Does Sup Forums like Jojo's?

does Sup Forums like Jojo's?
And is it just me or is Part 4 vastly superior to part 3?

I've only seen the anime, but I liked 3 a lot. It reminded me of super hero cartoons for some reason, and I thought Iggy's arc was really well done despite how short it was.

I'm not far in 4, but it seems pretty good. I'm a bit disappointed by the lack of musclemen, though.


kinda glad there are fewer of them, the sheer amount of dudes with huge bodies seemed like it was just a running gag to
part 3 felt just way too methodical and it got really old, whereas part 4 is all over the place before it actually starts its true arc. if you haven't been introduced to kira yet, i will leave it saying it does eventually come to a solid arc and isn't a super powered, eccentric slice of life anime all the way through

i meant to say that i really liked the second half of part 3, when they're finally in egypt. for me it really picked up there.

>tfw jojo's will never go back to a vampire vs. hamon slaughterfest

any other opinions?

It definitely is.

Part 2=part 7>part 3 ending>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>>>>>>>>>>other parts>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>part 6


yeah no shit
part three is almost entirely filler


Autism must be a hassle to live with

U 2

Part 4 is meh. Kira wasn't enough to save it because he's not that good to begin with.

dio and the humor were the only redeeming parts of part 3. part 1 and 2 were godly, and part 4 is way better written than part 3's filler bullshit

part 4's filler bullshit wasn't any more engaging

based hairposter

It was though, basically every enemy has a second apparition and a small role in the story, unlike Stardust Crusaders

>lacklaster recurring characters

Way better than boring minor villains who get HORAed and then disappear bringing absolutely nothing to the story

Part 7>Part 4>Part 2> Part 3>Part 5> Part 6>Part 1

I think we can all agree on this.

part 4's enemies mostly became friends afterwards. this shows a pretty good understanding of psychology at least in showing that the people first understood as bad aren't pure evil.
imagine a psychologically damaged 15 year old suddenly given an incredible power. if they were emotionally, physically abused or have any childhood wounds, they would probably act out these wounds physically by abusing their new powers. this brings out the worst in them, so they present themselves as enemies. once they are humbled again by the protagonists, they become at least as decent as they would have been without their powers.
in part 3, over half of it was just "whish woosh cool power"

You put part 1 way, way too late. part 1 is almost equal to part 2, if not better.
if you don't change this you are simply a fool and i will disregard your opinion


why does everyone hate on part 1? it was godly and the fight between dio and jonathan embodies the eternal struggle throughout the series

Ranking part 5 and 6 that high. The ending for both of them were shit and the final enemy were both lacklustre in comparison to Dio and Kira. Also Giorno has to be the worst Jojo we had in all 8 parts with a personality of a wet rag.

>Wanting more of the generic Shonen gimmick power
9 Episodes was more than enough.

Something something high IQ something Part 6.

While Part 5 ending wasn't as good, it had some of the most entertaining fights and the best cast, even if we get rid of Giorno.

>Part 5 had the best cast

How high are you? Part 3, 4, 7 all had a better cast.

part 2 was also about hamon vs vampires. it was amazing while it lasted, but realistically there wasn't really anything else that could be done with that which sucks. i loved parts 1 and 2 the most, but it had to move on if the series was to continue considering the whole ancient vampire mystery had been solved already

>made in heaven was shit
>Fate reaction pic

Not gonna deny that

Joseph carried that part like a mad man.
Also: Gyro > William > Caesar

I know its an unpopular opinion, but I really wanna see Part 6 animated.

What's the most disappointing

Part 5

3. heard it was supposed to be amazing but it sucked until they got to egypt.
idk about the rest
can't deny that joseph carried it, but the final villain was one of the best but was sadly short lived in his final form

Part 4, too many mediocre arcs, the cast annoys me, the stand fights are boring and the worst in the series, Kira gives me second hand embarrassment

Giorno had a really fun personality at the beginning but feels like an observer to everyone else's story after joining the gang. Even when he does take charge it feels lacking

Valentine, good motive but his character was as appealing and enthusiastic as a limp cock. He wasn't even interesting until Johnny confronted him but then he dies like a chump shortly after and gets overshadowed by alt.Diego

I liked Part 5 but most Stand were a clusterfuck of abilities, heck King Crimson was one of the easiest to understand.
Also, Abbacchio was a living death flag and the ending was completely retarded. And Fugo was left behind and completely forgotten because his Stand was completely retarded and would've destroyed every single Stand they found, King Crimson included

Fugo was left behind because there was going to be a betrayal subplot but Araki scrapped it because it was too depressing for him.

Part 4 doesn't have any interesting minor villains. Pretty much all of them except Rohan are fogettable. The same can be said aboug most minor villains in part 3, but Hol Horse and the D'Arby brothers are pretty much the most interesting minor villains in all of JoJo.

Purple Haze was not that powerful.
The virus disappears in sunlight and Giorno was also able to make an antidote for it.
It also has short range and it is difficult to control.
Giorno could totally beat Fugo and so could Diavolo, obviously.

>Giorno was also able to make an antidote for it.
That only happened in Purple Haze Feedback and therefore isn't canon.

>man in the mirror

This was probably asked 1000 times but I still dont get it
Who wins between The World and King Crimson?
Both are normal humans, so no vampires


King Crimson because with Epitaph the user can see in the nearby future.

I haven't read that arc in a while. I'm sorry that I'm retarded.

Looking back, there was pretty good set-up for Fugo to become a minor villain

Araki was depressed and couldn't get himself to write Fugo actually fighting Giorno and friends.

So he just sees The World activating and counters it?
Because with Epitaph I think he would just see The World instantly throw hundred punches

I doubt Epitaph could even see the punches being thrown. He would probably see the effect of what happens after time resumes, but he wouldn't see anything that happened when time was stopped.

He could see the activation and then erase time and chop The World user's head off.
It's impossible for King Crimson user to get caught off guard, while The World user can be and this is also the great weakness of The World itself.

7 = 6 > 5 = 4 > 2 > 1 > 3

part 8 is 7/6 tier right now, but it could become the best part

What's the mass appeal of steel ball run? I really had to force myself through it and the only times I really enjoyed it was during the early to mid d4c chapters and anything involving dio/diego.

It was waaaaaay too long for me. Every chapter just kept dragging on while you either knew what kind of rotation bullshit would get introduced next, or the next rotation bullshit was so nonsensical you couldn't possibly have guessed. Gyro and Johnny feel so contructed as characters, as in they lack characterization outside of what's really necessary. Gyro's backstory was not gripping at all since you never get to know the little boy he's fighting for, and he has no real reason to join up with johnny and look for the corpse. Johnny's backstory was ok but nothing spectacular. I never felt the bromance between Gyro and Johnny.
Not to mention the shallow bare bone backstories and motivations of promising side characters such as hot pants, stephen steel, mountain tim, poco loco, sandman (I still feel really mad about the whole "my name is actually soundman lol" while his ability was hinted at to have to do with sand in the early chapters), norisuke higashikata, ringo roadagain etc.
Many powers in steel ball run never get thoroughly explained. The holy corpse, zombie horse, left side ataxia (while being pretty stupid still really cool and enjoyable) and all of the totally nonsensical rotation bullshit are just means to make the characters do what the author wants them do. Especially the holy corpse. Why did it manifest inside Lucy and not Valentine, Gyro or Johnny? Why did it only grant Valentine the love train ability? And on a side note, how could the train engineer be caught in d4c's ability by a fucking mirror? It doesn't work like that.

Pretty sure I forgot some of my criticism but oj well. I would be really happy if someone could enlighten me. What were your highlights in part 7?

Also Part 6 best part6

That's some good taste, user

>Why did it manifest inside Lucy
Ever read the Bible?

Soundman is Sandman from another universe

I really think Part 6 will work better as an anime (same for Part 8). I also think Part 6 will have a great dub, but Parts 4 and 5 will have ordinary dubs (Parts 1-3 have had great dubs, even if they don't live up to the original voices, they're all very charming to listen to).

>you will watch an italian part 5 dub in your lifetime

Best jojo coming through

Part 8.
Josuke (Part 8).
Probably Diavolo. Had to think about it for a while, as the majority are great.


7 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 1 > 4 > 3

If I were to rank part 8 right now it would be somewhere directly before or after 1.

holy shit he did come out from under a door that was lying on the ground didn't he?



Crazy Diamond>Soft & Wet>Tusk>Stone Free>Gold Experience>Star Platinum>Hamon

Dio Brando>Diego>Alt Diego>DIO


Kira>Pucci>Dio Brando>Valentine>DIO>Diavolo>Kars

7>1>4=3>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5 and 6 are terrible and if you think otherwise you're a retard

You will not, because italian publishers don't want to dub the new jojo anime for some reason.
Also newest Araki's sideworks never got published there, like Jolyne Gucci spin off and the last 3 or 4 Rohan spin offs, and also the Araki's book about creating manga.
That's a shame because years ago everything from Araki was translated and published, and the old OVA got dubbed as well.

Sounds legit.

Kono filesize!

>getting it wrong again
It's 7>5>4>6>2>3>1 guys. Remember it

Part 6 is actual dog shit and I'm going to tell you why.

The art is garbage. Female anatomy is all over the place. Jolyne's hips and limbs are constantly the worst thing I've seen with my two eyes.
Jolyne is a terrible Jojo. Her entire character is based on daddy issues. And that's it. First it was I hate my father and then drastically into I have to do this for my father despite my feeligns 10 minutes ago.
Her supporting cast is not good. Not one of them. The only decent character is Weather Report and he's a memoryless sister banging faggot.

My biggest problem with six is that it's gross. And not body horror gross it's because they made everything unnecessarily sexual because Jolyne is a girl. The first chapter is Jolyne masturbating. And the next couple is her rolling around naked. None of the boys have ever been written like that. None of the boys talk about masturbating. None of the boys are ever really seen outside their uniforms. Just Jolyne. Just the girls are like this and it's disgusting and gross. And it's only done because most of the cast is female. Jolyne in crisis talking about how she's jealous about how snails can fuck anything. Hermes actually saying "dries up like a maxi pad," are you fucking kidding me?

I'm glad you all love part six because the tits make your dick hard but to defend this shit is ridiculous. It's the weakest most poorly written part by far and reading it was agony.

The only thing that saved this part, if you could call it saved, is Pucci. Pucci is good and I'm glad he reset the universe so none of this god awful part ever technically happened.

『Flaccid Pancake』

Gappy =/> Giorno.

6. I like Jolyne, but everything else comes off as underwhelming. It drags on in certain sections, with dragons dream and yoyo ma being the absolute most boring stretch in the entire series. No side characters can pick up the slack like in the previous 4 parts, and the ending feels very rushed.
Giorno. He is great for the first 3 arcs (Koichi, Bruno, Black Sabbath). Then he gets less character development for the rest of the part until the end.
Pucci. He just felt like a DIO fanboy.

Yes and yes any more questions
