Friendly reminder that Mina___ will win the Dekubowl.
Boku No Hero Academia
Fuck MHA and fuck everyone who likes this shit.
You can't hide from me behind spoilers, traitor!
No pink whores allowed near Deku
No dumb whores are allowed near Deku either.
Do you think Todoroki masturbates furiously like baku or gently like deku?
>Posts literally nothing wrong
Not gonna lie I lost some respect for Hori here.
Eri was the perfect excuse to explain away Nighteye being wrong. A quirk that can only see the future being unable to correctly interpret the effects of a quirk that selectively rewinds time would be entirely believable. "Believing in your friends" not so much.
You cant even understand a kids cartoon, this is sad. The quirk isnt faultless unless you think it is, that's it's drawback.
Except that wasn't the point at all. Nighteye had the quirk his entire life, and the first time it was EVER wrong was due to literal "power of friendship" nonsense.
"The quirk isnt faultless unless you think it is" might be an interesting gimmick for a power like Nighteye's but that clearly isn't what Hori is going for here. He's going for the same "believe in your friends" tripe that bogs down every cliche shonen (which BnHA is trending more and more towards every chapter)
He masturbates using Tsuyu as an onanism hole
>mutant scum
No you dumbass, he said it himself, it didnt work because he doubted it every time, he had a negative outlook, read the chapter again he even says he didnt understand his quirk
>Hori actually killed someone somewhat important
I really was expecting an asspull.
You mean, you aren't satisfied with "wishing energy"?
i-it's about t-time
That was fucking retarded. At least someone died though.
I'm gonna post this one last time since i forgot the link the last time. Vigilante chapter 18 (raw) is out now
how much do you retards get paid to shill this awful series
Fuck retarded shippingshit and fuck this shitposter
Friendly reminder that Nighteye is drugged up and on his deathbed, and that his interpretation sounds like something a dying man would say. Also a reminder that just because a character says something doesn't mean they represent the author's opinion, and that with Nighteye's death this argument becomes irrelevant to the future plot
Finally a good thread.
It is my personal head-canon that Eri's quirk is time-based and as such distorted the flow of time in a way that NightEye's vision came to pass but was reverted by her powers.
Good chapter, but that was a bit of an asspull.
Is that Momo or mom?
I can't take that guy seriously. He is so autistic. He is a fucking child.
wtf he can fly? someone who understands it explain how it works. Is it something like since he can slide himself in any surface, he can use air as a surface?
These people are beyond reasoning with. They're fanboys who refuse to see how flawed the manga is. They'll make excuses for the shit writing. Makes me wonder if they where the same people who liked fairy tail.
He described it as "a repellent force" though he doesn't seem sure himself. If he is right it would make sence that he can use it to push himself around.
Thats the point
How can people even criticize tododeku when bullshit like these two assholes who've barely breathed at each other is spread around like this
Are Fallen Angels good at translating or should I look for something else?
Another easy win for the Alien Queen!
I mean he is autistic and a kid you're right user. Both those are good points though
Why do the shitposters insist on looking stupid? Hori again and again proves them wrong but they insist on trying to pick anything only to look stupid.
If you can find the Viz scans, then that would be the best. FA is fine though.
The school toilet has been more useful than Mina, and more relevant in the story.
I've been looking for them but there's nothing. Got any link?
Its not literal dumbass
No fat whores either, fatty.
He can repel gravity and maybe even create actual barriers.
His quirk only looks like shit because he never properly trained it.
only for the first 8 volumes though
Ochako is better than an abusive dick
Thanks a lot
Why are you so hateful to straight ships
At least it's funny
I prefer his 'Explain it as badly as possible' video
Ochako is a loser and a parasite, and she's fucking fat.
I feel like this chapter had a lot more pressing character stuff as in him being revealed as the crawler.
But the quirk overshadows everything
Even his fucking name. It doesn't make sense anymore with his quirk.
>Implying he isn't gonna chill out later down the line
Yeah but Bakugou is even more of a loser so really it's just the battle of the losers. They can duel it out at the next loser festival.
Leave Deku out of this.
His limbs actually work like repulsors
Why are people so hateful to gay ships. Can you imagine if I even asked that bullshit question. Everyone on Sup Forums is a hateful piece of shit
Ochako is a sweet and good person who deserves to kick Bakugou in the nuts.
Doesn't really matter if he chills out down the line because he's spent the entirety of their childhood and the entirety of the manga abusing tf out of Deku.
Deku literally deserves anyone who isn't Bakugou - Ochako, Todo, Iida, Tsuyu, Shinsou, fuck, I don't even care who. Just not that asshole
>he's spent the entirety of their childhood and the entirety of the manga abusing tf out of Deku.
So whenever deku isn't a little bitch we have baku to thank?
Are you kidding? Bakugou made Deku someone who is a much more nervous and scared person. Dude shakes when someone in his personal life winds up to hit him or moves too quick and he's developed a self sacrifice complex. Bakugou fucked Deku over
>something new happens
>it's an asspull
You people need to stop filtering your experience of the world through memes.
Little bitch boys who don't get bullied at all will always be little bitch boys. Deku isn't perfect but he would be much worse if he wasn't bullied.
Abuse doesn't make people strong dude.
A little bit of bullying sets people straight.
Deku isn't Jonathan Joestar, he's not exactly someone who came prepackaged with the ability to be tougher by having people be tough to him - he's just a kid, after all.
Arguably, Bakugou wasn't making it his personal mission to shit on Deku - Deku always seem to follow him, not the other way around
It's not like it was just a little bit
Well he was following bakugo all day. It wasn't more than Deku deserved.
God I hope he dies
t. abused child
Is he going to kill himself when the entire school is talking about the great Deku and how he destroyed an entire Yakuza hideout on his own?
>if you don't like bakugo you were bullied
>if you like bakugo you were bullied
He wasn't really, we even see Bakugou bullying Deku when he speaks up or says anything in class.
Also Bakugou was just generally a little asshole. "Can't you stop Bakugou? Can't you see he's crying?"
Probably. I wonder if he will be a little worried about Kirishima. Part of me just wants him to not really care and watch all the fujo shippers explode in anger.
No, he'll take out his misplaced aggression on Deku and want to beat him up for daring to be successful since he's literally just a baby Endeavour
t. illiterate autist
>Liking Bakugou as a character
That's understandable, he's a guy who's experiencing the most dramatic growth as a character
>Trying to absolve Bakugou of the bullying he did to Deku
That ain't gonna fly - You can like Bakugou as a character while also understanding he's a shitheel, and needs a good thrashing
>I'd like no relationships to mean anything because fujos
Fan artists are having a field day, at least.
He is constantly being humbled and failing and being beaten by deku and everyone. Its not like he isn't getting his trashings.
That's not Momo.
Bad news, faggots, these two are in it together for the long haul and there's nothing you can do about it.
He needs several good thrashings
I don’t care about fujos. They’re friends, so they’ll definitely talk. I hope he comes to school looking like a mummy.
It's been 100 chapters and Bakugou is still a shitheel to Deku
Also, them both being successful doesn't mean they'll work togetherq
I said "a part of me"
Yeah on a character level I want Kirishima to be a lot more grown up and devoted to his hero training since he had real clash with how dangerous it can get and obviously Bakugo should be a little worried.
Is that supposed to look like he's fucking his mother?
I can't believe people are defending this
And I can't believe shitposters are still retarded. but here we are.
user please. It doesnt look like her.
Then go back to tumblr fucking queer.
Keep on dreaming, clown.
>posting anime fanfiction
His secret identity got totally blown the fuck out.
Go breed yourself
It's a non canonical ED dumbass
who has the time to give a fuck? I sure don't
So I'm assuming loser gets deku?