Name a worse President

Name a worse President
You literally can't

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All of them.

>He caused the great depression

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Yea Hoover probably takes the cake there, the "economy will fix itself" mindset doomed so many people. Though Johnson is a close contender, the social programs for blacks, equal rights, Immigration acts and the great society nightmare.


LBJ hands down is the worst president of all time

George Washington hated Woodrow before he even existed, because of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which created the city-state of Washington D.C. that can operate outside the law, and incorporated THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA which allowed a private bank (Federal Reserve) to print the dollar.

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Commie fuck who bailed out the jews
Killed the free market and bent over for Tyrone

Andrew Johnson had the opportunity to send free slaves to the uninhabited midwest to start a "new life" (aka be sent to midwest to be killed off by Indians and not have a nigger problem in the US) That alone is why he was an awful President

Hoover had nothing to do with the great depression, even lefty economists agree. Only a dumbass would assume such stupid shit.

>Helped Americans not starve to death while the completely unregulated banking system and free market literally threw people's money into the void to save themselves
>BTFO Hitler with Churchill and FUCKING STALIN, mounting the largest millitary operation in history
>Green lit the A-Bomb to not only singlehandedly end the war but to powercheck the soviets
>Did all of this while suffering from polio and losing the use of his legs, even standing during important speeches to not appear weak
Take it back you fucking traitor

Obama was in office for 8 years and his legacy will be a failed healthcare mandate and telling the American public that if he had a son he would randomly attack hispanic security guards.

George Bush is a close second.

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Jews were profiting regardless of the depression or a rejuvenation, the bailouts and State sponsored work programs helped millions of people and pulled us out of the depression.

He was a racist, many of those state sponsored work programs had segregated workforce and the military was still segregated, many pro black sentiment came from his wife Eleanor not him, because of his illness she kinda represented him so its easy to have this confusion.

>powercheck the soviets
You forgot to mention the part where he infiltrated the state department with commies.

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He was a puppet to the kyke. They took over your money-printer and prohibited the most useful agriculture in the world in the first year of his rule

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>federal reserve
>income tax
he should've shot on the spot. he fucking destroyed this country.


absolutely this fucker

>ruled for same years as Hitler yet this is never mentioned
>created the welfare state
>locked up his own citizens because he was so incompetent in finding spies
>helped fucking STALIN to stop le ebil Hitler despite doing anything bad Hitler did anyway
>gets credit for the Jew deal helping Americans when the war was what pulled Americans out of the depression

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