Where is Tougou-san?????
YuYuYu / Yuuki Yuuna
Laying in bed next to me.
Mass producing a generation of weaker yuushas, WHAT THE FUCK COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG!?
She went into hiding after Fuu revealed her identity to the public.
Does Tougou need saving? Maybe she is just killing all the Vertexes.
a dumb autist
Yuuna has such a cute head!
taisha genocide when?
That's a cute Yuuna.
But does she also give cute head?
Judging from the preview I think they are going to use all the scenes from the first PV next episode but I don't remember Sonoko saying "you have wonderful friends" so maybe they are going to find Tougou already or she will just think about that.
>Tougou gets erased.
Fucking NoWaYu parallels.
Yes she's probably just talking to imaginary Wasshi.
Why is that the Taisha symbol?
Where the FUCK is Togo? The show went to shit due to the lack of best girl
Yuuna is always cute.
>due to the lack of best girl
But Itsuki is right there.
But Sonoko is there, user
The preview music is a little more hype than the first one.
I want to f
Togo literally almost caused the end of the world, did you really think she would get away unpunished after that?
i feel nothing but betrayal
Yes, I also want to find Tougou.
>thinking this is a punishment
Just wait to discover Tougou is saving the world again.
>Proper english starts to show up
This is your reward Yuuna-chan.
There's Tougou tits with the mark too.
Yes? You can't be punished if you're cute.
Good thing she's getting punished then.
You're going to get the capital punishment.
She's being tortured for her crimes
Who reported her?
I'm calling it again, Sup Forums
Oh no they forgot about wheelchair tits
Vertex Tougou is going to kill someone.
Niboshi Kamen wa Yuusha de Aru
I want to show her my dried sardine.
Dragon Quest Yuuna continues to be the cutest thing in the known universe.
Not even the cutest DQ heroine this season.
No more cripple girls in anime after that. What a curse.
No, Sonoko's gonna tear an even bigger hole in the wall.
I'd bota Yuuna's mochi.
I'm not sure that's how that works.
Yuuna is getting angry. Where is her botamochi?
I thought suffering was supposed to be over!!
I don't want Sonoko to become a tree damn it!
Fuck I really wanted to see Sonoko play the tree.
Taisha ruins yet another great day.
Man, forgetting that her friend existed sure caused a lot of stress to the hero club! Imagine if Tougou was actually dead, how much worse it would be?
Btw, why the hell did Tougou get so angry at the latter half of YuYuYu? What a crazy bitch, lol.
>The HS release has been taken down from nyaa
For what purpose?
I want to be invited to Sonoko and Tougou's gay wedding.
the taisha
Actually HS removed it from their website too.
What's the meaning of this?
Pay for your anime, thief.
MajiYuusha won.
The censoring begins.
Didn't even bother checking HS release with all the shit trads I'm seeing here. Waiting patiently for our boys MajiYuusha.
>[HorribleSubs] Yuki Yuna wa Yusha de Aru - Yusha no Shou - 01
Is Tougo Mexican?
She has a thing for walls.
HS just re-uploaded exactly the same torrent with exactly the same file.
I don't hate Tougou, but she's got what she deserved.
This. I have experience.
Imagine being able to make CR subs look good Jesus Christ Amazon.
Oh fuck, don't remind me of when people called Hitoe a Homura.
a huevo que si, recordatorio que Tougo pertenece a Sonocchi
No. only americans are obsessed with walls
Stop speaking Tougou language.
you meant the amnesty
That's hilarious. I didn't go through a lot of the WIXOSS threads as it aired except for certain episodes.
Occidental africa
Who's your daughter?
i have never before watched an anime episode with such a pervading feeling of unease and anxeity, the entire first half where shit is just going on with no tougou in sight. yuuna double-taking at the wheelchair or fuu cutting the cake into six pieces 'out of habit', it was just this corrosive dread of 'something is horribly wrong'
Didnt you watch episode 6 of S1?
Everything was so overblown and obvious that I really didn't feel shit.
I actually spent most of the first half of the episode simply pondering on the exact mechanics of what was going on. Were their memories erased or was this some sort of dream? That kinda thing.
She's here, getting ready to be burned
They only have 6 episodes, things are going to move quick.
I don't think they had time to really do this right. They needed to drag out the fake memories bit by another episode or two
Personally I felt it was really well done, definitely fast-paced but still impactful, it has a lot more impact if you've just watched WaSuYu and rewatched S1 like you've supposed to, and so have the normal club with Tougou in it fresh in your mind.
togochang ;_;
Now that Tougou is out of the way, Sonocchi is completely mine now.
I'm so happy that sonochi is back
Back to your grave, Gin.
This is your Satan tonight
Fuu is not Satan. This is clearly photoshopped, you can tell because it is not currently displaying her as best Yuusha.
This is a case of the imitation being superior to the original
I would bow down for Satan anywhere, at any time.
So why aren't the others all like who the fuck is Wasshi when Sonoko calls her that?
The ones who don't know aren't autists and can tell by context.
Be my Satan forever.
Satan please marry me.
Sonoko is not the smartest person so if they don't know the whole story they just go with it.
>Sonoko is not the smartest person
Actually she is.
Goddamn. Tougou's tougous are huge.
That outfit is probably the most flattering one Togo's wore at any point in the anime. Seriously, you could suffocate someone in those.
Is Sonoko the perfect daughterfu bait? I can't find a single flaw.
She has autism