

Beautiful ass.

It must smell rank of curry butt.

Giant nigress ass

Sumimasen, Ojou-san. I cannot accept your hospitality, for the only one who is allowed to cook for me is my waifu.

Used goods mindbroken by a gay vampire


Ciel is so cute

is the manga a good alternative to the VN?
never been a fan of VNs and i've heard the anime is trash

It's a good adaptation, the drawings are fine and Arc best girl.

imo the manga is better. It only adapts the Arc route with some extra added details but it does the route better than the vn.

I say go for it.

I liked it

>looking forward to Ciel's h scene
>it's anal
I fucking hate this stupid fetish

Just play the VN. Hisui and and Kohaku's routes arent covered in the manga and they're arguably the best route.

fucking faggot

Anal is garbage

Anal sex is something homos do, real men access the vagina.

I agree.

At least they gave us the glasses.

Shoo, Arc. You don't belong in this world.

>real men access the vagina.
look at this gay ass motherfucker
look at him and laugh

>wanting to put your penis in a vagina is gay