Is Uzumaki Naruto the greatest protagonist in the entirety of Japanese fiction?

Is Uzumaki Naruto the greatest protagonist in the entirety of Japanese fiction?

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He wasn't even the greatest protagonist of his own series.

Nor the greatest antagonist.

To be great is to have good writing
good writing needs flaws
not ass pulls

>Can run/perceive faster than light
>Was still pretty useless in Boruto Movie and Sarada Gaiden

This isn't Johnny Joestar

Naruto as a protag peaked during the Pain arc.

Dadruto is good character though.

He is far better than that fart from BNHA that's for sure.

Naruto is the antagonist as he ruins madara's plan for world peace

it's just natural. He is aryan

Yes, he is THAT awesome

so asspulls are flawless?

>Was given Iruka's own personal headband
>Threw it away and got a black over sized one for fashion
>Replaces Iruka with Jiraiya as the father-figure
What an asshole

No, Caim is

>He wasn't even the protagonist of his own series.

Pic related is the true hero of Naruto.

Naruto isn't even the best protagonist in his own series. That honour goes to Sasuke Uchiha.

His son is a more refined version of him. As time goes by, he will surpass his father.

That's not Light Yagami

He's up there among shounen protags desu.


Yes now tell me how much of a piece of shit I am

Nop, he starts too anoying and he ends to anoying and he keeps being anoying in the middle and after the story ends

>goes from fucking shit-tier to the strongest guy in the village in one arc
This was kinda ridiculous desu

He asked Iruka to be his daddy for his wedding though

maybe, if u are 15 and the series ended with pain, since nothing in naruto is decent after that

Only because Jiraiya was fucking dead

That's the power of sage mode though, the strongest shit in the setting

this has to be the most obvious bait I have seen in quite some time, there is no way someone exists who would possibly believe this

>devil trips

begone Satan


I would let him do me.
No homo

best moment desu

Even more reasons for Narutards to be permabanned

>trains for two years
>get a bigger rasengan
>be useless for hundreds of chapters
>get op in one week
sasuga kishimoto

man this manga was shit

*blocks your path*

At that time he was the strongest because of the sage mode.He could literally pick up 10 tons of weight.

Togashi needs to be stuffed with CP.
