We are literally in an anime guys. - LOL
It says 2chan right there.
2ch ≠ 2chan
Fuck you I don't wear glasses
also nice close digits
Why are we fat?
I'm not a fat balding asian so no. That's not literally in an anime.
God, I fucking hate otakus.
So you're a fat balding american?
Hey guys look, someone made a comic about the Sup Forums girl!! looooool epic win for Sup Forums!
You're not asain. Got it.
Did some otaku offend your feelings, bicchi-san?
I'm an anorexic eastern european with beautiful, long, wavy hair actually.
She's going to stop them from spinning? Why are the acorns spinning by themselves in the first place?
Japanese acorns are weird, user.
Man, that guy hasn't changed at all.
Hmm, no sweetie. That's nothing like me.
whats this from
Nah, that's not us, probably 2ch or something.
We WERE in LWA though.
>Sweetieposting outside Sup Forums
More like our weird big bro did it.
triple dubs, nice
Don't browse Sup Forums then my dear friend.
>reddit the thread
ここにいる奴 全員を殺す
Nah, you're right. It straight up says にちゃんねる right at the top. I can't believe it got changed to 5ch though. What the fuck
This desu. I'm 6'2" tall, dark blonde haired, green eyes, /fit/zen
but I am
Based Trigger. Based Tattun.
>I can't believe it got changed to 5ch though.
Supposedly that was due to Hiroyuki potentially being able to successfully claim "2ch", and the other digits are mostly already taken.
If it was Sup Forums it would be full of anons saying that Sam Hyde is commiting all these murders.
Fuck off
You know sometimes I wonder if some of the people who I tell to kill themselves actually do it. I also wouldn't care if I found out it was about a hundred people.
kill yourself edgy nigger
2chan = reddit. Text only and more "normal".
2ch = Sup Forums. Imageboard and seen as creepy.
Would you really care if you found out how many idiots necked themselves because some retarded anonymous person on the internet told them to kill themselves?
Wasn't this a South Park episode?
Honestly, if they killed themselves after an anonymous poster on an autistic anime imageboard told them, it's probably not the first time they thought about it and they obviously had deeper seated issues.
You got that backwards.
"Kill yourself" is meaningless here, kind of like "autistic."
I don't know how I'd feel if I knew something I said pushed someone over the edge. But there are far worse things you can say.
I've experienced people directly contacting me online with the express intent of manipulating me into suicide. They have ways to get under a person's skin that go beyond "kill yourself faggot."
I miss this.