niggers.
Liam Young
Thats true. I hope some sort of civil war happens before it's too late.
Gabriel Johnson
tits and timestamp, you know the drill
Owen White
White countries were the easyist for big business to get low taxes . They are gullible. African countries are asking for more in tax revenue from the Big mining corps. EU countries have very high personal income tax. and low corporate tax
Adrian Lee
I see civil war in the EU, or more like a three pronged civil war, but that is another book I can write later.
Isaac Butler
>WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT BREEDING WHITE BABIES BECAUSE I HAVE NO GF and have been fucked over by immigrant lefties, not in some indirect political way but directly, in my life. I am not fit for a woman at the moment, but the day i am, i will find one and have >3 children with her.