What is wrong with translators

are there actually people who would pay 40$ for a chapter instead of waiting for the volume? this is beyond ridiculous

>40$ for a chapter
I live in eastern Europe and here average for translating equivalent of 1 chapter of LN would cost you about $120 and quality of translation would be about the same as fan translator if not worse. I hope this answer your question.

look at this retard
have you ever bought a real light novel?

Translators aren't paid less than the cost of the novel

Perhaps, if the chapter in question was translations never.

look at the quality of shitty translation, he's not working for a publishing company, he doesn't deserve the same

Yes in Japanese if you're willing to wait literally years and that's only if any publisher will pick it up in the first place feel free to do so but if you want to see something translated in your life time and are willing to pay for it $40 for chapter is really sweet deal.

and one more thing, those 'translators' aren't hired to do one series and do it over period of months, get your head straight

it's licensed yet this guy goes and asks 40$ for a chapter and it's popular that the manga is licensed too. I'm not against donating but this is fucking retarded

You do realize that the actual translators charge at least that much, and usally more, right? It's not out of the ordinary to see commission prices of up to 1000 usd for one volume.
Now if you want to wait for fucking ever to maybe see if Jew Press will pick up a series, only to butcher it, water it down and release 1 maybe 2 volumes per year if you're lucky then by all means feel free.

How many words/pages per chapter on average?

Again if you don't mind waiting literally years until publisher get to recent volumes feel free to sit the fuck down and wait but if you want to read it now $40 is reasonable price even for fan translation.

Difficult to estimate. LNs have 5-7 chapters on average, counting Epilogue and Prologue chapters. Normal page count is 300-400 pages.

Apparently he also claims that he has already done the whole volume because he enjoyed it and won't release it because 'teeehee i'm evil' but actually just wants money


A reasonable price for anything is only the one people are willing to pay for.
Actually skilled fan translators charge significantly less than that. In the area of $20 a chapter.
If he thinks he can charge double for what is apparently a shitty translation, he's going to wake up to a grand total of fucking nothing in his paypal account.

You're an idiot

You're overestimating the value of shovelware WN.

>Oh~, amazing -ssu! This is my first time diving into a dungeon with a Chemical Elemental Magician -ssu kedo, but Chemical Elemental Magic is convenient, isn’t it -ssu ne.
I don't know if this is supposed to be a good translation or not but it's cringe

Welcome to free market, if you aren't willing to pay $40 find someone who will do it for less or just wait for official translation, it's that simple.

>-ssu kedo
You must be fucking kidding me.

4 0 $