So how many nations will we see be humiliated, damaged or outright destroyed by the end of this season?
Kino's Journey
Hopefully, we will see how nuKino stops being garbage and maybe even becomes sort of comparable to 2003.
It won't.
Wasn't she supposed to drop it with her left hand?
New ep is out
Even though it's not as good as the original I'm still enjoying the 2017 Kino quite a bit.
All I hope, thus far all of these nations have been pretty fucking stupid.
How many people will she murder before facing justice?
I want a Ti in my life.
I can't remember the last episode that was about kino
That's the point. Don't you remember the same thing happening in 2003? I sure do.
50 at least. Let's hope it gets to 75 by the end of this season.
I didn't like this episode, as it was perfectly predictable what is going to happen.
But the Ti part made up for it.
How many lumps do you want?
Man new Kino is so fucking ugly
Ti the cutest.
>giving pizza to a dog
This one handles just fine.
Is Kino even in this show anymore?
Or is she just like a recurring character.
Most of the eps this reboot so far are just stupid. Shame.
Stop eating ANN's bullshit, retards. Kino 2017 is fine even if it's not as good as 2003. It's not the biggest piece of shit ever.
>show is called Kino
>isn't kino in the slightest
Fuck off.
the only episode that really brought me back to the 2003 feel was country of liars. everything else has been enjoyable but missing the charm and life of the original
I don't go on ANN, so I wouldn't know their opinion.
You seem pretty familiar, though.
This show is shit, btw.
Why doesn't this loli haet pizza?
I liked the murder town episode.
Other than that, I agree.
hello, fellow oldfag
You fuck off. Like I'm gonna believe it's a coincidence this show gets undeseved hate when the ANN reviewer is using a shitton of retarded bullshit to shit on it. Fuck off back there
>I don't go to ANN
Nice lie, retard
I don't even know what that is.
Knew someone would post it as soon as pizza appeared
Did they use Paint to add the pizza to this scene?
So the plot of 2003 and 2017 are unrelated?
ANN is a irrelevant newsite that no one cares about except you. The show gets hate because while not bad it's simply not as good as the 2003 version. Everyone knew from the time of the announcement that it was gonna be worse this is not something that came up in the recent episodes.
They're not trying very hard with this adaptation so that's more than possible.
>It's another episode without Kino
The fact that you not only use ANN and like this show, but openly admit it, is even more disgusting than this CGI filled shitfest of an adaptation.
Animenewsnetwork. You can stop lying now
Nice bullshit
Only ANN is retarded enough to be this butthurt about this show not being as good as 2003. Anyone else would be fair and wouldn't act like not bein able to bring the old director back from the dead is the biggest crime against anime and the Kino name ever committed
It not being as good as 2003 doesn't mean it deserves to be treated like the worst thing ever, ANNtard
Got a good laugh out of me with this line.
So the new ep is another one without Kino focus? Is the manga like this? It's strange because I saw 03 and recall every ep having Kino focus.
You cannot stop the silver loli.
Gotta keep yourself informed where retardation comes from.
And people like you who feel disgusted about people liking things is what's disgusting here
Of course everyone knew, but we don't need every thread filled with secondary fags that say things like
>kino is a cold murderer who kills people and destroy countries for fun
>this show is shit, because no reason
>where is kino in my kino
>kino is not kino, look at my funny Sup Forums meme
What people hoped to get in the first threads were slow threads filled with people who're actually enjoying the anime, but the further we go with episodes the more trolls come here and the less people actually watching the anime discuss it here.
And maybe because every 2003 story had Kino, they wanted to adapt stories feautring the other PoVs here. Thus why so many stories without Kino in 2017
Whose treating it like the worst thing ever? It's definitely been an underwhelming adaptation. You're entitled to your own opinions, and that doesn't mean people who don't share them are some kind of foreign shill.
Oh shit, its the brain scorcher, a smaller one maybe.
I want to enjoy the show, but every time Kino turns into a 3D model and rides away at 3 fps I want to tear my eyes out. I know it's an over used word, it seriously just makes me cringe.
>people who don't like what I like are trolls and shills
>kino is a cold murderer who kills people and destroy countries for fun
This is actually literally part of the bullshit ANN spouts. So anyone who spouts this can't deny where they come from
The guy who said me liking it was disgusting, maybe?
Everyone spouting the "2017 Kino is a murderer" ANN meme (like OP)?
When their comments are bullshit and shit literally pulled from ANN reviews, yes
There's a difference between saying
>2017 sucks compared to 2003, bad directing, bad composition, bad quality etc
>where is kino in kino lol
Couldn't Shizu's lie about them going crazy the next day backfire? If the guy goes back and tells everybody about it, and they all expect to go insane and watch for symptoms in others, might they not just placebo each other into chaos anyways?
>way to fuck yourself 101
The lesson to be learned here is that secondaries ruin everything.
I can't speak for other anons but my comment certainly had nothing to do with ANN. I just came in here to voice disappointment, and your reaction was to use ANN like an user can't have an actual opposing opinion.
>saleel al sawarim intensifies
crawl out through the fallout baby
Here's your (you), cherish it.
pretty much
It's like they went through the books, found the edgiest material available, and then focused only on those aspects.
I think I'm gonna post it every thread now.
>look guys, I know how to use paint
>I love this show
>maybe Lerche will hire me!
I see your game.
a loli acually eating pizza is pretty edgy
This feels way edgier than 2003 Kino. Not in a good way.
70% means Kino should occupy more episodes than she has been. So far he is only the protag in 4/8.
>Kino at 69%
Well, he asked about the manga(LN).
Who knew Tii wanted to build an ethnostate
She's still getting 7 episodes, 8 if we count the next one(which should feature her). 8/12=0.75
That scenery gave me On Your Mark vibes
The hell is this nigga doing? Waiting a natural way for it to be found out?
Also this one.
Good thing Shizu had someone sensible with him who doesn't try to fix everyone's stupid problems. She probably should have kept the pin though.
Great line.
why doesn't shizu carry around spare pins
Do loli hugging doggo when she wakes up.
Fresh from the digital oven.
8th episode dopesn't have Kino as protag.
Cute, thanks.
How does Shizu earn money?
Best solution, the duct tape.
Kino episodes:
>Land of Adults
>Yasashii Kuni(Volcano)
>Killing people is permited country
>Troublesome country
>Land with liars
>Land with sheeps
>Quite possibly 9th episode too
>Coloseum (well, that's half kino half shizu)
8 episodes if you count it up.
what I miss the most is the comfy guitar twang bgm that played every episode