
>Guts, it's so small?
>Sorry but this isn't going to work for me
>W-Wait Casca how about I call Griffith over and I can just watch
Why is Miura such a brilliant writer?

Other urls found in this thread:

I just skipped a lecture to finish watching this fucking anime and I'm fucking angry

fuck japan

You have lecture on Thanksgiving? That sucks

not everyone is american

In its relaxed (flaccid, i.e. soft/limp) state, the shaft of the penis has the feel of a dense sponge encased in very smooth eyelid-type skin. The tip, or glans of the penis is darker in color, and covered by the foreskin, if present.

In its fully erect state, the shaft of the penis is rigid, with the skin tightly stretched. The glans of the erect penis has the feel of a raw mushroom. The erect penis may be straight or curved and may point at an upward or downward angle, or straight ahead. It may also have a tendency to the left or right.

While results vary across studies, the consensus is that the average erect human penis is approximately 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length with 95% of adult males falling within the interval 10.7–19.1 cm (4.2–7.5 in). Neither age nor size of the flaccid penis accurately predicts erectile length.

Sup Forums sure loves talking about dicks

We're all little girls here

Through dick, unity.

Look at the girth on that thing. That's like 4 times my size.

OP just thought last weeks thread, with exactly this same image, with exactly this same premise, was lolsofunni that he's decided to make it again. Like the giant homosexual he is.

I wish sage in all fields still worked on this fucking board.

Is the next chapter gonna come out before miura gets outed as a pedo?

Miura is already openly a pedo.

Based Miura

>Assumes everyone in the world celebrates thanksgiving because Americucks do.

when they said winter, they mean december, right?

Is this meme recorded on KnowYourMeme yet? If it isn't I have to make a page right now.

>implying Griffith's or Guts white peckers could satisfy an independent BLACK(#sorrynotsorry) woman like Casca. She craves the BBC.



>being a 3rd world Europoor

You won't do it

You are implying Griffith isn't small himself.

Or fucking Canadian; I hope you enjoy your shitty president and paying for hospital bills

>a fucking leaf

that's even worse

europe = masterrace

Not a good thread


It's called flaccid.

It's called being a dicklet

A fucking leaf

Ah fuck

Size is alright but...

That's fucking disgusting. Is Japan so ass backwards that they don't know about circumcision? Most women prefer a man to be circumcised.

Wait, didn't we already do this in the LAST thread?

>I hope you enjoy your shitty president
Implying all the choices weren't total shit

>americlap trying to convince himself he wasn't mutilated against his will

Circumcision decreases penile sensitivity

Circumcision associated with sexual difficulties

Circumcision linked to alexithymia

The exaggeration of the benefits of circumcision in regards to HIV/AIDS transmission

Circumcision/HIV claims are based on insufficient evidence

There is no case for the widespread implementation of circumcision as a preventative measure to stop transmission of AIDS/HIV

Circumcision decreases sexual pleasure

Circumcision decreases efficiency of nerve response in the glans of the penis

Circumcision policy is influenced by psychosocial factors rather than alleged health benefits

Circumcision linked to pain, trauma, and psychosexual sequelae

Circumcision results in significant loss of erogenous tissue

Circumcision has negligible benefit

Neonatal circumcision linked to pain and trauma

Circumcision may lead to need for increased care and medical attention in the first 3 years of life

Circumcision linked to psychological trauma

Circumcision may lead to abnormal brain development and subsequent deviations in behavior

>being THIS obsessed with cocks
user I think you might be a homo

You get what you pay for! :^)

Not anymore now that you're third worlding yourselves!

i prefer skinny ones

fat ones give me poopy trouble for days after

Pillowbiter detected.

>says after electing a populist shithole-tier president
Come on

Maybe she's a girl into anal

Im not even Murrican but go fuck yourself leaf

It is in fact a normal penis, if not an above average size penis

Cool non-sequitur, bruh.

>trusting dickletpedia

She is a national treasure.


He is pretty large actually

>He thinks that's large

I already did it more accurately

And that's when it's cold and shit, Gut's dick confirmed for apostle.


He's not a nigger and he's clearly not erect. Stop bullying.

Niggers don't all have big cocks, stop spreading that shitty meme.

Good shit mate.

Sorry, I just reposted it from another thread

post ankles

>>trusting dickletpedia
This. I have seen enough porn to be able to say that averages are absolute bullshit.

e u r o p e a n p r i d e

Wouldn't it look bigger if he shaved that hairy bush?

is this ironic

user, that math makes no sense. the real answer is 14.3 cm, assuming the given measurements are accurate


>this thread

don't ever change Sup Forums

>being this much of a cuck


Context check.

>being so poor you don't celebrate how much money and food your country has


Unless he's a real shower 13cm soft is pretty damn huge.

How about his girth?

You can't ignore it.

Please don't shit up Berserk threads with that trash

Yeah, Guts' dick is Sup Forums's most precious treasure.

Feel free to fuck back to Sup Forums retard

Sup Forums loves monogatari you retard, you'd know this if it weren't your first week on this website.

>Spergs out over reaction images
>Calls people new
Checks out.