What would Kenshin think of his creator now?
What would Kenshin think of his creator now?
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A honorable man that should be forgiven.
Seriously though, why is everyone demonizing this guy as if he were worse than Hitler? He had a bunch of porn, big fucking deal. I don't see the need of banning his works everywhere and people shitting on him just because he likes to masturbate to kids.
So much for tolerance and diversity. When it's a minority that can't be monetized as well they're the worst kind of monsters and degenerates.
Considering Kenshin is 2D, I'm sure he'd remind him that 2D>3D.
He would be proud. Kaoru was underage for almost all the series.
Not even bait. I'm seriously asking why would you let sales go to shit because of some faggot's fetish he's been doing for who knows how much time.
Kaoru was already old and busted by Watsuki's standards
He wouldn't care since it was normal back than.
Because it wasn't just any porn, it was CP.
Now, if you don't see why that happens to be a big deal, you may be beyond help.
That being said, from what I understand, the man acquired that porn sometime before 2014, which is when acquiring CP became illegal.
That being said, law aside, his are still very questionable morals.
I know why he's going to prison, i don't know why they're trying to erase him from the face of Earth. His punishment for storing CP is prison, why do everyone else is going these lengths to delete everything related to him?
Even worse, why do some faggots here say "wah, every time i am reminded of Rurouni Kenshin i'll think of CP". It's two completely unrelated issues.
Is he Shinto?
Not familiar with that faith
I think it's because people cannot comprehend that them supporting his work with cash resulted in him buying CP with that cash
Can we get a Hall of Anal Devastation 4 over this?
Same reason no one has hitler art, by which i mean, art hitler made himself.
For the same reason people from Hollywood are trying to distance themselves from those who have been accused of sexual abuse.
It's about taking a moral stance - not necessarily because they actually care, but mainly so that the people in general see that they're not taking sides with the offender.
Ever heard of this thing called PR?
From a business perspective it makes total sense. Still maintaining a relationship with someone who admitted to owning cp and that he found girls in that age range to be attractive would give the public eye that they are condoning his actions. Like 'hey yeah he probably diddles kids too but we're cool with that.' While that part is pure speculation, you can't deny he admitted to his fetish.
I was a huge fan of the original series and still am, but I do not want to support him moving forward with any new material. But honestly I think his career is over thanks to this so there is likely no chance of ever hitting a semblance of the amount of fame he once had.
>why do everyone else is going these lengths to delete everything related to him?
What is being deleted and where?
As far as I know just any of the digital media Viz has put out.
>It's about taking a moral stance
That's what they want you to think while they go add another layer of protection on their CP stash and hope their sexual assaults don't get found out
I'm sure there are plenty of Neo-Nazis who would pay hefty sums for those.
His war crimes aside, his art wasn't even particularly remarkable either.
Some people see art as the extension of the creator. So when they find out about Watsuki's CP scandal they believe associating with his work means a direct association with him.
It wasn't even porn, just some shoots of 15 years old girls. You probably can see worse things than what he bought on instagram, for free.
>Can we get a Hall of Anal Devastation 4 over this?
I know about the first 2, but what's 3?
>That's what they want you to think
Exactly, just as and said, it's all about PR.
It's basically the companies washing their hands and saying "I've got nothing to do with this shit".
>But honestly I think his career is over thanks to this so there is likely no chance of ever hitting a semblance of the amount of fame he once had.
The sad thing is, until this new Kenshin series came out, no one gave a fuck about him since the original RK. No other manga he penned after that ever came close to RK in terms of popularity and fame. The Hokkaido arc was his very last and best chance, and he fucked it up. He's absolutely done after this news.
Yeah, the problem when you're a public figure is that you're under this type of scrutiny.
People have to learn the difference between the art and the creator.
That's why I still eat at subway, watch Bill Cosby, and listen to thriller!
It's horrible the stuff people do, but I'm still going to enjoy myself.
Besides, only God can judge, and last time I heard I don't believe myself to be a God.
It's so ridiculous. This shit was perfectly legal a few years ago.
>It wasn't even porn, just some shoots of 15 years old girls.
Where did you hear that?
Jesus, do you even listen to yourself?
>This shit was perfectly legal a few years ago.
And then the Nips finally wised up.
What happened about subway?
Well, yeah, but laws can changed based on how morality is perceived at the time.
Sometimes for better or sometimes for worse.
In this case, outlawing CP is a good thing.
Watsuki fucked up.
Where did you hear otherwise?
He would end his non-killing vow in order to kill his Re:Creator.
I asked first. Where did you hear that specific detail?
It doesn't make sense to destroy his career because of something that wasn't even considered a big deal a few years ago.
Yes, i know very well what i say. What i don't understand is why you faggots keep preaching "MUH SEXUAL DIVERSITY. I CAN FUCK TO WHATEVER I WANT" Well, turns out some people like masturbating to kids, doesn't mean they raped them, doesn't necessarily mean they payed for it either. You don't see these kind of witchhunts when it comes to drugs, which cause more serious problems that actually deal with death and torture of countless people, and not just one thing that happened as a kid and which people move on after.
ITT: Pedos come to the rescue of a pedo
The spokesman Jared was sentenced to 12 years in prison for raping an underage girl
The fact that it wasn't a "deal" doesn't mean it wasn't wrong.
Of all the possible things, it's CP - even if they were pics of 15yp (which I'm not sure), it's still pics of underage.
Laws changed, the old man didn't wise up and got v&, simple as that.
What are the chances of him killing himself?
>it was CP
They were nude pictures of young kids.
He didn't have videos, and the site that was taken down supposedly had shoots of teenage models. Not necessarily good, but not brutalized kids level of bad. I always check Sup Forums in incognito mode, so I can't even find which one of all the articles I read, but it was the only one who gave any kind of detail.
>You don't see these kind of witchhunts when it comes to drugs
Ah, Christ, you're that retard from the other thread. Can't you just fuck off and stop spouting your bullshit?
Familial suicide with his wife and kids while burning his house down / 10
>I always check Sup Forums in incognito mode, so I can't even find which one of all the articles I read,
So, it's bullshit. Good to know.
Yeah, but you're omitting something important. Not only the man got v&, everyone else is chimping out about it as well and nobody is regulating this.
For a matter this sensible the least that could have been done is keep it in privacy. This public bullying is an unregulated punishment far bigger than what the crime deserves.
Read it for yourself!
Considering Kenshin was 32 and Kaoru was 16/17 he wouldn´t really care. I would be more worried about Saito and his aku zoku zan.
All the report says is that he had a DVD with pics of nude girls under 15yo.
How about you start explaining your selective morality instead of trying to hammer down your retarded normalshit dogma on everyone here.
>it was only nude pictures of young kids
>not CP
Why are you trying so hard?
So what, pictures of a newborn is CP to you? Pictures of a kid bathing in a bucket is CP to you?
This fucking people, seriously.
Neo-Nazis aren't the only ones who collect that shit.
I could care less if my favorite mangaka came out as a pedophile one day. You can't choose to be a pedo, it's a mental illness. If they buy/download videos of kids getting raped though, that becomes really conflicting. On one hand, he's not producing the CP himself, if he didn't buy any of those DVDs then it's actually pretty harmless. On the other, he went out of his way to get those videos when there are better alternatives. like lolicon or even porn of a midget woman pretending to be a kid. Stuff that's obviously scripted and doesn't involve actual children being harmed. It's pretty fucked up if you get off to real people being hurt. A prison sentence isn't going to fix anything though, what Watsuki really needs is therapy and some drugs to un-fuck himself.
He kept teasing it with the one shots over the past few years, which the most recent being fantastic. And the fact the characters featured in them appeares on this new series has be under the impression he had planned to do this new arc while working on these one off stories.
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't he admit he ended the original run mostly due to running out of ideas on how to continue the story?
Shouldn't have hoarded hundreds of DVDs de gozaru-yo!
Virtue signaling.
How about you stop trying to defend a pedo by screaming
Sure, but no one will ever get that as people love to demonize this issue and just shit on some guy with problems to feel self-righteous.
He would tell him he's a disgrace and to face his punishment like a man, and to do something to atone for his actions when he gets out.
Also he'd remind him to stick to 2D
some of those whores moot used to hang with and not score with should accuse him of sexual harassment and close down Sup Forums that would be funny
The irony is that you're being the self-righteous one right now.
>Let's ignore the big issues that would lead to greater quality of life and focus on this inane shit
Are you running for politician?
Funny because a lot of the shit was obvious or everyone knew.
Depends on the context. Usually nude without intercourse counts as softcore.
Why, just because i don't spout the same bullshit like cattle?
No one's ignoring drug use, though. Just because you condemn one thing doesn't mean you can't condemn anything else. You're just trying to shoehorn drugs into this argument to justify being a pedo.
If you think it's about self-righteousness, you must be rather retarded.
Most people simply don't want to support someone who was confirmed to own CP. It's as simple as that.
Everybody knew, but no one stepped up - for a variety of reasons, like lack of social networks, power relationships and society didn't pay attention to what actors did back then.
However, that doesn't mean the affected parties were happy about what happened, and now that they found a chance to strike back, they took it.
Except that's exactly what you're doing. You're bringing poorly thought-out arguments and relying on false equivalencies because you think they contextualise the points in your favour but they only end up making you look like a hypocritical jackass.
He's a famous murderer who lived in an era where fucking little girls was still not only commonplace but pretty much necessary to some degree for keeping the race alive so I can't imagine there'd be vast discrepancies over the debacle.
>Most people simply don't want to support someone who was confirmed to own CP.
Then why doesn't the government just take his royalties and let him finish the fucking story.
>like lolicon or even porn of a midget woman pretending to be a kid.
That's like saying futanari is an outlet for Homosexuals.
If photographed at the cooresponding angle then yes, it's highly perverted and sexual.
How did he get caught?
>It's just pictures of nude girls!
Yeah, pictures that are in 100 copies of DVDs confiscated from his office. Look, I know you guys love RK, but Watsuki is a shitbag. Deal with it. inb4 where the 100 DVDs look it up
that's because hitler's art is trash
If he owns the rights to RK, he can finish it as a webcomic, because I doubt any publisher will want to work with him. Why? That's already been discussed in this thread.
because japs want to show that they bow to their western lords
lol that's just retarded.
There's always comiket.
That's assuming he even manages to get a space.
>Sup Forums of all places acting like he raped toddlers
I see Sup Forums has had a replacement of the userbase too
Why wouldn't he? I doubt the shameless people who attend and pretty much the average EEEEEEEEHHHH????? japanese guy would give a shit about any of this, considering being a pedo is pretty much part of otaku culture these days.
you can be sure that most of the well known artists and musicians enjoyed plowing several dozens of 13yo girls during their lifetime
from rockstars to painters like raphael, picasso, rodin
Since when did fans ever care about or even know who the fuck a mangaka is to even care, much less even know who Watsuki is?
I bet you anything most people didn't even know who Watsuki was up until this press release. Fuck off plebeian trash.
>pay to watch others raping kids
Gee, I can just hire a hitman to kill some guy. I'm clean!
if you pay to watch people get killed you're clean. yes
It says nothing about kids being raped.
>implying there was any penetration and it wasn't just naked 15 year olds
Pay to watch the news, guilty of all crimes shown.
Pay to watch a sc-fi movie, you just comited genocide against an entire planet.
Pay to watch sports, angry you didn't get paid millions for participating.
Otaku are irrelevant. It's the management the ones who ultimately get to decides who gets in and who doesn't, and they may not want Comiket under public scrutiny for allowing him in.
Not to mention that, much like people here, plenty of Nip otaku also draw a clear line between 2D loli and actual children.
>it's totally softcore stuff in that 100!
He has a daughter and if he wants to see nudes, he can easily go for the usual father-daughter bonding in the bathroom.
That's an argument as shitty as saying if you want to see naked women, go watch your mom in the bathroom.
You're really pushing the boundaries of retardedness.