Emiya Shioru has summoned the main character of the last anime you watched as his servant in the Holy Grail War. How far do they get?
Emiya Shioru has summoned the main character of the last anime you watched as his servant in the Holy Grail War...
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They all become broken and run out of oxygen.
Guess the character.
Does he summon just one of them or all 9 from Aquors?
Either way, better hope for a kiseki.
>Houseki no Kuni
Oh. Oh no. Master Scholar is going to fuck everything up.
>Emiya summoned Rinas his servant
I know fuckall about fate right now starting to get into UBW the series right now but I doubt they'd get far. The summoning itself would be hilarious.
She can fight... kind of....
>Emiya Shioru has summoned the main character of the last anime you watched as his servant in the Holy Grail War. How far do they get?
I just watched an episode of Dragon Ball Super, so he won this shit completely.
Emiya summons Emiya who summons Emiya who summons Emiya
You tell me.
This nigga gonna goof and let his guard down, Shiro will lose
You know this would happen on the first night.
>autistic sword meets another autistic sword, then meets the older cynical autistic sword
How bad the sword autism can go if we go UBW route?
How far could a rinnegan awakened Sylfin take Shiro? Serious question.
A Trail of Blood.
Well the mother of the MC did a shady thing, now he's stuttering and can't get mix pizza but is stuck with fried octopus.
Well for Emiya it's a complete loss.
Nah. Rin will hit him with a Gandr and he'll die of heart disease.
But then someone would shove a sensu bean up Goku's ass, but really I think that even Yamcha, or Tien would be able to handle anyone from fate/.
pretty gud id say
Dumb secondary.
I'm trying
If they can get along, pretty well actually.
I just watched the wormslut movie.
I guess he summons himself?
They won't get anywhere cause they'll keep fighting over who gets to do stupidly suicidal things to protect the other
I'm pretty sure Shirou would be doing all the work with Phos as his servant.
At least he gets best waifu...
Asta from Black Clover? Does his sword destroy all servants since they're all magic?
He'll manage
>Mahoutsukai no Yome
So he'll either summon Chise or Bone Daddy as Caster. He might have a chance with the latter depending on how much plot armour the summoned Saber has, but Chise probably won't get him very far as she is right now in the anime.
Would Shirou become part of Ararararagi's harem?
Araragi would become part of Shirou's harem.
>He summons Guts
Shirou kills himself out of embarrassment since his servant has a literal micropenis.
I guess Soma and Shioru can have a cookoff before they die.
Wouldn't he summon Phos?
Which...yeah they're both screwed.
They would each become part of the others harem. There's nothing in a grail war that could stop such a thing.
I don't know he get Touma from Index they could win, could both die because of Touma bad luck or start beating each other up because Touma wouldn't think Shioru was living his life correctly
Shirou gets killed while Araragi spends the entire fight talking to himself about some pseudo-intellectual bullshit and tilting his head.
>Noble Phantasm: IQ limiter
>only those of above 250 IQ are capable of fighting with or against him
I think he'll do fairly well.
They job to the last remaining servant despite the odds being stacked in their favor.
Shioru is mess over because Shinji will not get in the robot.
>Diamond is unbreakable
Josuke gets his shit wrecked by every servant, but pulls some shit out of his at the last second and wins every time.
>because Touma wouldn't think Shioru was living his life correctly
You're kidding right? Shirou is a bigger moral fag than Touma.
He gets shanked by Lancer because no saber means no Avalon which means no regen.
He will be no longer a self-insert then.
I guess you never were NT9
I mean read
Rin saves him from his initial stabbing, not Avalon. No Avalon means his projection mage craft is probably trash though.
Would Shirou let her fight?
>Emiya Shirou summons Emiya Shirou
Uh oh.
I guess you never read the Fate VN.
The servant doesn't matter, as Emiya has the power of justice so he can fuck any servant, literally and figuratively
This shounen protagonist faggot.
At the very least they would probably be compatible as far as their ideals are concerned I guess.
I was not talking about the Heaven Feel Route.
Nah Shitrou will only ruin her just like ruined Fate.
Shirou live for about 5 second before he die and before he could use a command seal
Rebuild Evangelion.
Mmmm I gues than Shinji is OP as fuck and his wish is meet Rei and Kaworu again.
Shinhi vs Gilgamesh sound fun.
Brain problems
Nah shinji is the king of lilins.
He woul be ok.
He's pretty screwed.
Auto win.
Last anime I watched is Gochiusa so she is dead.
Rather than that, what if Shirou summoned Tatsuya Shiba?
>accidentally summons Sieg.
Oh my fucking god! How could this happen?! Well shit.
Nike would do decently I think. Kukkuri would be aged up in order to make h-scenes possible, and thus unable to use magic and therefore useless.
His projection was never reliant on Avalon, was it? He didn't have it at the end of stay/night but still managed to project it.
They die...
>Yukihira Soma
Dunno about the Grail War but food orgasms are in order. Maybe he can mellow Gilgamesh a bit huh? The Holy Grail War will become the Holy Grail Banquet and everyone can just chill while eating good food...sigh..
>i'm such a fat fuck
You dumb motherfucker
Shiro fights Kenshin over Illya.
>berserker class
They win and Tomoko gets her wish of boys harem granted.
Shioru becomes part of the harem and gets cucked by Tomoko.
>summons Saitama
Well then. This is going to be interesting.
Goku, so I think I win.
>You want me to do WHAT?
>Jeez, don't know that .. oh never mind.
>I guess it is what it is. Where's the sake?
>Ren Fujii
He's won. Not even Gil stands a chance
Depends on how the writer is able to twist the things related to the MC into broken-as-fuck Noble Phantasms.
There's a Trail of Blood anime?
Rin's not the MC
But she never goes berserk, she just thinks she totally could at any moment, but in reality she's far too shy and mild-mannered to do anything to stand out like that.
This was the last thing I watched:
I honestly have no idea.
>lucky star
He wins because no one would dare harm this precious creature.
>summons Lelouch as his servant
>Lelouch uses geass to turn Shiroe into his servant
>world domination ensues
They have guns, but aside from that I don't think they stand much of a chance.
>no one would dare harm this precious creature.
Would Aragira be able to find the Illya route?
>what are growers
This is my wallpaper.
Dicklets, they're called dicklets.
Araragi would see Illya walk by and attempt to grope and lick her. He's not a lolicon though it's just banter.
Would be wierd, considering that this is his Nasuverse counterpart.
Last anime I watched was the Heaven's Feel movie, so Shirou would summon himself, meaning Shirou summons Redman. So, they just immediately try to kill each other, unless shit goes south like in Heaven's Feel, then they work together and Double Unlimited Blade Works.
The best incarnation of servant!Lelouch happens in Fate: Zero Requiem where he gets summoned as assassin for Kirei. Sadly its abandoned, just when the banquet of kings was gonna start.
>gets Bolg'd/Baasaaka'd on the first night
His geass ain't shit in the world where Illya can do the same trick on command in addition to a bunch of other magic.
They're fucked, Sakura will get jealous because she'll do all the housework.
>They won't get anywhere cause they'll keep fighting over who gets to do stupidly suicidal things to protect the other
Nah, he'll just try to kill himself.
Shirou would keep getting him confused with Shinji.
What if instead of anime Lelouch, he summons Nightmare of Nunnally Lelouch?
NoN anime when?
A Caster/Rider/Assassin hybrid I imagine
Thats not how classes work.
It is when you're Semiramis who has a skill that says fuck you to the summoning system and lets her pretend to be a Caster while being Assassin.