Macross Thread to Celebrate Sheryl's Birthday

Today is 11/23. Today is Sheryl's birthday. Today is the birthday of the greatest Macross character. Let's have a Macross thread in her honour. Who's ready for the Delta films to fix the series and give us new songs?

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But Delta already gave us the best girl. No one gives a fuck shit about old busted Christmas cakes

I mean, if you think that, then that's like your opinion. But we all know which Macross character gets people truly hyped. hint: It's Sheryl.

I think the film should just be Mikumo singing for two hours

As long as Makina and Reina are removed, I'll be happy. Oh and worst Jenius. I don't think I've seen a more useless protagonist in all of Macross than her.

That would be shit. Macross needs more meds and a bit less singing

Please don't be a gundamfag, Macross is fine not being all action. And most of the music is great.

Macross should try not-pop again.
Doesn't have to be rock, but that would be acceptable.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the music, but Frontier and Delta, especially Delta, was too much music and not enough mecha.


>Sheryl Nome
>best macross character
>not Sharon Apple

There is a special place in hell for you, right next to Lynn Minmay.

>Liking evil AI bitch
You can't even touch her
I'd be okay with this. Maybe some indie-folk or some post-new wave shit.
I see what you're saying, although I do think Frontier had good balance between the two. Delta on the other hand did take things to far and it was pretty much AKB with Macross

>comparing two shitty knockoffs to the ORIGINAL MISS MACROSS
Get the fuck out of here. And take your shitty opinions and song covering loser waifu with you

All you niggers bow to the queen.

Even though Minmay was my first waifu, she has nothing on Sheryl.

Literal who??

Can we all agree that Wings of Goodbye is the best Macross song???

Diamond Crevasse is the best Frontier song, and DYRL is still the best Macross song. But this song is def top 10 Macross songs.

Never forget. Happy birthday, Sheryl fucking Nome

Sheryl is forever the most perfect and best, even if macross is dead and buried now.

Macross will be back once Kawamori gets his head out of his ass.
Now, now. We can like Sheryl without always shitting on Rankafags

Ranka is so cute even when sad

this was her best outfit

Delta needed more dancing robots.

AKB was better than Delta, though.

I wonder how Hip-hop macross would work.