Come and make or request Sup Forumsrt.
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Yuma Kusanagi and Clarus Tonitrus trying to hide from people and covering their naked bodies.
Requesting Genjuro Kazanari (Symphogear) and Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition) discussing movies, parodying "Half in the Bag" from RedLetterMedia.
(I don't know any Sup Forums or Sup Forums film aficionado that's fat, but if you want to include one more character for Rich Evans, it could be Joe from Viewtiful Joe.)
requesting these 2 exploring new places
Why would Claurus try to hide anything at all?
Requesting Apoo's reaction.
She did try to hide it at the end. Besides, it'd be cute to see her and Yuma go ENF. Matoi did all of that and the series could've had more of Clarus and Yuma doing it too.
Requesting Chiya tied up and being forced to get a haircut (for her own good) by the other girls. If that's too much then just have Kon giving Chiya a short haircut.
Requesting Youko gagged with duct tape in this outfit please, she doesn't have to be tied up or have her fan otherwise.
Here are a bunch of characters named X, surprise me with a pic featuring all of them
sorry if is to messy
are any drawfags participating in that Sup Forums draws Daicon 4 even going on?
Requesting Yoshiko and her dog chasing Pitz and Lappa up a tree thinking/saying "if I catch and befriend these squirrels I will totally be /m/!". Bonus points if she is dressed like Kamen Rider Fourze.
So who the fuck are pitz and lappa?
Requesting Tomoko putting on her tights, but falling over and getting her arms stuck.
those two /m/ squirrels from Captain Earth that get frequent requests
Requesting Kurumi finding the Bear Bear Village
I know there's Pitz because Pitzfag's requests, didn't know there was also a pink squirrel.
Requesting this with Yuuna and Tougou from Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru.
I mean if you're going to request something you might as well put everything in the reference pic OR inside an imgur album or something.
Lappa's owner is named Setsuna, maybe someone can throw in Gundam 00 humor for a request?
Requesting Kenshin telling Saito that he likes girls in the late elementary school age to about the second year of middle school.
really fuckin cute
He doesn't really care about any of his requests.
Requesting Strike Freedom Gundam (left) standing triumphant over Barbatos Gundam (center) like Michael over Lucifer (right).
Maybe give Lappa an Exia plushie with Setsuna in a Setsuna F Seia outfit?
I do so care
Draw this creature.
Requesting Hitomi casually defeating one of each type of lesser daemon via card game of the artist's choice.
>Exia plushie
Double O Gundam is better
Requesting Yoshiko actually getting her hair cut.
kept forgetting to tell you for like 3 threads now but your link dont work keep getting 403 Forbidden error.
Requesting pic related.
chair_tied or hand_cuffed
Maybe have them suspended in glass cases like this Batman Forever scene:
You can't link directly to pixiv images in a gallery. Baka bwaaaaaka.
You're BOTH wrong, go Qan[T] or go home.
Why you keep posting that picture?
Requesting Karren dressed up as Oswald Mosley.
>go Qan[T] or go home.
Oh yeah, go with a gundam that barely fought in the entry it starred in and turned a bunch of junk metal into a flower!
I have a request of Kii, from daily life with monster girls, but she would be either in the woods during August with a scarf or some sort of sweater, or in a glass house looking outside at a winter wonderland in awe and wonder, breath visible on the glass. Point is she is a dryad from a warm climate and won't do well out in the cold and snow.
requesting Tiger pulling her panties like the picture below and holding a bottle of sake in her other hand since she's a drunk
Requesting Rustal as Great Might Gaine with a Dainslief fighting Mikazuki resembling Black Noir please and thank you.
>talking shit about AD Gundam
Buddy don't make me come over there
Please draw raising heart as an araara looking at nanoha and fate on a date,
Requesting Chain Sumeragi from Kekkai Sensen as an actual werewolf since she doesn't look anything like an actual werewolf, not even cosplay-tier. Even that dangerous beast costume would work
Requesting Asuka giving Homura (tanned girl) a Christmas sweater with "Ho Ho Homu
So gagfag, how long are you gonna use that video as a reference? Someone else may want to use it.
Can I get this animation but with Tamamo and/or Hakuno or Nero? Thanks.
who is the unlucky girl you had in mind?
Not him, but what about Signum from Nanoha
A three way tie between Sailors Venus, Mars, and Neptune came to mind. That or Canon from Fafner, I really don't have anyone too specific at the moment.
Requesting Susie Evans (Valkyria Chronicles)
wearing Night's watch coat uniform from Game of Thrones.
Night's watch uniform reference.
what programs do you use to draw Sup Forums?
Clip Studio Paint is wonderful
go buy it
I'm photomanip guy, if you have a solid portrait I could attempt something for you.
>dont know how to draw feet
>her feet are fucking cute
>that censor
Who are you? Can I get an uncensor? Do you take commissions? This is so fucking nice. Not OR.
Thanks a ton draw friend
Uncensored version where?
Not OR, but that is some great line work there. Nice job.
You can post an uncensored version in this thread and link to that here.
Sai Version 1
requesting Yoshino from Im@s Cinderella Girls blowing a conch horn with TOOT in the Doom font at the bottom
demonic adversaries optional
(thanks will also be given for anything else cute with her)
Requesting a picture of Tokine Yukimura in her casual miko-ish outfit with her hands/wrists binded by the flower cuffs. It's silly but I find it cute.
Requesting Mao Asakura from Futabu escaping from a sci-fi room/spacechip with an alien artifact that has the shape of a huge dick.
Or in an Indiana Jones-like setting, running away with a Dick-idol.
Not him, but how do you link from there? Im sorry for being newfag.
Nothing? Come one, please?
>"I can't draw feet"
>proceeds to draw pretty good feet
People have been requesting longer than you. Stop being impatient.
exactly as he did it, just type it like
or replace /i/ with whatever other board
Aside from CSP and Sai, there's the free web drawing app on pixiv Sketch that's kinda neat to mess around with.
>Cross-linking to another Sup Forums board is also possible, by placing three pointers before a board letter, followed by a post number (ex. "").
Fucking sexy.
nice, it reminds me the art of dating a team magma grunt
Requesting Aqua vs Nemesis
Ta-class as a good housewife or wearing full-body seifuku armor please!
That guy drew an amazing Roxie.
No problem. By the way, do you have a blog?
>Who are you?
No one, I don't really use social networks.
>Can I get an uncensor?
Use your imagination. There's nothing under the heart
But im not that guy
>the heart is just an empty gesture, while its given with heart, in truth there's no substance underneath it
truly an expression of what love really is.
Requesting breast size swap between Utaha and Eriri from Saekano. Preferably have them side to side of one another with open shirts or bikinis.
And feel free to play up Utaha freaking out while Eriri acts super smug.
Requesting Kyubey being grabbed under the chin by Homura Akemi, being held up in the air by her, with him saying "Good luck trying to kill me fuckface"
Whoops, my mistake. And it looks like the answer was given right above you.
Requesting Fuwa and Galvantula tuning up Genos
i don't get it
please do not force your autism on the newfriend
Requesting Hannah being cornered in an alley by the Anti-Bully Rangers
w-what if i wanna commission?
Requesting a Honda car modeled after Futayo or Futayo as a racegirl or model for some Honda car
How long till your post gets deleted again?
Requesting Paper Saki
Requesting a close-up shot of Lucchini's waist area, showing her panties and navel
Okay, I don't care anymore. Thanksgiving is about to start with my family and I want to make one last shot at this request before it's over. Go ahead, call me cancer or whatever.
This is a picture I took 10 years ago with Amu in our first anniversary. I just want a drawn picture of this. If it matters, food was miso soup, turkey, rice and flan.
How about Atalanta wearing her own version of Shielder's Dangerous Beast costume? Even with a Golden Apple, biting it and its juices running down, might be good.
Request in WWD
Requesting extremely perturbed Sophia Dangerous Beast
thanksgiving would be done by then
Requesting Ishizu Ishtar dressed as Eliza from Skullgirls.
Can I get Maria on the left sitting on Megumin on the right?
ANyone willing to draw Amano Megumi?
Requesting her unzipping her top, without anything on underneath