What's KyoAni's worst anime?



Maid dragon is kinda mediocre, but at least had some funny moments. Phantom World, however, was utterly and pure generic, boring garbage.

There should be a distinction between seasons. Chuu2 S1 was quite good, S2 was utter trash.

Clannad because aside from it, Full Metal Panic, and Phantom World I have seen nothing on that poll.

>hating an anime featuring a cameo from Getter 3

>all these faggots voting for Phantom World
KYS shit eaters.

Explain why it is good then.

Definitely Air.
I KNOW I watched it, but I can't remember a single damn thing from it.
Munto was okay, Phantom World had some great episodes, but my god was Air extremely forgettable.

The color palette, the second half, Mai.

This guy knows

Not him, but I thought it was okay, coulda been good if not for lackluster comedy and music

The second half didn't redeem the first and still wasn't even that good and one girl doesn't save the show and the colour palette wasn't all that exceptional either.

A cameo is not enough to save a show as shitty as Phantom world.

I like it, but comparatively it's the worst. The second half went full retard, and no amount of fan service or milfs could redeem it.

>Maidragon with that many votes
>Air with that many votes
>Kyoukai with that few votes
At least that piece of shit Phantom World is on top.

>this comedy focused show was okay except for the comedy being bad
Yeah, that's why it's shit.

free! because it's a show for fujos, and deaf girl bully movie

Any Key adaptation.

>being this assblasted that Clannad made you cry
grow up

I didn't cry during Clannad, sweetie. I'm not an easily manipulated bitch.

Good joke!

>0 votes for Haruhi

Free was a good show for fujobait

Sup Forums can be alright sometimes

I'm not the biggest Haruhi fan, but there are several KyoAni shows I dislike more.

Every anime except k-on, haruhi and lucky-star are kyo-ani's worst anime.

Will KyoAni ever make a shittier show than Phantom Turd?

Nigga, you don't even like Tamako Market?

>k-on recolor: the show

K-On was about a market?

>people actually voting for Hyouka
What the fuck? How? Literal fucking garbage like Phanton World or KnK exists, so how the fuck? Kill yourselves.

I don't remember the talking bird, diverse community, father/daughter relationships, or love triangle in K-on. Would you mind reminding me where they were?

Hyouka is the worst anime I've ever seen.

Wait, what?

kys faggots

>What's KyoAni's worst anime?
How can I rank them when high school shit is all equally worthless?

By genres alone, Hyouka is simply not the type of anime who should compete with either of those anime's visuals or animation. As for characters and plot, you've got to be fucking kidding me. I can't even imagine what kind of brainlet you'd have to be to come to that conclusion.

>People are surprised that a snoozefest piece of shit anime like Hyouka is getting voted for worst anime
Hyouka is objectively the worst anime of KyoAni, you can't prove me wrong.

Nah it's at least top 5, you just have shit tastes.

Phantom World is objectively their worst.

Honestly, it's irredeemable.

Retards are not to be proved wrong, they're to be laughed at.

Nichijou. Not because it was the worst but it was the turning point. Everything before it was great (not including Munto) and everything after it was shit (not including Hyouka).

Keyshit and Endless Eight were garbage.

That's absurd, and Nichijou is great.

He's right though. MC is your typical self insert for the average Japanese teen. The female MC is autistic and the only trait she has is being a curious moeblob. There are no 'mysteries' either, just a bunch of pretentious settings, which ultimately caused Hyouka to have a story with no substance. The only thing Hyouka has is 'character development' which was poorly done as well.

Either Chu-2 or Phantom World. Chu-2 started off strong, but the romance was so dull I couldn't watch it anymore.

I finished Phantom World, but it was even worse. Characters constantly explained their problems instead of the show actually bothering to show it to us.

Why do people hate Key adaptations?

>there are no mysteries, just a bunch of pretentious settings
What the fuck does this even mean? What makes a setting "pretentious"? How were there no mysteries in a show about mysteries?

Could you rewrite that without buzzwords?

They are maudlin and overly sentimental.
The character designs are also awful

sure thing pleb

Sure, mate.

>He's right though. MC is your typical self insert for the average Japanese teen
I don't think so at all. Yeah, it isn't all too original with the whole "Japanese high school boy" background, but he had a gimmick. He was a guy who genuinely had no motivation to do anything. It's simple, but I thought it worked. It makes him slowly coming out of his hole and indulging in the "moeblob's" activities all the more interesting. I disagree about the character development in general being done poorly.

>No "none of the above" option
Kill yourself faggot.

>You require my assistance in solving mysteries? Are you not aware that I am darkness incarnate?
>O-ok, then I'll help you.
10/10 writing, masterpiece I tell you.

>He was a guy who genuinely had no motivation to do anything.
Wow, sounds like every fucking male protagonist in every school setting for the last forty years.

>all of them isn't an option
To the trash goes.


I wasn't even aware they made this many. I was in Sup Forums 11 years ago to watch Haruhi, Kanon, Lucky Star, and then I gave up on Clannad a few episodes in and that's the last KyoAni I've watched.

You are trying too hard.

It's different in that Oreki had literally no motivation to do literally anything except optimize his time doing absolutely nothing. Presumably, he is some sort of caterpillar attempting to become a beautiful butterfly.

He's not Shinji Ikari, but I much prefer him to the even blander fucks in Chu-2 or Phantom World.

>He can't refute the fact that it was out of character for the MC to just suddenly help a random moeblob because she's curious
Exactly what I was expecting

I thought kyoani did a really good job
When compared to the VN I actually think the designs have been made a lot better and the reason it can seem a little overly dramatic is just part of the nature of having to convert ~8 different routes into one coherent anime

where the FUCK is my season 3

>Haruhi/Kyon shipping arc never
Just kill me

But he doesn't start doing that consistently until much later on. Hell, he even goes out of his way to not help her multiple times.

Not him but it was pretty obvious why he stuck around.

Anything Key.
Probably Air since Clannad has so much fans.

>it was out of character for the MC to just suddenly help a random moeblob because she's curious
Yeah because no one would want to socialize with a charming girl right? how autistic you are.
He's just an apathetic guy who has no passions and doesn't know how to have fun, which is why her sister invited him to be more sociable by joining the classic literature club. At first he helps Chitanda as a mere deduction exercise and his interest in her, but later on he also gains a passion in the mysteries themselves.

And where's my Kyonko spinoff episode?

>only five people have actually seen Munto
There is no other explanation for anything else being #1.

Don't worry it's the season 3 OVA :)

Prince Salmon's mech was Getter 3 from Getter Robo

Munto wasn't actually that bad. It had some pretty cool worldbuilding.

>Phantom World, however, was utterly and pure generic, boring garbage.
Swear to god, you people dont even know what generic is. Almost every single SoL show KyoAni made is more generic than Phantom World was.

When will the "Phantom World was bad" meme end? Do e-celebs really have that much power?

It's not a meme if it's true.

It has nothing to do with e-celebs, it has to do with the fact that it's boring. The only good part of it was Mai's breasts and the mom being possessed. The MC is generic, the MoTW format is stale, and so is the character arcs.

I never read or watch reviews for media, and I hated Phantom World.

The only thing that this poll shows is that Phantom World is the most popular title there, rejoice.

>2 votes for Hibike
At least there's one other user with sense out there.

Chuuni s2 sucked dick from what I remember

Hibike Euphonium is the worst KyoAni anime I've ever watched. I'm sure Amagi, Free, and Phantom World must be worse than Hibicuck, but I've never actually watched them.

Kill yourselves. The Phantom World anime was fun and the the light novels are entertaining as well.

Koe no Katachi > Chuu2 > Amagi > ClannAIDS > Tamako (primarily Love Story) > Maidragon > Nichijou > Hyouka > FMP > Beyond the Whatever > Phantom World >> Free > Lucky Shit > Keion > Hibike Yuribaitium

As a general rule of thumb, the gayer Kyoani gets, the worse it is. Maid-dragon is an exception. It's also not a coincidence that the four worst Kyoani anime are four of the worst fanbases on Sup Forums.

K-On's the worst, but Hibike's a close second.

Shit is an acquired taste.

Koe no Katachi = Keion >= Tamako > Lucky Star > Hyouka > Haruhi > Hibike > the rest

The only good things were anime only.

Ruru is pretty clearly based on Riira.

which one of you assholes voted for FMP

Disappearance of Haruhi > Hyouka > Koe no Katachi > Nichijou > Hibike > rest of Haruhi > K-On > Tamako Love Story > whatever

Phantom World is their worst anime just on account of being completely and utterly forgettable in every way. Chuu2 S2 is probably the single shittiest season they've made but at least the first season was decent enough to keep it from being their worst overall.

Amazing taste. Would pretty much be my order except I'd flip K-On and Tamako Love Story.

There should be a distinction between Tamako Market and the movie because the original series is shit. Kyoani just can't do an original to save their ass.

Yes they do, there is a reason /m/ has a watchdog for Anime News Network and calls them out on right wing propaganda.

>the MoTW format is stale
Monsters of the week are one of the best things in anime history, PW's problem is that they had too few. I mean shit if you want to see something legitimately boring with everything you describe I fucking dare you to marathon the first season of Active Raid, hands down the absolute worst anime of last year.

>phantom is the worst
oh well...this is Sup Forums.
i want amagi and phantom s2

they made Clannad, didn't they?