>"hey kamiyama does something seem off about the new student?"
"hey kamiyama does something seem off about the new student?"
I think it's a man eating alien bug.
this isnt even porn its just a bad horror
What a funny looking eyepatch
if its not porn then how come I fapped to it?
This needs to have an OVA. Is just too good to remain in the darkness.
I need to know about the world.
Are the bugs infected?
Where the bugs the first victims of a parasite?
Is it a virus? Was the infection on earth already or did it came from space?
a bunch of the chapters got released as "stage 1"
so im guessing we will find out in later stages
>This needs to have an OVA. Is just too good to remain in the darkness.
i dont think skullfucking snuff is popular enough to get an ova busget
that one hentai game something phoria got an anime,
and it had a girl being electrocuted to death as her bladder and bowels emptied as a scene.
monmusu quest of all things got an ova.
Screw that, I want to see flamethrowers, so far it's only been civilians, time to fight back.
Sure, have your porn to go with it, but give me more world building.
honestly if the people stopped panicking and actually thought about things, they wouldn't even need that
buckets of water mixed with detergent would have killed these things.
By the looks of it the outbreak took only a few hours and it was fatal, police and civilians where made prisoners, where experimented on or were simply terminated.
Only the military can establish an effective perimeter, and besides, we don't know how localized the infestation is, it could be world wide.
well the chick in the end was sleeping in a derelict building so it must have been going one for a long while at that point.
what i'd like to know is that hybrid looking thing , the teachers offspring or the teacher transformed,
if the latter does she retain any memory of her former life?
It seems an evolutionary trait. Bugs adapt really fast.
Is "the mist" all over again.
what im wondering what the thing in the OP is.
Is a bug that used a human as a pupa.
so its not the teacher,
why look at the mirror the way it did?
By doing so it became more "sentient". Just read the thing.
so that leaves the question if this proves the invaders themselves self aware, or if this is human self awareness being passed on as a trait.
fuck that movie
whats wrong with it?
I fapped my dick raw to this.
theres a tv show too irc
never watched it though
>went into this comic asking who the hell could fap to it
>fapped to it
i fapped to the orgy scene, the rest was just too weird/interesting to fap to it.
>i fapped to the orgy scene
if it was just that it would be fine,
but I got off to the fart scene and the last part where the girl got literally skullfucked.
the skullfuck stuff reminds me too much of that one brain bug alien in starship troopers to not laugh at it.
the one at the end wasn't sucking her brain out though,
its looks like it was manually stimulating the pleasure centers of her brain.
could have just been pumping a fuck ton of endorphins into her,
>[Desire to know more intensifies]
>porn with a plot
so this is where muvluv got that shit from
heres what i can at least assume,
the initial invaders were sucking out brains to study humans,
they then switch to using modified insects as foot soldiers and manipulating people using what they learned from the brains.
and next comes stage 2
On this, they might have got to that building because it was abandoned even before the invasion, what I find more telling is the body discomposing outside the building, it had larvae and was mildly swollen, assuming this is summer in japan that body must have had a good 2 weeks decomposing.
This gives us a window of a month since the first incident.
What happened to the teacher? did she become that ant or did she give birth to it.
she gave birth to herself
she is insect jesus
>On this, they might have got to that building because it was abandoned even before the invasion
due to shrinking population, creepy japanese ghostowns are a thing
>look for trap doujins
>get this because of that one crossdressing kid
I haven't been surprised like that in a long time. Still have no idea exactly what that bug was doing to them, I think it was switching their brains around and making them retarded fuck monkeys.
The best thing is that it's not even that rare in the 2D realm.
why is the poop and shots of their brain censored?
its not like thats the most obsene part of the manga.
Thanks to this thread I found about a past thread that somehow I missed, but the amount of nhentai links and lack of exlinks was definitely the most disturbing part.
>that one crossdressing kid
yeah I didn't see that coming.
What's scary is that I just finished fapping to this and then come to Sup Forums and find this thread.
>Stage 2
>20,000 years later
>bugs have skullfucked enough humanity they actually became smart
>created their own humanlike civilization
>hidden remains of humanity did cybernetic and genetic mutations to be even more monstrous and started fucking the bugs back
thx user, I was really confused on why she was so tiny
to what?
seriously its all just gore
mist is actually good movie
>to what?
Have you seen it in Black and White?
something hot about fear giving away to uncontrollable lust
is that it?
I do wonder if thats why i keep rereading this part.
wonder where they are going to go from there
user please, mosaics are a b&able offense
Do brains really require censorship?
brains is the lewdest organ
I can't find this, what is it?
I found it by image-searching the OP's panel. Fuck off.
Well I didn't you fucking shit faced asshole, you don't think I fucking tried that? Christ.
you made me check it just to proof you're wrong.
guess what fucker, literally third entry in Google search.
stop lying and do stuff yourself you baby
Euphoria is fairly vanilla.
How is anyone getting any sort of plot out of this? The art and the writing are so sloppy that it makes figuring out what the hell is going on damn near impossible. Seems like it's just blasting through every fetish in the book as fast as possible, with a few weird moments like the page from the OP that make it seem like there might actually be a bit more depth.
nothing wrong with her, she just a transfer student.
I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill 'em all!
That kinda reminds me of that one manga about cockroachmen looking like niggers.
Entoma, is that you?
Is this by the same group that did the one trypophobia manga?
Is this an actual manga or is it just giant bugs eating loli brains while they piss/shit themselves?
She's kinda cute
That doesn't sound vanilla
I little from column a and a little from column b
Google gives different results depending on your location, previous history and ISP. Not him but I have comcast and google absolutely refuses to backsearch any kind of manga page whatsoever and will only ever just list it as "cartoon" with 0 entries. I usually just use saucenao for porn and have to go into a Sup Forums archive and search for posts with the same exact manga page to find a saucefag who gives it away to actually find something.
id like to test this,
can we get a screenshot of this?
Google is tool for brainwashing and control of information flow.
Google does nothing
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
>look at tags
>its a whole thing
dare I walk down this dark path?
How is middle school treating you?
Don't forget to do your homework, it does improve your reading comprehension.
People have tested it as far as back as 2012. Just check the archives
Damn, you're right, this masterpiece of literature is just beyond my level.
>masterpiece of literature
>and ISP
ISP has nothing to do with it and you can evade google's behaviour filters by using an incognito tab to search (or your browser's equivalent).
On a raw incognito search, the source is one of the first results. Stop being a lazy and tech-illiterate shit, newfag.
>ISP has nothing to do with
if you paid attention to the news,
now its going to.