Who was the breast girl of 2017?

Who was the breast girl of 2017?

Make way for shortstacks!

Whoever is the flattest one.


If you sequels count then you have monogatari girls to choose from and Akari from 3-gatsu no Lion

DFC girls aren't breast girls no matter how good they are. You need at least two D's to compete.


Sakura Airi


Way too big for her frame, looks stupid and unappealing

Nene is love. Nene is a miracle.

That being said, the quality and QUALITY of her source material means I vote Lucoa over her.

muhhhh diccckkk


I like Kaho but this was some top titty action.


Muh niggah.

How can human girls compete?

So saggy

Atleast they're more realistic than you're waifu will ever be user

old hag


Do you... not like big saggy titties?

Is that an opinion people are allowed to have?

>wtf they look like balloons
>wtf they look like breasts
Sup Forums is just afraid of breasts and i will never know why

I now understand why the mods banned lolicon threads.



I wish SIN:SINS was as good as the first few episodes


Worst SIN.

>2017 is almost over
What the fuck



does it matter? remember you stay here forever

>Ange but she's voiced by Sylvia


I meant Salia, fuck

She is like 3rd place in her own show, how can she be best girl of the year?



>weeb girl

Don't know if BDs had the balls to add nips to her, but Nene is a close second.

But this lactating goddess takes the cake. My God, what a fucking shame her show was just wasted potential.

treasure of the universe!


It's true.

>tfw my favorite sin gets no art and no screentime

Fuck yeah, saggy fairy tits.

Doro-chan doesn't even count? She's kind of modest by anime standards (she just uses a push up bra or something to make them big at certain points).

no bulli sayakan plains

is she Hitomi Tanaka

Don't be rude, Nene isn't that ugly.

Mammon is better in literally every single way.


Chise is objectively for armpit sex


Every year