Yellow fever

Does anybody not get shit like this?
White women are fucking great in my experience, and not just russian or ukrainian girls, western girls can be very good too. I know two french girls and they're immense qts (or maybe their shitty english prevents them from showing me their true devious nature idk)
Fucktons of airheads, sure, but that's somewhat appealing imo, pink glasses can get somewhat annoying tho
Asian girls are really hardworking and intelligent in my experience but that's pretty much it

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Andrew Anglin is spreading yellow fever to white identitarian by telling them that all white women are whore and they are the root of western societies problems. I hope Andrew Anglin gets killed by niggers while he hides in Africa fucking gooks.

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race mixing is degenerate and disgusting
especially disgusting is the half chinklet babies they spit out
but nu-pol has the IQ of a nigger and only thinks about "muh dik"

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White women all want to be controlled by a dom man just they will give you shit tests to "prove yourself". If you cut the bullshit right away you'd be fine.

Asian women just want money ASAP and will cling on right away.

>white identitarian
>spreads yellow fever
Uh what

Yeah I'm slightly repulsed by Asian women.
I hate how doggedly they pursue white men, driven by self-hatred and desire to have white kids but the beautiful irony is they cannot make white kids.

Of course us lily white unhealthy manlets are gonna go yellow. That dude wouldn't get a 4/10 white girl but he can get an 7/10 asian easy maybe as high as 9/10 if he really plays it.

Sup Forums convinced me white girls are garbage. They're all whores and coal burners, single moms or just idiots. I went yellow a while back and now I get treated like a king. I have a daughter in the way and we're going to have more kids right away. Thank you Sup Forums for showing me the light, this white man will never waste a minute with a white woman.

>That dude wouldn't get a 4/10
Not really, I know tons of average or ugly dudes with decent women, hell, I know a fatass college nerd who's with a beautiful girl and he's not even rich
You really don't have to very attractive to get a good looking woman
Keeping them is a completely different matter though

How is that girl even a 7?
A bland af asiatic face with insecty features painstakingly covered in a layer of make-up to appeal to the white man. Yum(!)

Taiwanese men are staring to see whites the same way we see niggers back home, any girl who dates a white is basically their version of a rostie

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Asian women are very controlling and matriarchal, I think this appeals to the beta /r9k/ fantasy of having a mommy-wife

In the same way that I can't understand how white coonlovers can bare to look at their mulatto offspring, I cannot fathom how any white person could look at their half Asian baby child and be happy with what they see.

Aren't mommy wives supposed to be thicc

>Asian women just want money ASAP and will cling on right away.

This. I remember back at uni, I was catching the train home from the station, it was flooded with other students. This absolutely gorgeous Korean girl sits down next to me, is instantly flirtatious, complementing me, stroking my arm. She asks me what I am studying, I tell her (philosophy), she immediately retracts stands up and says "you should change to business" and walks off. I thought the whole thing was pretty funny but it confirmed a lot of suspicions I had.

white men like the fact that for the same amount of effort , looks, confidence and game, you can get an east asian or indian girl who is 1-1.5 points out of 10 hotter than a white girl. In east asia and south east asia especially even 2 points out of 10 hotter.

You're right though. marrying your own race is what is best.
You don't want a mixed race person who is confused about their identity. You don't want to have to compete over which cultural practices you're going to raise your kid with.
You want to be able to relax when you're visiting your in-laws or letting your kid stay with their cousins, not feel like something of an outsider , or worry that one of their uncles or their cousins is going to be teaching them about islam or something.

White roastie did the same to me when I told her I study accounting instead of something "cool" like history of art or music.

They are crypto mommy-wifes. They look and act as if they are young and submissive but will slowly take full control of your finances and your life with cold calculating precision.

Ooga booga

Should've told her chemical engineering and banged her

Oh hey a joke about snowniggers haha very funny

I like asian chicks (in asia) because I can put in a reasonable amount of effort and expect genuine affection.

They are not poisoned by the western idea that affection or intimacy are a reward for good behavior. They are brought up to understand that in order to attract and keep a good man, they are expected to act like a woman and a wife, not a high class prostitute and task master.

Of course not everything is perfect and they have their own problems, but in general asian women seem pleasantly surprised to be treated with respect and kindness. Meanwhile western women are bored by it, and crave degenerate 'dominant' and semi-abusive behavior from their partners.

It's called Trauma Bonding (battered woman syndrome), women don't intentionally crave that, it's just chemistry
Treat them like goddesses at first, then push them to the bottom then again treat them like they're goddesses and the cycle continues
I'm serious, read up on it

Man that word still triggers me

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Mark Wiens > Trevor James

russians are such psychopaths, seriously
your women hate this shit, btw
I have bedded a few of them, and they utterly despise the standard "abusive love" they can expect from slavic men

This user is right, all yellowfags are just fucking pathetic muh diks who can't see past their own nose and can't realise that whites who try to get asian women are like niggers in the west.
Fuck all yellowfeverfags. Stick within your own race.

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Half Asians look white though.

Nice try roastie

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Why are White male Asian female relationships so aesthetic and beautiful?

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Such a fucking waste of digits.
Please hang yourself from your nearest available tree, nigger.

I went to school with a guy who joined the Navy right out of school. Tall, good looking guy and a good athlete. Ended up becoming a SEAL. Basically the guy is a total fucking badass.

Well he just married some 5 foot 3 Vietnamese chick. It's honestly sad as hell. I have no idea what he sees in her. Shes good looking, but it's like he doesn't see them for the vermin they are.

Many such cases unfortunately.

He is right tough Asian women are the best women. His digits confirm it.

So is that a dude or is this just supposed to make me miss my ex?

Hello schlomo. Your dirty faggot tricks aren’t working

The arn't and I am not sure why you think something so painfully false. Although I will admit they do produce interesting children. I wouldn't object to the creation of a hapa state where all the people are cross-breeds between whites and nips. Within that state hapa would breed with hapa and a whole new race would be created. Maybe they could succeed where the whites and nips failed.

how the fuck did the yes get bigger?

Digits confirms that Asian women are the ultimate women

Yellow fever is for weak, pathetic betas.

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Race mixing is always wrong. Always. Wrong when women does it and wrong when men does it. It's that simple. White women belong to white men and asian women belong to asian men.


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>tfw no surgically enhanced Korean gf

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poast her without make up tho

They look like emotionless sex dolls. That will not help you lead a virtuous life, user.

I want an Asian Waifu:(

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enjoying giving birth to creaturas, you will realize how ugly she was before surgery

Sounds like you’re just upset he didn’t wait for you.

Have you fucking seen an asian woman without makeup?
Holy shit, I thought the self-awareness thing was a joke but I guess not!

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Bro I promise it is just the Slavics that aren't as bad.
Women By Country Whore or not?
American Y
Germ Y
Austria Y
Canada Y
Sweden Y


Stick to Slavic QTs or Spanish/Italian girls.

>White women are fucking great in my experience
Come to Anglo-sphere lad where a Canadian 8/10 is about a Russian 4/10.

Our women are hideous, have had hundreds of cocks in them before it is your turn, and are generally terrible human beings.

De vet faen meg ikke hvem hun er? Jeg postet ikke henne fordi hun heter Emilie Nereng og er blogger, jeg postet henne fordi hun er en nydelig norsk jente i bunad på bildet.

reblog if u would sperm them

Honestly, I feel like a lot of people who have yellow fever have it because they have never visited the mainland, never visited Japan, never visited any chink country.

Once you do, you see them for the disgusting creatures they really are. The absolute volume of them alone should deter you from seeking out a yellow partner.

And if at that point you still have yellow fever, god help your soul, for once you procreate with the chink, your offspring will live in an eternal void as a human with half a soul. Truly the worst thing that could ever happy to any innocent child.

kek. It's just sad to see his obviously well working genes go to waste. RIP.

Are you telling me western men are never abusive towards their partners?

>That will not help you lead a virtuous life

no woman can

exactly. this shit needs to end. white women can be great, asian women can be great, everyone just fuck your own women.

t. chang

Asian women are the counterfeit females for white betas who do not have the balls to discipline a white thot.

These faggots LOVE rubbing their gook sluts and their hapa children in ur face.

I used to be with some Korean bitch. But once you fuck a decent white woman you lose all interest in gooks. They're invisible to me now. White women are much better to fuck; nicer bodies.

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Not true, the right type of woman (within your race) can. But that is becoming harder and harder to find these days if you don't find it sooner than later.

Is today ricemixing day? Because this is like the 10th ricemixing thread and the day has barely begun

Japanese Women don’t need makeup
They have aryan (Indian, SE asian) genes buried in their genetics that are also the same genes that stop white people from looking like trash
This is referred to as Jomon, in comparison to Yayoi

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You posted it in response to an azn girl without make up on, hence why I asked for white girl without make up. Are you retard or just inbred?

My chad pal is having a blast in Calgary

can't argue with those quads

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Today is shilling day. They're rotating. This morning was about one liners like "ha! on your face republitards" and shit like that.
Now it's ricemixing.
After lunch it will be my favourite, probably. The *woof woof* shitpost.
Probably there's something big about to go down.

Alle jenter som blogger og poster ofte på Instagram har ræva personlighet. Dette gjelder uansett rase

Here you go, mutt.

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There are women that can but they're legit exremely rare
And boring

"Asian women have a much lower chance fucking a nigger"

Whoever wrote this only knows Asian women from anime. Fucking weeb!

She doesn't look that good, should've posted Elsa Hosk or something

Du misser fortsatt poenget mitt, du.
Jeg gir faen i hvor dum personen jeg postet er, jeg postet henne FORDI hun er blond og har på seg en tradisjonell folkedrakt. INTET MER, INTET MINDRE.
Du kan krangle så lenge du vil om hva personen Voe *faktisk gjor*, men det er ikke relevant til bildets intensjon.

The attraction to Asian women is actually an attraction to pubescent girls. Asian women have the most neotonous features in adulthood. Eliminate AoC and these loli-hungry manchildren will sate themselves on their young white wives instead of the mongoloid parasite.

This is the same girl with makeup.

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she aight

Can't argue with those quads, Hitler wills it

And yet they keep coming back for more.

It's always the most obnoxious feminists who are the easiest gamed with trauma bonding. They crave it coz they know they deserve it. The feminism is just there to provoke you. If you are not provoked by such cunts then ur just a pussy and ur invisible to them. But yell at her, make her cry, maybe even beat her on occasion, and she clings to you like a fucking tick.

Not quite as much makeup here but still beautiful

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The only reason whites go for Asians is bc they are lonely betas or they have a fetish. White women are objectively better


this. stick with your roasties please

Only asn women I've dated we're extremely submissive. You pussy

>white women are horrible when in relationships with them
>"I don't get it white girls look pretty cute to me"
>"I don't have any problems with them"
>"not that I ever dated one for a long period of time"


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this does not make any fucking sense, why would Andrew Anglin get killed by niggers when he don't even fucking like them.

unless all you're looking for is a fucktoy, there's a lot of appeal in a smart(er) wife who looks young
i'd fuck any good-looking woman with 120+ IQ, it just so happens asians tend to combine those two traits at a greater rate than whites

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Trauma bonding is horrible, women deserve good treatment, not abuse

They have the best looking/smelling/tasting feet. Prove me wrong

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I only date Asian girls, they're (Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan where I've lived) just a much better overall experience than western white women and actually take care of themselves and me. My current gf is Vietnamese.

I see pretty Asian women everywhere and am attracted to them, but the problem is that it only takes one attractive white girl to make me realise I don't have yellow fever. It's a whole other level of attractive to me. I think it would be easy to just go for an Asian girl and I kind of wish I could settle for that, but truthfully even a 7/10 white girl is hotter than pretty much every Asian girl I see in person.

>I only date Asian girls

Why do you feel the need to hide your flag, muttanon?

Asian women are more feminine.

Which is to say feminism has yet to ruin them altogether.

He's a pedo. Who else is 5'3" tall, nearly hairless and with round neotonous features? Pure, innocent 13yo girls
Society is wasting many of the best and brightest genes by refusing to let people wed who they want and instead making them choose from the leftovers of our degenerate culture. So many people let their prejudices shield them from the value of this idea.

Only a matter of time.

>Wanting to fuck Chinese girls....from China
No, you don't, user. There's nothing more revolting on this planet than the Chinese. They're like walking biohazards.

lmao op chooses to have s*x with loose vag western slore I’m literally LMAO here!

This is true. Also you can only have white children with a white woman

Noooooo stick to french girls
Women are not born "masculine" or "feminine", you can influence them you know

Nah, Western women are such depraved and shameless sluts that hate game and trauma bonding is the only way to make an impression on them.

They know they deserve it, which is why they ignore any men who don't overtly and shamelessly hate them for the sluts they are.

They may not like being treated that way; but they respond to it positively and keep coming back for more. Good luck scoring such a thot with kindness and empathy lol

Nothing is sooner dry than a woman's tears.

Currently on vacation and don't want to be spammed with muh rare, I see nothing wrong with having Fascist beliefs and dating Asian women though, its certainly more in-line with those values than cucking yourself with modern white women.