How come the press is pushing for a “war” with Russia so much?

And then the press is suggesting tanks and missile shields and F-35s are in any way useful in a war with Russia. How come??

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Poland would probably beat Russia in a war, 90% of Russian military equipment is rotting away in fields, Russia simply doesn't have the money to fight a war.

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This is how p*les will fight

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Why are Americans and the rest of the West so desperate for their alliance??

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MSM is completely controlled by the globalists. Muh Russia was very usefull to switch the attention from the deep state in US, or the goverment aproved child grooming in UK.

As a German I say fuck them, reestablish the HRE, independence for literally every fucking town. That would actually be great.

Back in the days wars was used to somewhat unite people against an enemy.

Western world is crumbeling under multiculturalism and i belive that the establishment belive that this will unite us.

They are deluded to the Point that they belive that you will unite with the ones that destroys your country and rape your daughters.

Fucking idiots. they should all be rounded up and executed. This will have the effect they are looking for.

They want a huge war to draft all the whites into dying for Israel, leaving all the fertile white women with no choice but to breed with Tyrone and Achmed. Then Israel can become the ultimate victim while brown people of all races and creeds descend upon them like locusts.

What if we pretend to have a war and send all the shitskins and mudslimes to slaughter eachother and once there's no of them left have a good laugh to the face of jew instead?


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>Polen btfo again by history

Do you honestly think that the establishment thinks "multiculturalism" is a bad thing
All of this what is going on in the west works for the Elites
Sadly i doubt that you will really wake up from the horrors they do in your countries

theres no money in peace.

Because Russia is a Christian country and kikes want to genocide another 200+ million white Christians.

Also Putin is a no nonsense guy. Kikes don't like that.

increase military spending in Europe and USA with the "new threat". We have to fabricate enemies for such things.

War mongering jew controlled media wants more spillage of slavic blood. Nothing new.

I want a war too.

Fucking in the guise of war slaughter yer naggers

honestly i think it was their plans all along, hillary was supposed to become president and then we go to war with russia, with hill out of the way they went into desperation to push an anti-russian narrative and are just trying to force russias hand with constant war rhetoric.

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Russia would be crushed day one

Russian nukes can't beat polish dick

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Who else can the US go to war with these days? Syria yes, but they'll need to go through Russia first.

I don't mind if Poland buy F-35.
Our "European allies" constantly failing to deliver polish military contracts, like france did with helicopters and so on.
At least american weapon is battle proven.

and they want to sacrifice poland - one of the few countries that resist (((western))) agenda

>independence for literally every fucking town
now that's something I can get behind. city states are best states

don't mention the war

>west goes full autistic screech mode about downed plane and couple of poisoned dudes
>still think it can manage a war against nuclear power

They want us all at war so they can take over. There will never be peace in the middle east. Their all related to each other through the many wives of the tribes, but they all follow different religions, they want to continue with marshall laws, the mussluims are running because they said Arabia is turned to the Jews side, the new Arab king is part Jewish. The Muslims that are leaving are the ones that believe your not supposed to kill, see prisoners of war stories from the middle east. They did let out the prisoners in some of those countries so you have a few bad ones that are coming over with the good ones. The tribes over there are to hard to follow there is just so many different religion spectrums. Some of the jews dont like the whole marshall law stuff as well. Plus technology traced everything back and their not even the real jews. King Solomon was supposedly black. They just found more old religion scriptures that they can misinterpret their wars are all over religion and Arabia king just bought that Leonardo Vinci painting of Jesus where he looks like a hermaphrodite for over 300 million. Who knows what they have planned. It so retarded. Abraham son's Ishmael and Issac war going on since the dawn of time.

Because Russia is a rogue state that is no better than North Korea.

we are not fighting another stupid war so west can get more rich
fuck off

sounds fun

You have it the other way around. Russia is threatening war with other countries. They invaded the Ukraine. They've been threatening Scandinavia, Estonia, and Poland.

Russia stand with Iraq in peace treaties. It's to hard to follow all their alliances.

Hey Dmitris, why don't we fake a war, your troops move to our lands, supposedly to duke it out, and then we both drop the meme and roll over efeminite westcucks?
Of course some krauts will die "by mistake". By some I mean about half of their population.

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5 shekels have been deposited in your account.

14500 of which are rotting in Tank Graveyards

if ever we gonna fight with Russia against scums of west. Slava Bracia!

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How retarded are you to believe that basic facts are a conspiracy?

Did Russia invade Georgia? Yes or no? Did they invade the Ukraine? Yes or no? Has Russia not been doing mock invasions of places like Finland, Denmark, Estonia, and Latvia? Yes or no?

>preferring friendly cooperation for mutual benefit over pointless war pushed by globalist media corporations who endlessly attempt to fabricate animosity where none exists


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>couple of poisoned dudes

But but but there is also a girl that evil Putin personally poisoned! The evil man! How could he poison her! Nooooo! The evidence that he personally did is as follows: we cannot think of anyone as evil as Putin, so he is the murderer! Hopefullt she’ll be out of the hospital soon.

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Earths population is getting too big
Just imported millions of refugee into EU
Russia is the friend of nationalists parties in the West
Draft the citizens of the country, not the refugees
Kill millions of ethnic Europeans
More reasons but yea


they're not pushing, it's happening

so we started counting rafts? We have now only one "working" submarine, no aircraft carriers, no rocket coverts and frigates.

So this 83 number can be true only if we include rafts and tugs that are pulling our junk

then just invade russia if its so simple, your paki invaders will keep your women satisfied while you die in a ditch somewhere in smolensk

we have shit ton of minelayers Stefan

Luckily we have this Vietnamese carpet washing imageboard on which unbiased expirienced military experts will comment on well researched articles in the mainstream press and provide a valuable discussion.


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>Did Russia invade Georgia?
No. There was far more too it than that.
>Did they invade the Ukraine?
No. There was far more to it than that.

As for the third allegation, I neither know nor care. NATO countries do similar things, but I suppose it's all okay when they do it.

Fuck off back to tel aviv.

((((THEY)))) want one because it is a bastion of white, ethnic nationalism.