/leftypol/ please expain!

Attached: lambo.jpg (610x409, 55K)

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did the fake lamborghini constantly live with constant dysphoric illusions that he's an actual lamborghini throughout his life?

It's as gay as gay as trannies.

Possibly, I don't know the car personally.

well you need to understand being trans is a mental condition, and objects don't really have them. i can't begin to convince you they're women otherwise

How does that translate to the physical/physiological reality though? Can we agree on the fact that there actually exists such a thing as biological sex?

fucking world star bants gaynon. here you go

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Did you just assume its make and model?

I don't understand what point this is trying to make.
Also why be specific about MtF?

that's where and why the whole sex/gender dichotomy starts. for example, a mtf is sexually and organically male, but their brains make them behave as females - their state of mind is female. i believe this is called gender, and a lot of semantical confusion can come from it.

This is a beautiful Lambo you Autophobe.

Far as I know most FtM's don't get parts added on surgically, just taken off. Most of their changes are achieved 'naturally' through hormone therapy. (Putting a women on 'roids would have a similar/comparable effect.) Also their results tend to be more convincing.

Holy shit that’s a fucking excellent argument

No it's not, people are not cars and genders are not brands.

Can a Toyota ever become/be made a Ferrari though?

So we can agree on the fact that when talking about biological sex (like any sensible person not sent astray by ideology would) MtF transsexuals are per definition 100% male?

certain parts of the brain of trans women (mtf) are closer to that of cis women than actual men, but for the most part, they're male on all sex accounts, yes. i don't know where you're going with this, though.

Can a Toyota ever become/be made a Ferrari though?
Probably not, but you can get one to outrun one if you've got a 2JZ or 1JZ with the bulletproof manual transmissions of the past. I still can't believe these things can take thousands of horsepower. Toyota really outdid themselves that time.

Depends what part of the car you consider to be the car. You can put a toyota engine in a ferrari chassis.

>certain parts of the brain of trans women (mtf) are closer to that of cis women than actual men,

How could you possibly know there aren't many males with similar looking brains comfortably living perfectly normal male lives?

>Depends what part of the car you consider to be the car.
The whole.

what is this car?

Good luck getting insured for a plastic kit car. I wouldn't be caught dead in a fake lambo. Or in a trap for that matter.

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those certainly exist, though. they don't invalidate the tendency i described though, that would be scientifically silly to say. do you want me to get the studies or?

Noddy special. Death trap edition

link me, i wanna know more about this knock off lambo bodykit


>a plastic kit car.

Attached: plastic.jpg (717x478, 99K)

it's steel?


wow its funny because you made the text larger XD XD XD XD

fiero with a body kit

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>they don't invalidate the tendency i described though,
Would you call these people less of a male because you perceive a part of their anatomy (parts of their brain to be exact) to look a way you feel is typically feminine?

that's misconstruing it. i consider them less male but it's certainly not because they just have different brain parts. i do account for it, but it's dishonest to not include the whole package, full with the implications that derive from having a different brain physiology. they're also characterized by irregular gender identity and behavior, which is a significant part of gender expression and why i consider them part of their desired gender.

A well reasoned line of logic is ignored. Portugal is afraid

I think most people outside of liberal arts colleges agrees that your either biologically male or female. They want to divide us and then (((they))) want to conquer us with trivialities like this that have absolutely zero impact on the collective

absolutely brainlet tier

>they're also characterized by irregular gender identity and behavior
No we were talking about a different group here:
You wrote:
>certain parts of the brain of trans women (mtf) are closer to that of cis women than actual men
To which I replied:
>How could you possibly know there aren't many males with similar looking brains comfortably living perfectly normal male lives?
To which you finaly said:
>those certainly exist, though. they don't invalidate the tendency i described though,

In short: the group we were talking about displays perfectly normal male behavior but shares the physiological trait you labeled/assigned as feminine.

>being trans is a mental condition
absolutely - they are mental

lol yes. looks like low grade carbon steel, too. what a fucking catastrophic waste of time.

that or it's really dirty cardboard which is slighty higher quality than chinese steel

Noone could ever be sarcastic with a meme flag, user

yes, but they're an outlier group like i said. this trait isn't a binary, you're going to always end up with people like these when you examine wildly differing brain forms and sizes. i don't get this.

>yes, but they're an outlier group like i said. this trait isn't a binary, you're going to always end up with people like these when you examine wildly differing brain forms and sizes. i don't get this.

So is there or isn't there a certain part of the brain you by looks judge to be either feminine or masculine?

Actual leftypol comrade here, is right. We really don't give a fuck about identity politics. It's a tool the elites use to divide the working men. See pic related.

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there is a part of the brain we can look towards for feminine and masculine traits.

Absolutely I know the real commies could give a fuck. The ones dumb enough to buy that shit are the first that are sent to the gulag. The commies don't have time for their drivel and outspoken attitude. Revolution takes a centralized force that is United. Stupid shit like this won't fly

Responding to myself to add. That's why Trotsky was such a failure and got ice picked. Couldn't unite and get things accomplished when people won't shut up.

>there is a part of the brain we can look towards for feminine and masculine traits.
That as we have just agreed on doesn't have to mean anything.

What you are advocating for is a jargon that describes nothing based on essentially meaningless observations of obscure bits of physiology while willfully ignoring a long list of instantly visible physiological traits, that requires you to bend over backwards when formulating anything as not to contradict yourself.

Don't you find this to be extremely weird?


Thanks man. To be honest, I think pol and leftypol shouldn't be such enemies. We both see the decline of our society from popular consumer culture, job loss, falling wages and a government for sale. We both want to defend the power of the ordinary guy. We're not so different, us and you.

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>We both want to defend the power of the ordinary guy
So you're not for "No borders, no nations" then? Might I ask what your stance on (mass) migration is?

I agree. It's important to study the left and right. Lenin was a great leader when you look into it. He learned from his mistakes and corrected them accordingly. Im definitely no communist but cooperation is important.

Ones a car and the other is a person.

Next question.

Astute observation, please explain your position further.

But a fake Ferrari...

put me in the edit XD

why does it not mean anything? because individuals who aren't dysphoric can have it? i already explained to you twice why that's incorrect.
environmental factors affect brain development at early ages. transgender individuals start to experience dysphoria in early childhood. it's not "obscure physiology bits" they're not born with female brains. dysphoria happens because of the disconnect between body and a mind which has been environmentally altered. this isn't a coincidence.

My take on the recent mass migration? I'm not excited about the possibility of potentially radical Muslims coming in such large numbers that they strain the social fabric, I don't blame them. I only blame the bourgeois class.
By donating and funding politicians who repeatedly poke the hornets nest that is the Middle East, they caused this, and they're loving it, because they can use the refugees as pawns in their game. They'll use the cheap labor to undercut European wages, and the mass frustration about the creepy crawly brown people'll keep us divided and thus powerless.
I'm really glad that someone cares to hear our side. Far too often, we've been forced to the edges of the political discourse.

Interesting opinion. What brand of communism do you prefer. For example stalinism, maoism, leninism, or a more modern Chinese approach?

If you didn’t think you were wrong you wouldn’t have such a one track mind.

>i already explained to you twice why that's incorrect.
No you didn't. You merely called it an outlier group once without any sort of evidence for this. Which by the way even if it were an outlier group still wouldn't mean anything, and you dismissing it as such is absurd.

Remind me, what are transpeople again to the entire population?

Thanks. I only used the Commie flag on here because it's the closest. I support Market Socialism, wherein businesses can still exist but they're all run democratically by the workers. Btw China is not communist. They're actually more capitalist than we are, given how little power the workers have there.
What's your ideology?

Attached: only_communism_can_make_indians_poo_in_loo.png (1145x1133, 887K)

Bitch, car people know that cars have souls.

>and the mass frustration about the creepy crawly brown people
Don't do that man, you seem to know a lot better. Their presence here, because of their views/culture/religion would be just as unwanted if they had looked like Scandinavians.

And I'll do you one better: mass migration from western nations would be bad as well as it too would undermine a country's people or the working men you spoke of.

If you're against the division sown by identity politics then why are you furthering this in your rhetoric?

Don't use that scammy image idiot. Most of the area you circled host the maximum tribal population of India.

Madarchod mallu Nair scum

Awfully specific issue. You got some kind of shit fetish?

I used to be libertarian until I realized it is a week idiology. It's great but in times like this it is not practical. We need a stronger system to direct things more. Economically I favor capitalism with controlled market aspects for large businesses. Socially im traditional in some areas and liberal in others. I honestly don't know. I vote based on the candidate but I just can't vote for the left now a days. They have become so corrupt and the propoganda is blatant. Also the idological subversion from a lot of the left is scary and I think it needs to be stopped. So in right wing socialist. Kind of facist without the whole genocide thing.

Because it's not identity politics to not hate a group of people. Be honest; most of the uproar around the migrants is focused on race and ethnicity. When it should be focused on economics. Like I said, they're being used by pic related.
Can't handle a little banter, Pajeet?

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>Be honest; most of the uproar around the migrants is focused on race and ethnicity.
Not in my circles. But on Sup Forums sadly you might actually have a point.

i legitimately hoped your intelligence was high enough to understand not everyone has the exact same size and that it's not a binary value of m/f brain. you can't be possibly be this scientifically illiterate, come on. do you understand how data sampling works? statistics? i'd like you to prove to me having >X brain size automatically and without failure means Y, which not even i do, because that's the thing you're trying to prove

>Remind me, what are transpeople again to the entire population?
good thing we aren't studying the demographic amounts of trans people? we have a moderate amount of trans people everywhere to conduct reliable science experiments on. you're really bad at non-sequiturs

Well, at least you admit it's mental illness. It's strange that you seem to advocate for enabling it, rather than curing it.

This.Also OP seems to have overlooked bengal and tripura which were essentially shitholes when the commies were in power.Bengal's share of the national gdp went from around 10% to around 1% during the 30+ years of commie rule.Also stating that commies have anything to do with reducing open defecation is bullshit .

it's like being gay. doctors have found out that despite it being a socially bad thing, it's not really curable (trying to turn gay into straight and fixing the brain of trannies) with any sort of reliable success rate. they did this for gay people 60 years ago, and they've come around to realize it for trans people relatively recently.

Right, because that totally works when the workers find out that there is no incentive to work hard. In fact, there is a negative incentive in the form of watching Jamal get the same 'income' as you, even if they're a lazy sack of shit that produce half the widgets you do in the same period of time.

>to not hate a group of people.
Is it wrong to fear a religion that proposes a genocidal pedophile warlord as its timeless perfect example to all men? That dictates homosexuals be thrown from the tallest building and stoned to death in case they survive?

Would it be morally wrong to hate such a religion? To hate it followers? Just those that are vocally in support of these corporal punishments? Those that refuse to condemn the fucking of 9 year old aisha? Those that refuse to condemn current day arranged child marriages? Those that do condemn all of those things but are vigilant against any sort of criticism of Islam and thus are furthering islamism even if they don't intend to?

You tell me.

Just saying, short of abusing the NOT mentally ill, by using the law to force them to take part of the fantasy, you don't actually help them at all.

At best, you have some short term success by chopping their dick off, but then gradually reality sets in, the reality that they'll either be fetishized by other mentally ill people, or looked at with disgust by the men that KNOW they are not women.

I think it would be far more humane to try and get them to just live as gay men. Or gay women as the alternative.

>i legitimately hoped your intelligence was high enough to understand not everyone has the exact same size and that it's not a binary value of m/f brain. you can't be possibly be this scientifically illiterate, come on. do you understand how data sampling works? statistics? i'd like you to prove to me having >X brain size automatically and without failure means Y, which not even i do, because that's the thing you're trying to prove

You're starting to throw around a lot of insults are you getting angry?

I actually considered formulating my post more precisely to prevent this sort of semantic nonsense but i didn't think I'd have to.

Sadly I was wrong so especially for you, ejoy.

>So is there or isn't there a certain part of the brain you by looks judge to be either feminine or masculine?

you can read as

>So is there or isn't there a certain part of the brain you by looks judge to be either feminine or masculine (leaning)?

There you go. Please feel better.

Yeah, the idpol's quite strong here. If we stopped giving a shit about nonsense like race or gender or sex, we could really do great things.

It's a way to keep us from realizing we're being used.

That's not how it works at all. Under socialism/communism, you and workers like you own the means of production (things that make a profit, like factories), meaning that nobody pays you a wage, If you're lazy, you just end up producing nothing.

The american left is basically just capitalistic exploitation with rainbows painted on it. Socialist/communist fascism exists, it's called Strasserism. If you're feeling especially memey you can check out the Nazbols, the National Bolsheviks, who are basically commie nazis. If you have more questions, go to leftypol and ask politely, and they'll help you out.

Fucking spam filter made me "reformat" my post, so sorry for the reddit spacing.
Well, I'm going to sleep now. If you're curious at all about our beliefs, always feel free to ask us at /leftypol/.

Good night, comrades.

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One of the foundations of communism is that everyone gets pretty much the same shit. If you allow person A to work hard, and get more because they are able to work more, you just end up with capitalism pretty fucking fast.

Or at the very least, you have person A able to retire before person B could, and suddenly everything collapses when you only have slow fucks still ' in the system'.

Or are you suggesting that no one would get to retire, especially not the productive ones?

I was gonna go to sleep but I couldn't stop myself from coming back for more. First off, I am not a communist, I am a socialist. Since a workplace would be democratically run, workers that don't do their fair share would be voted out of the cooperative enterprise. Jamal who makes half as many widgets would be voted off the island. The problem with capitalism isn't that some people have things others don't, but that those that have the can rip of those that don't. Market socialism with democratic workplaces would not suffer from this problem.
inb4 >"what about managers, someone has to run the co-op"
Management wold be democratically elected as well, and their wages decided by vote. For large multinational companies, a sort of federal system would be in place, with elections for workplace, regional and global management. Workers dissatisfied with the management will be able to hold votes to oust them. A overseeing committee will inspect all workplaces in the country to make sure none of them have degenerated back into capitalism.
That answer your questions?
I really have to go to sleep now. Good night. Go to leftypol.

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okay then. i'd like you to explain why the importance on outliers, especially on cis males. there are males living perfectly normal male lives with brains that tend towards femininity more than the masculine average, sure, but we have an extremely robust version of what the average non-trans brain looks like and it's certainly not worth considering in studies. it's the studies with the trans people i'd call outliers out on, because those are the people we're trying to find correlations for brains with.

>I wouldn't be caught dead in a fake lambo. Or in a trap for that matter.
gets caught with counterfeit lambo and a trap sitting next to him

>I was gonna go to sleep but I couldn't stop myself from coming back for more.
you're in here forever

>Socialist not communist.
Says the fucking commie.

>ITT: triggered, threatened faggot
>implying that most traps don't look better than roasties
>in-ironically implying that traps are lower maintenance and cheaper than real 'lamboes'


Attached: 100%_sweetie_trap.gif (163x177, 1.2M)

>Be communist
>I really have to go to sleep now.
>Good night. Go to leftypol.
>"my mom told me i have to be in bed by 12pm on a school night"
>"freaking capitalists"
the state of the left

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god damn underrated
this is a broad assumption: constant gender dysphoria. also, merely saying that this is a mental illness isn't enough to really understand its cause, or how to treat it. and considering the treatments available, i.e. HRT haven't been found to be successful in ameliorating other associated symptoms, such as depression and suicidal thoughts.

I'm not going to say that there aren't non-binary people, there are but they are incredibly rare, but I think it's important to take an environmental perspective in regards to the recent increase of cases.

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Transwomen aren't women. A woman is a biological female who is capable of giving birth. This is the scientific principal that best defines the sex and gender, for the principal action of a woman in society is antecedent to their role, i.e. child birth.

Now you can say that there are women who can't give birth because of defects or surgeries, but there are also people born without limbs, or severe deformities. This doesn't mean it isn't most accurate to say that human beings are two armed two legged primates.

Your problem is that you want to redefine words that are inherently scientific, by adjusting their cultural use. This becomes challenging because the science is more accurate than the terms you are using.

The solution should be acceptance of non-binary people and not redefining what it means to be a woman, for you are going to lose that fight anytime someone brings in scientific fact.

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>little fish pretending to be a big fish
they still can't eat that big fish and once it gets over the initial surprise they are all fucking dead
whales and thresher sharks eat whole schools of fish at once this way