Holy shit I'm wasted

Holy shit I'm wasted

I wanna stab Swedes

Attached: peps.jpg (514x859, 75K)

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Minäkin, serkku. Minä lentään sinua. Aion tuoda oman puukko myös.

Attached: 1473884634405.png (1193x869, 193K)

What was your posion?

My guess is Koff. Sup Forums Finns seem fond of Koff.

no don't. please dont. ahhhhh oh no not the sweedies

hah translate ei oikein osaa suomea

Do you want to start a Fight Club? We could meet up once in a while and just fight.

Attached: primitiivi spurdo.png (404x501, 378K)

Minun suomen kielen taitoni on houno, joo.

>Physical contact with another person.

[Shudders in Finnish]

Attached: 1472931046386.gif (500x400, 248K)

Attached: 1521543670693.jpg (625x421, 55K)

Put down the vodka and calm down, Lalli

Stand Still, Stay Silent reference?

Attached: kaljapeippo.jpg (700x467, 113K)

Suomi tuhoaa Ruotsin. Kaikki pakolaiset tapetaan Skandinaviassa.
Katso nämä numerot.

Perkele! Just do it my, Asian friend!

I know that feel.

Google translate ei ole toimiva suomen kielen kohdalla, luovuta ja hirtä itsesi.

Attached: jumalauta.jpg (401x391, 28K)

It's a good thing you live 500 km away from the nearest person.

No we don't have problems with physical contact when necessary. Fighting, and bathing in sauna are two common examples where physical contact is not really a problem.

Attached: truu sauna meno.jpg (1166x1026, 155K)

Both have alcohol involved. Sauna experience is not complete without a cold beer.

is sauna really good or does it age people faster?

>Google translate is not working in Finnish, give up and grab yourself.

What did he mean by this?

Ilmatyynyalukseni on täynnä ankeriaita, nuori sisar.

Pic related is 48 years old and has a sauna every day.

Attached: FinlandIsStuckIn1989.jpg (736x1104, 223K)

Google translate does not work properly with finnish language, give up and hang yourself.

Forgot to mention
>Also has plastic surgery every day.

worked for me

You'd still let her give you a Cleveland Steamer if it meant you could make with the sexy times with her.

Muslims have all the fun.

god to know then we are two, put the knife in the drawer though. you don't need to stab people, just put it in the drawer ok?


it hurts

why does Finland make great butter?
white people = clean, high standards = better quality butter.


you're never going to see a commercial like this for butter or other goods made in shithole 3rd world countries like mexico.

p.s. i'm actually vietnamese and a big fan of Finland.

p.p.s. fuck sweden, the most cucked country.

>The finn in its natural state

Danish butter is known to be the best though.
Just facts.

Attached: GoatButter.jpg (440x440, 88K)

He loogs like a fooging legende :D:D