ITT: Overrated Shit
ITT: Overrated Shit
Nice bait.
houseki no kuni
Koe no Katachi, can't believe that half-assed thing gets hyper here.
op's mum
wait, why didn't you post monster? Isn't that what you usually use?
It's easy to be overrated when it's one of the most fun anime ever. It didn't have to be amazing or groundbreaking to be enjoyable to watch.
Overrated =/= bad
Your Name.
Everyone is jizzing over this movie when it's just pretty graphics and the story is shit.
Even Shinkai himself asked people to stop circlejerking.
fuck you
Is Monster underrated now?
I wanna buttfuck every TTGL nigga that thinks it's actually good.
Kanna was pretty cute but other than that the show had nothing really going on
Every fotm anime.
Every 3deep5u anime.
Every ironic anime.
>ironic anime
what do you mean?
The only thing that comes to mind is Neo Yokio and almost nobody likes it.
The main problem I had with this show was a lack of direction. It felt like it wanted to be a wholesome show about emotional growth but then they randomly throw in an emo dragon who plays vidya and a walking pair of tits that molests a child. Not to mention the purple haired dragon (whatever her name was) that adds p much nothing to the show.
They should cut out everything not Kanna, Kobayashi, and Tohru and shorten the show to a movie length, desu.
>Gurren Lagann
You're crossing the line there buddy
Pic unrelated
Anything from SHAFT.
This thing was over hyped garbage with no character development at all. I don't know why Sup Forums worshipped it so much. Is it because they can relate to the pathetic MC?
This bait would work if even half of those were good
I only watched like 10 of those because it was on TV when I was in school.
It was a "magical girlfriend falls from the sky" comedy, but with focus on family rather than sex. And lesbians.
while it was airing it was amazing, it hasn't stood the test of time unfortunately
Shit bait
All of it
Ghost Slide
shit's overrated when it doesn't hold up.
ded wife makes me cringe, Rock Lee punching Gaara in the face is still amazing.
>narutards still trying to gain acceptance
>secondary character destroying plot armor
>hurr narutards amirite
way to miss the point, faggot.
[obligatory copypasta]
Naruto did that so many times tho.
Add Flip Flappers in there.
>First 6 rows
So far so good. No objections.
>7th row
There's not a single show in the first 6 rows you like? Come on dude.
>There's not a single show in the first 6 rows you like? Come on dude.
I liked Lain and Aria, but I wouldn't say they were "masterpieces". FLCL was meh, and the others I just haven't seen.
Why this is sometimes called "facebook anime?"
No mushishit, Sup Forums has changed
Just imagine how much better this board would be if every poster had seen every anime on this list.
Gurren Lagann, not so good.
Finally, thank you faggot.
>being this blind
I laughed so hard semen came out. Shit bait nigga
more like ITT: anime you don't like but got popular
I was going to say "Watch Kaiji" but that would mean the chart is right.
Isn't that the definition of overrated?
Wrong, its the definition of not so good, and TTGL fits perfectly.