Other urls found in this thread:
i want to dick beato straight
What do I need to do in order to have Dorothy make that face in the top left?
Feed her beans.
Give her a non-alcoholic drink.
They actually designed underwear for her?
Yeah, she's so quick to take it off it's kind of a waste.
Stupid cute Dorkthy
Do thse girls suffer from dyslexia?
No, it's just you.
Picture drama 3 in ping pong.
remove china
Where are these from? Is it possible to get a cleaner version?
Probably from the little booklets that come with the BDs.
I found this.
I want to go to yuri heaven
I don't think that's gonna happen.
>I don't think
Very nice, thank you
W-Where's Princess
On the toilet.
In the second one. This is the third.
I can confirm.
My wife, Dorothy, is pristine!
You're too young to be here, robutt.
who's going to stop me?
Doro will withhold milk if you don't behave.
Y'know, I kind of wanted to see Beato kill someone in the series. She tried to shoot Jubei but that was the only time and she fucked up
>"ahh Hime-sama, I did it Hime-sama! I killed them all for you, now we'll be together forever Hime-sama! Hime-sama! HIME-SAMA!"
She strangled a guy with the rope tied between herself and Ange in episode 3.
I want her to do something useful besides her voice gimmick.
She'll get a full steampunk mecha upgrade in S2.
And we fell in love.
Why isn't she wearing pants? Why is she wearing a diaper?
Why is this even a thing? Why is Chise x anyone ship even a thing?
Everybody knows that while the others were lezzing she studied THE BLADE.
They're bloomers, you silly girl.
Why the tiny image?
She provides emotional support to the team, especially Dorothy and Princess. That's useful
Chise x Lily is an acceptable ship. It'll sail
Lily will have to fight for the nipponese.
S2 fucking when?
Get on my level.
According to /u/ the picture drama's about Beato dueling immigrants. What a savage.
What happened to ChiseDorothy? Waited the whole season for the LIES to continue but they barely spoke to each other ever again.
If you dare insult Hime-sama in front of Beato and/or Ange, chances are that the next day your corpse will be found floating in the Thames.
Like so much of the first episode, it was ignored and forgotten.
Good God, those fucking thighs.
Even the mobage's teasing Beadorus now. Maybe chise can get Miss Yuri fagggotrock in an event, Zelda also shows up.
Make Beato cry.
Don't post false images.
Superior antagonist.
me in the middle
Shame she did fucking nothing in the finale. I really like her design.
Yeah the mobage is pushing Beato and Doro together, the last event especially. I'm not sure if I like the two of them as a pairing, but at least this way Beato won't get Yayacuck'd as hard.
Brown girls should be forced to wear black lingerie. It should be a law or something.
Doubt it will become a romantic afffair like the turtledoves but wouldn't mind some teasing. Beatron needs more honest love.
What was that event about?
Got any significant screenshots?
>Ange's anges
It was the autumn event. It's over now but it was basically Dorothy and Beato shopping together at a gift store in the middle of training and Doro purchasing a brooch as a gift for Beato.
>Doro purchasing a brooch as a gift for Beato.
They're basically gay married at this point then
who hacked beato?
That's withdrawal.
will she be relevant in S2?
Good, they're otp.
will there be a S2?
I'm perfectly okay with that
Why does a lizard have a belly button?
That's Ange's boner popping out.
Don't do that.