Nanatsu no Bitoku

You remember Nanatsu no Taizai. Now the next anime about the angels is coming.

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So tired of ironic weebs

>You remember Nanatsu no Taizai.


So instead of a timid female MC, are we going to get a brash-attitude female MC?

Will it be as shit as the previous one?

I actually enjoyed the previous one. So I'll watch this

So tired of retards screaming about "ironic weebs" all the time


Watch there be no loli again. thankfully ramune comes out today.

I don't care what faggots say. Previous show was fun and I'll be looking forward to this.

Will this also have two recap episodes?

Will it be as terrible as the first one?

Nice. But I'll be honest the anime was fucking disappointing maybe they can make amends with this one.

Everyone who didn't like it, kindly fuck off.
I welcome this show. The first season didn't sell that bad it seems.

I'll give it a try

Will this end in a ryona party like Nanatsu?

These are angels, I don't see why should end fight each other.
But ryona isn't a problem, I like to fap seeing cute girls getting wounded

>no male mc
>no shota male mc
Who will I self insert into now?

>no horns

90% less interested

I just barely finished the last season, it was really disappointing after so much wait.
But I'll watch this one and hope it'll be better.

Also the threads were garbage, and it's happening again

I understood the joke. Sad you didn't

It's a joke, for now.

Please have a lot more Yuri and no Maria-type character and also no recaps.

Also good Seiyuu cast please.


They doing silly things yes, Yuri never sells and I want this series to sell.

>he doesn't want hot angels going against God and doing Yuri things to each other

I hope that they learnt their lesson from the first anime.

>I want them to repeat S1 mistakes and had it flop again
No, fuck you.

Yuri is not a mistake, salestard

Faith Michael
Patience Uriel
Kindness Sariel
Diligence Sandalphon
Charity Metatron
Temperance Raphael
Chastity Gabriel

Can you post their separate sprites?

>diff studio
the previous studio fixed their weird money issue supposedly, i'd rather have them back

What studio?

Also if they changed it it's because the higher ups didn't like the first season.

Fuck off to some Two Car thread, self-insertfag.

Studio downgrades are common for another season, not "upgrade". You throw away a lot of assets/staff setups just to switch a studio, that's not money or time friendly.

This is airing on winter apparently (unless ANN are being retards), so it's likely this show was being worked on parallel with Sin and Artland couldn't handle two shows at the same time
Director: Shinji Ishihara
Studio: Bridge
Original character design:Niθ
Anime character design, prop design and chief animation director: Masanori Iizuka
Art Director: Masanori Nishiyama
Color Design: Hitomi Sano
Director of Photography: Hyeon Dae Song
Editing: Toshio Henmi
Sound Director: Hiroto Morishita
Animation Producer: Hiroshi Iijima

So I'm guessing the demons sell more than the angels for their products?
Intredasting I guess.

TNK was stripped away from their cashcow because the last season they made, BorN, was highly criticised by fans.
Even the anime artist asked them to not change it.

Nanatsu no Taisai was also criticised by Japanese fans as well, Artland is dead.
There is not much to talk but they are putting hopes on this one.

No? It flopped. Thanks artland.


>he think S1 bombed because of the yuri

And there's this kind of idiots.
Nevermind the fact that it getting an S2 means S1 still didn't fail, despite all the QUALITY, the fucking year long delays, the poor plot, the poor PLOT, the recap episodes..


Hobby Japan would need to be being retards, too.

The statement isn't even related to chinese cartoons.

I don't know moon so what does this mean?

>That damage control
>Vol.5 sales: 498 copies

Still doesn't mean the flop happened because of the yuri. Don't be an idiot

Mammon and Belphegor are probably my favorites, but I actually like the angels more overall.

Anime for 2018.

>lewd loli
>in non 18+ animated work
Nobody expects that for a decade, loli is just not an anime-thing anymore.

Point me to where it exactly says "we didn't buy it because the girls are gay!"
You can't.

And you're proving you're an idiot again by thinking the point of this anime was to sell BDs and not the figures.

Yuri never sells period.
Keep being in denial.

Nice try, homo/fujo propagandist.

Google (I know) also gives me something about winter. It's this part
What does it actually mean?

Huh, I guess it's getting more and more common anyway because the creators just like it. How terrible.

I'm sure that you can figure out what this sentence means when it's put together.

>top seller Eromanga is nearby
I didn't visit these threads, did they have weird tryhard shitposters who try to use "info" stalker posters don't even bother with?

The anime is airing on winter?

Gee, I'm sorry that Two Car isn't selling well either because of that dumbass male coach. Keep bitching, self-insertfag.

Gee, I'm sorry that Two Car isn't selling well either because of that dumbass male coach. Keep bitching, self-insertfag.

>no loli

flop incoming

Retarded yurifag

Dumb Precurefag.

That seems super quick. Hopefully the production is more consistent and lewder.

Like fucking seriously man. The series dropped the ball hard after episode 4.

Meanwhile how many male mc shows flop? Must be because male characters don't sell. It can't be for any other reason at all like dirty, characters, etc.


>I'll pick and choose while ignoring countless others because I can't understand the point being made.

Winter anime apparently. Hopefully we have an ATX broadcast.

It was lewd enough. Just not distributed in the right way.

Nice deflection

Oh, no. You burned me once so I'm not falling for it again. Sins had a great start and then fell off a cliff. And my two favorites (Gluttony and Sloth) weren't even featured in their own episodes. NEVER FORGIVE!

Oh lord you test me so.

Hopefully it actually follows the rule of acceleration and things get progressively better. HJ shows generally air on ATX at least. We'll see the lewds.

Their episodes were actually funny though.

12月1日よりツイッター公式アカウントにて毎週金曜日配信。 作画は「ヴァルキリードライヴ マーメイド」「ドラゴンズクラウン」コミカライズを担当されたzunta氏。

We're also getting a drawing every friday until airing. So 4 drawings.

>Satsuki after falling into a bucket of paint
Really nice original work, Japan.

Post more

Sloth episode was funnt. Gluttony episode was painfully unfunny. It had one good joke (Levi wetting the bed) and the rest was boring.

Will there be a new artbook as well? The first one was great, despite not too lewd.


So which studio's gonna go bankrupt after this one?


Hopefully TNK.


I can already see Diligence and Chastity as best girl




So.... no anime content for them, I expect.


How ecchi is this gonna be? Say what you will about Taizai, but the first 3 or so episodes were great. Given this is a HJ show, I would hope it sticks with the amount of lewdness.

I just wanna see Michael as an M.

Thanks user

Chastity looks like retard moe. My bet is on the senran or faith.

please, levi's first molestation of Lucifer was basically the highest point of that shit, it all went down hill from there, with really basic and generic scenes.

It's another staff. It seems likely that they were working on it since before Sin aired. I have no idea why they didn't announce it at the end of Sin if that's the case. Maybe they wanted to scrape as many sales as possible using the uncertainty to drive sales

Studio and staff have never done a truly lewd series. Hopefully this actually keeps up with other HJ series. We'll probably get another PV at comiket that more indicative of the service, as this is meant to air in January.

It's a different staff, though. Judging this show because of Sin would be like deciding not to watch Kara no Kyoukai, Fate/Zero and/or UBW TV because of DEEN's FSN or JC staff's Tsukihime

Read the thread. It's Bridge (Nobunagun, Haine, Devil Survivor 2)

Not him, but HJ is still the bulk of the production committee. Hopefully they learned from the mistakes of Sin and keep the nudity consistent and having some good scenes for all the girls. Sin was a good fanservice vehicle for the first month, but it went to shit fast.

I also don't have that much faith in the team. This is all new territory for them.

Well, the director and some others have worked on Fairy Tail which is full of fanservice. (no nipples, I think. But you can blame the manga for that one)

Just like the bulk of the production comittee for Fate stuff is Type Moon and Aniplex, yet not every show has the same quality or the same faults.
HJ was also involved in Bikini Warriors and that wasn't bad (specially the lewd BD editions and OVAs)