god i wish that were me
God i wish that were me
Other urls found in this thread:
Same touching Kirie must be heaven
I want to smother Kirie's tiny body with my chest
>*record scratch*
>yup that's me, you probably wondering how I ended up in this situation
I wish I was Ebina.
I get that feeling all the time
post the webm
Why do onee-sans turn young boys into sluts?
It's in their nature. Once a girl turns from modest cutie to onee-chan they become predators lusting for young boys semen. They don't care about the psychological damage they cause to shotas.
>psychological damage
Who's going to take responsibility if the boy turns into a chad?
The MCs wife/gf
But if his onee-chan turned him into chad then he most likely won't settle down with a girl for a while.
No you don't.
>psychological damage
they turn them into men
Image search gives me nothing
I found it in six seconds. Try harder
SURELY they're only doing it because fucks like Watsuki create demand!
I found it in 0 seconds because of and
. Checkmate antisaucefag.
such smug.