So the way i understand it...

So the way i understand it, GGXRD wasn't THAT expensive to make though the process they used to make it look this good is pretty time consuming and the dev has maybe ..what 100 or more people working for them?

So surely one of the larger anime studios can make something that looks this good right? I mean shouldn't they have as much if not more money and resources/talent to make a a cg/cell shaded anime that looks on par with this right? Since they insist on doing so much cell shaded shit in anime these days.

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>though the process they used to make it look this good is pretty time consuming

Literally answered you own question, anime is pumped out fast a method that consumes more time is going to need more people working on it to finish in time, more people working means more money spent.

This shit looks better than Super!

I thought cg was supposed to be cheaper to produce than cell anime though?

Because normally you're not key framing every single frame. ArcSys is, and to make sure lighting doesn't look like shit, they're hand key framing every poly.

CG is not really that much cheaper, it's just that the anime industry works at close to 100% capacity.
In case of GGXRD, they're editing the lighting for every frame. This is just a waste of ressources for an anime studio, and also requires lots of man power.

I see. Sucks because the end result looks so much better than what they are putting out these days it's not even funny. Even the better looking ones like Blame look like shit in comparison.

It only looks good because the gameplay is usually seen from a single angle. Watch the story mode and tell me that shit looks good.

It's an issue of time more than anything else. Also watch Etotama

The cutscenes are what i am referring to. Most cellshaded anime looks dull and lifeless, almost blocky in comparison to this

Why did nobody watch Etotama

Holy shit, user. Just watched a scene from it. Thanks for telling me this exists.

Videogame devs probably have a lot more experience in using 3D animation for various things, not to mention a wider berth in terms of time constraints (delivering an episode in ~5 weeks vs at least 8 months of devtime).
They're also probably paid a lot better, hence nobody from the videogames industry is willing to switch.

Also I should mention the sheer volume and type of work is different. Sure, there might be a lot of animations in Xrd, but they're repeatable - whereas in an anime the moment you're caught reusing footage outside of the OP/ED/flashback-review scenes you get called lazy and it doesn't look good.

time constraints, knowledge, money, volume of work.

Same here, looked it up on Youtube when i saw the pic. How did i not know about this shit? Picked up!

If I can get just one more person to see it then Ive done my job.

more gg webms

Sign had 52 people working on it and made 16 character playable,with leo joining in later so 17,they announce the project at 2013,but probably was working on it since 2012,game was release in dec 4 2014,so probably took 2-3 years



But shows are also seen from single angle.

In an interview for dragon ball they said that it takes them about 2-3 months to make a single character now.

post jack-o ass webms please

Dragonball characters also have way less moves than GG characters. Also which interview did you get that info from?

This fucking bitch drives me wild.

I know but DBFZ has double the amount 114 people and 70% of team red which is experts, which is outrages to expect a anime studio to have(madhouse have around 56 just to give a example;never mind just checked,its now 70,but usually anime studio only have 50)

No character should be so fuckable.

She is literally screaming "fuck my fat pumpkin butt raw and pound my tight asshole so hard I get pregnant through my ass" every single time she crouches. It's insane how hard she needs to be dicked.

I can't believe Uri-tan fucking dies

It's also because the character designs for GG are outstanding.