When's the next one? I miss watching Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku with Sup Forums.
Toradorafags need not apply.
When's the next one? I miss watching Urusei Yatsura and Maison Ikkoku with Sup Forums.
Toradorafags need not apply.
Other urls found in this thread:
Lupin when?
I'll have you know Toradora was a masterpiece and definitely not poorly written trash with nonsensical character motivations
Its very flawed, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying it every time I watch it
I want to watch Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu!
Is there a reason the Sup Forums watch channel jumps from UY episode 106 to 140 something?
Lum deserved more love.
Because the 3rd season (starts at 107) gets autoblocked on youtube and vid.me deleted the guy's account.
Why? It's because some copyright shit or something?
Are there still people interested in Sup Forumswatches? I tried to start a Patlabor stream to follow UY but it was a real challenge to try and get enough viewers to make it worthwhile.
Made in Abyss, Mob Psycho or Durarara!! IDK which yet.
Sup Forums watches Endless Eight when?
Or maybe Katanagatari?
Pajama jama da, or maybe it was the ED.
I comply with OP's request. More community streams please.
Fuck off idiot.
You cannot underestimate how much effort is required to keep the thread visible. If you think bumping every time it's on page 10 is enough, you won't get a consistent viewer intake.
Next one should be Rurouni Kenshin
Kill yourself
G Gundam?
I vote lupin aswell.
This would be a good choice in light of recent events
Is she naked?
I could never get into Urusei Yatsura
there is is Sup Forums watches playlist of this show on Youtube and the faggot skipped like 60 episodes. Add the rest you motherfucker.
Why would this be a good choice? So we can all destroy our nostalgic memories of it by rewatching in the light of the fucked up recent events?
I actually was just thinking today it'll be a weird and unpleasant experience to watch it again and the whole time you're knowing that he was into kiddy diddling...
Lupin III would be fucking fantastic
Sup Forums is too psychic sometimes, I started watching this two days ago for the first time and bam. a thread
It's when you don't notice something because you aren't aware of it, but once you are aware it crops up everywhere. I think it's called the frequency illusion.
I watched memories for the first time the other day, and bam saw it mentioned 3 times in different threads over the next 2 days. Seriously fucked with me. I also binge read Uzumaki last night, and my friend sent me this video to-fucking-day. Shits not ok.
Which jacket shall it be?
Friendly reminder you shouldn't be streaming the show after the Sup Forums watch stream ends and there should be no archives of the streams other than the livewatch threads.
Officially, this video is of a failed missile test.
What's the unofficial explanation?
The green one's pretty good. It's got my vote.
Green is objectively the best.
>Lum becomes the ultimate life form.
>Sex becomes useless.
Watch Ranma 1/2, it's by the same author.