Did shonen villains peak with these two?

Did shonen villains peak with these two?

Cell isn't even the best villain in his own series


No, they're not perfect.

pic related objectively gets a spot in being a great villain.
To bad O, MY BACKSTAB happened

i don't know who that is on the right, and the only reason cell exists is because toriyama was forced to come up with something after frieza, who is the best db villain.

>not perfect

Tao Pai Pai is best


He is more like
Up to spec
Not perfect

This is the type of garbage the Cellfag worships

uhh, no sweetie

Cell is highly romanticized for no real reason.

His only endearing trait is his sardonic personality.

His motive is completely singular, and he gets absolutely fucking triggered whenever someone stronger than him shows up.

He's better than Majin Buu, at least, but Frieza was far more (and continues to be, amazingly enough) developed as a character than Cell ever was.

one of them is voiced by norio wakamoto
i think this seals the deal

I don't like Cell either lmao

But he was perfect though. Only reason he lost was because Gohan pulled an asspull, and then vegeta had yo step in to help Gohan defeat him.

>literally asspull personified

Orachimaru wasn't even as bad as Madara.

Fuck all the Uzumaki and Uchihaha wankfest that ruined the series. If you weren't from there you were shit.

The thing that always bugged me about the latter half of cell and buu arcs is how little else there is to them besides the singular fights against the big bad.

There was all sorts of shit going on with the namek arc, that's what kept it interesting.

It's because he has ambition. He was also the strongest motherfucker around to an absurd degree, which also explains why he's so evil. He could do whatever he wanted and no one could do shit about it. It took something from a fairy tale to stop him.

Combine this from his desire to become immortal. It would have been a nightmare upon a nightmare. Freeza is tiers above Cell as a villain.

Cell was one of the least interesting villains in Dragon Ball.
>that gay lieutenant
All of them were better than Cell.


I mean sure, and don't get me wrong, I think people really blow up Gohan's SS2 moment too much, but his shit was built up gradually over the course of the series. We all knew Gohan had some great potential; we all knew it was coming. But it wasn't really an asspull when it was foreshadowed so heavily.

While a really cool transformation, it's also pretty bullshit when you consider the death of a robot whom he'd only just met was the trigger to his teenage bitch fit.

Freeza works because of what he represented, narrative-wise. A cosmic entity that the heroes had never even fathomed of dealing with before; an existence outside of their own that was so far beyond what they were seemingly capable of. He was an obstacle, albeit one with a simple goal, but an obstacle nonetheless. It was largely after his death and return that he developed a bit more as a character; he's grown in Super in a far more positive light, as his wily ambitions make him a joy to watch and a good mainstay villain, rather than 'villain of the arc'.

Cell on the other hand is entertaining but he's just kind of there. It could be argued that he serves the same narrative purpose Freeza did Goku, but by this point we already know that the main cast (some of them, anyway) can ascend beyond cosmic entities and the like. This is kind of why Majin Buu is a weak villain; we've already dealt with the unknown before (Freeza), so going into it again feels weird.

That's not at all to say that these villains aren't entertaining. They are. But some are weaker than others

peaked with him

Mereum was intended to be the strongest threat to ever show up in HxH. He's a subversion of the powercreep trope because fights in HxH are all mindgames. Cell unironically has the potential to be the strongest thing ever because he has Zenkai from saiyans, healing from Namekians, and the hardiness and potential of Frieza's mutant dna.

I feel that in another universe he won but became bored due to the lack of people fighting

probably picked a fight with his resident god of destruction by the end of it

I read spec as spic, is that bad?

One of the games may have a story like that, I think it was the budokai tenkaichi games that what if stories like what if Raditz crashed on earth and forgot his memory like Goku.
There was one with Majin buu who had killed everyone in the universe, he spent eternity wandering the earth screaming with loneliness.


Shonen villains peaked with Madara Uchiha.

Despite him being Edo Tensei on this image, that's not the one I'm talking about.

That's not Freeza's motivation at all, he'd taken over the universe year before DBZ even started

he is not even the coolest guy in his show

>madara uchiha
>peak villain
>glorified final fantasy villain
>friends beating a god-like figure
>alegory to japanese fanfiction of seeing Japan beat european nations

Madara Uchiha was just generic. The only way that he could be good is if he were a warlord instead of a stupid "this world sucks, i want out" edgy teenager.

Cell was the one who had the asspull.

>has regenerative abilities due to Namekian genes
>Nakemians can only regenerate if the head isn't severed/destroyed
>regenerates after Instant Transmission Kamehameha despite head being completely destroyed
>blows himself, Goku, and King Kai to smithereens
>a single cell of Cell somehow survives in the vacuum of space
>that single cell turns into Perfect Cell despite Gohan knocking 18 out of him
>also, Cell knows Instant Transmission now because reasons

I guess JoJo was already classified as seinen in part 6.

>that gay lieutenant
His name was Blue.

Patrician taste.

Still better than Cell.

Cell saga was really average.
Boo saga was much better.

Jojo became seinen in 7.



Which one are you talking about?

>Cell at max power and completely fresh couldn't beat a one-armed child who lost half his power

jojo stopped being shounen after part 3

I like Cell but he's nowhere near as good as Meruem. Meruem is far and above the best shonen villain.


Why are Huan Piss villains so irrelevant? I have never heard of a single one of them.

Never watched Nardo but I know who Orochimaru, Pain and Madara are. They are so much more iconic.

>Meruem is far and above the best shonen villain.
Kira Yoshikage exists.

Yes but unironically.

Part 1 should be fine.

If I'm being honest, only Arlong and Crocodile were great villains in One Piece.

>>alegory to japanese fanfiction of seeing Japan beat european nations

Not watched Naruto. How does this get expressed?

Cell was made by Gero from the best fighters of the story. He had all the makings of a good character, but without Gero, Cell would be free to do as he pleases until Beerus wakes up.

Haven't finished Jojo so I can't say if you're right or wrong. Meruem is a very difficult villain to topple though.

>my cock got hard as a kid lel

*explains his power to you*

Imperfect Cell > Early just born Mereum
Later Mereum > Cell after any of his transfermations

Imperfect Cell was god tier early on. Weak creepy villain that hid in the shadows slowly building up strength that could pop out of anywhere felt way more threatening than when he got his first transfermation and onward and became dull as a doorknob with his whole "I'M GON BLOW UP DE EARTH IF I DON'T GET MAH FIGHTS". Mereum was a pretty edgy little shit when he was born but as he went on and grew in character he became a whole lot better.

Came here to post him, he's in a class his own.

>I don't understand Frieza's character at all
This is why we mock Cellfags, they are this fucking stupid.

He got hard from the Mona Lisa's hands and is a serial killer who takes The hands of his victims

I'm sorry, what was that? Can't seems to hear what your nen ability is.

Makes me laugh. Remember Rose from Bleach?

>all my abilities work through you listening to my music
>character proceeds to rip out his ear drums

Frieza is space Napoleon Hitter who is pompous because he lived in the reality that he was all powerful and no one could come near his power, this ideology comes crashing down on him when he's finally beaten by a member of a race he considered to be extremely inferior

Makes me wonder why Cell wasn't chosen for the Universal Tournament. He would've fought till his heart was content, and challenged Beerus to test the limits of his powers. Given Super's preference towards tactics over power levels, Cell would've made a great addition to the team.

Much better.

Super changes it a bit by implying that he had approval from God to smite the arrogant Saiyans, and to never challenge Majin Buu. Frieza is more of a Greek Tyrant than Space Hitler.

>Given Super's preference towards tactics over power levels
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... are you serious

Let's be real, Goku and Vegeta having high power levels isn't enough to overwhelm Angels, the Omni-King, Gods of Destruction, or Zamasu. They can't even touch skilled opponents like Jiren or Hit.

One Piece villains lack charisma

Naruto has Orochimaru, Pain, Madara like you said

Bleach has Aizen

Dragin Ball Z has Frieza, Cell, Vegeta(when he was a villain) and Piccolo(when he was a villain) and others.