Dr. Stone 37










Crome is gonna win, with the power of science! I bet he and Senku still gonna fight at the end, just for the sake of it.



God, I love this series, it's so refreshing.








Wait, the sun is on magma back, is chromenttying tonignite himself?

Stupid move. Unless they're absolutely soaked in alcohol or something they won't burn nearly fast enough if at all to do anything.

It seems that way, also the lenses are pointing on his own direction, and he is dressing in black too
Cant wait for next chapter

That would be a hilarious twist.

>Chrome doused himself in alcohol once he released they were leaving Suika's glasses in the ring
>he's planning to ignite himself and Jihad-hug Magma


zuika confirmet as rat kid

Next chapter:
Chrome becomes Fire Punch

It would be a dumb move but a profitable one. Even if Magma moves on he would likely be scared of Senku having an even more insane idea

But how?


What is he doing here?

Pretty cool chapter, can't wait for the next one.
Is that spy guy back btw?

If Asagiri is here, does that mean that Magma already made a pact with Tsukasa or something like that ?

Isn't that a sleeve in the last panel, with a beefy arm coming out of it? It's gotta be Magma

Though I'm more curious as to how they're going to explain this one. Assuming both lens from Suika's glasses are convexo-concave, maybe he stacked the loose lens on top of the one that's still attached to the helmet for a makeshift convex lens?

A pretty big stretch, but I wouldn't put it past football-man

Wtf did he shit himself?

So he didn't really protect suika's helmet but instead piece the lens together?


I wanna fug Ginrou.

It has black lines (blood) on the arm/leg/whatever so it has to be chrome

All according to my keikaku.

Chrome will lose but win the hearts of his people.
Senku wins his match by default.
Senku/Magma get themselves disqualified.
Chrome wins the tourney.

Thought those were folds in the cloth under Magna’s black attire

So there's two things that stand out from this chapter.

1. The type of lens Chrome is using is the wrong shape, so it doesn't magnify the sunlight.

2. The sun is behind Magma, so even if it did work, he would just set himself on fire.

Chrome still doesn't understand most of the science he witnesses and treats them as things that happen when you have the right ingredients. For example, he thinks a lens and sunlight is all you need to start a fire, but doesn't understand how lens refraction works.

So is it possible to actually start a fire with a concave lens

He's setting himself on fire and an heroing because he got EXPOSED, ittle did we know their was unforeshadowed story where Magma is scared of fire because irony

>The fucking magician shows up randomly for two panels this chapter
>People still confused as to what's going on here

Senkuu is right about Chrome fucking up what he's doing, but magic faggot is going to make it happen anyways through some trickery.
That way, it won't be seen as cheating cause all those who don't get science will assume Chrome did it even though he as fucking up.

Ooooh actually

112F, no humidity, pre-warmed flammable substance, no clouds, no wind, and 5-12 minutes of stillness is all it takes.
Under similar conditions a reflective shard of chromite ore or a dirty lead vein have better chances to start a fire and have in the past began coal mine fires with tiny exposure to the sun.

In other words Senku has it right.
If he had something reflective he could put behind one side of the glass the closest he could get would be something like a concave mirror, but something like that still wouldn't work quickly.

It's easier than that if you have a prepared, dry substance. Powdered sugar for example. Alcohol soaked anything can't work because the fumes and surface will dissipate it quicker than it can build up. (ergo why people light alcohol torches with matches and other fires and alcohol doesn't just explode when left in the sun) Clothing is physically impossible. He would need a dry flammable to make it work and it would have to be dusting his clothes. I don't think he has that kind of foresight though.

Shit, i didn't notice magic man (I thought that it was senku). Is oerfect, magma fucked magic man so know he will have his revenge bullshitting his downfalls

Alcohol soaked clothing can ignite very easily with a match, but yeah a lens won't build it quick enough.


It's like pottery

I think we've figured it out, lads

Am I the only one who hopes they completely forget about the lovestruck idiot and the useless gal that are together with psycho savage man? Senku has always been great, the village characters are great too.

Although I guess that unfortunately Magma will lose, he'll deflect to the other guy and they'll shift the focus to the other characters for a while.

Best boy is back! This is proceeding nicely, if Magma sees him he'll probably freak out too. I just hope he doesn't get killed by Tsukasa later, i love his type but they tend to raise too many death flags desu.

>Am I the only one who hopes they completely forget about the lovestruck idiot and the useless gal
Maybe a timeskip can turn them into interesting characters, if we're optimistic.

This fucking manga. kek

That being said, was Magma ever shown realizing that Senku isn't dead?
Did he ever find out that he actually attacked MM instead?

I bet Gen here stole the bigger magnifying lens and is the one igniting Magma from a distance, since he already made his flaky pact with Senku to join their side.

BE honest, anyone even care/remembers Taiju? That fag was literally the reason I picked up doctor stone and he got fucking replaced by chrome. I hope he goes full on traitor mode when’s they finally meet up again

I don't mind him that much desu, at least not as much as most anons here. And i kinda expect a plotline where it seems like he's gone full traitor but Senkuu knows he's not while the others doubt him.

I thought he was likable enough, but I do like Senku's story a hell of a lot more I hope he comes back, if only to join the cast as a Kinrou/Ginrou tier side character.

I mean, as far as characters go, he wasn't that horrible. Not the most interesting either, but it was a necessary evil to make Senkuu look better.

I hope they don't just spend an eternity following Taiju's adventures in the evil camp.

He never targeted senku, he went specifically for magic man thinking that he was the "sorceress".

>but doesn't understand how lens refraction works.
No shit. I doubt he had access to a book on Optics or even basic trigonometry. It'll come an arc when Senku realizes how much he needs a school/academy.

The fastest way to fix this would just be to unpetrify some more people with skills.

Stone. Barney Stone.

As long lion man is around, that won't be easy.

I love this because science.

Considering Tsukasa is building up his forces very slowly with the serum I think Senku is going to have to act long before the lack of proper education becomes a real problem.

nice mouthdrawing again

So we all know Magma gets defeated and then banished from the village where he'll meet Tsukasa and tell him about Senku,where he'll then realise Gen was lying and then all out war I assume

Holy shit, this nigga is back, what is his plan?

Get some fucking Cola obviously.

Is this manga worth picking up?

If you like science.

I kinda do. But does it force you to have certain knowledge of science?


No. You learn science.

No, you start at zero and it'll be explained,that's the plot.

Magma will die after the tournament

Will anyone of the good guys die in this manga?

Gen or Chrome imo.

delet this

While i'd hate it too he'd be no.1 target for Tsukasa thanks to his passion for science (actually, Senku is the real no.1 but we know there's no way for Senku to die).Of course, there's a chance for no one to die, which seems more plausible desu.

>Ruri is back
>Doesn't bother talking to Senkuu

She can talk all they want if Senku's team wins the tournament.

oh ginrou

So this is basically a set-up chapter
Two ways i can see it going here
1st way
>Chrome beats magma due to Gen's help by either-
>Gen is seen by Magma, who pauses enough for Chrome to get a decisive hit in
>Gen assists chrome by using science to defeat Magma from outside the ring, with non-one the wiser
2nd way
>Chrome is defeated by magma after wounding and tiring him even further
>Ginrou defaults against Senkuu due to wrecked stomach
>Senkuu beats magma with science
>magma gets disqualified
>Senkuu also gets disqualified (personal bet is he asks if there is an age limit, since he's technically by far the oldest in the village)
>winner is decided by Chrome vs Ginrou
>Ginrou defaults
>Chrome wins

As for why Ruri knows Senkuu's family name, my guess is either his father or the science club vice-head were one of the village founders.

He far away and she is too weak to move close, plus her guardians won't let her move anyway.

BHAfag pls go.

I forget, has his father ever even been mentioned? I keep seeing people bring this theory with him up but I can't recall him ever being brought up. Meanwhile the science club dude actually got a name and face back in the first chapter.


I prefer a teen genius shounen lead rather than an idiot shounen lead.

Ruri is still the most likely to die if ya ask me

I hope they eventually show him. He was pretty interesting, though I hate to admit that the village's crew outshine him and Yuzuriha.

What the fuck does this line even mean? Seriously, fucking mangastream. If they're not making up cursing, they're translating too literally so the character doesn't even sound like a person.

I don't think you can get so much for an used car.

Well, his dad does look a bit like Kohaku's dad desu.