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Did these presidents really screw up america?

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missing drump

he still has time to make it to the list

currently its just Andrew Jackson; Abraham Lincoln; Theodore Roosevelt; Woodrow Wilson; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Harry Truman; Lyndon Johnson; Richard Nixon; and Barack Obama

gay list, but who are the 4 who "saved" it

They are right to include Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, and Obama.

Andrew Jackson and Richard Nixon should not be on this list. They did everything possible to fix this country.

Tyler, Cleveland, Coolidge, Jefferson

>No Reagan

The only redeeming quality of this book is that he didn't put Reagan or Bush to those who 'tried to save her"

maybe the book isnt that bad actually, that's not a bad list. Really want to know how he says Jackson is bad (inb4 muh cherokee)










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or more specificaly about Jackson

>Every chapter is a mini-book on the various presidents that McClanahan examines. Andrew Jackson is praised for some things that he did, such as defunding the Bank of the United States, but is rightfully condemned for some of his more tyrannical acts, such as threatening force during the nullification crisis of the late 1820s, following passage of the 1828 “Tariff of Abominations.”

Dammit, meant to say "Not really" for Nixon.

No Reagan? No, Bush? wtf

Especially Bush...

Sounds pretty alright, really expected it to be more neocon tripe.

You forgot Teddy.

who is that?

he didnt add every president who sucked

washington for ex he criticizes but doesnt put in the top 9

>Woodrow Wilson

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in the video*

How come people have such little hate towards Bill Clinton?

FDR and Obama did the most damage to the US. The best presidents we ever had were Ole' Hickory, Teddy, and Trump. The most popular was Reagan. Lincoln set an awful precedent for federal power and killed 700,000 Americans.

Same here. A cursory search of the author leads me to believe he's a pretty avid lolberg (which may not be the best position, but is still infinitely better than neoconservatism)

>The Neocon song

Charles Edward Coughlin

>side note: "Social justice: used to be /ourterm/ but (((they))) stole it and repurposed it.

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Because it's the (((current year))) and it was her turn. Her husband doesn't matter.


From what I can gather, the author's main criticisms are directed at those President's that expanded the role of president to be more than what is defined in the constitution.

Johnson is responsible for modern gibs programs and the destruction of our once-great cities such as Detroit. He belongs on that list as much as FDR.

first three are heroes

washington, jefferson, jackson, lincoln, teddy, kennedy, and trump

ain't no astro-turfing jew gonna convince me otherwise

The media has falsely propped him up as a "good guy" and his crimes were overshadowed by the Bush Era.

I absolutely detest the guy, he definitely deserves the noose.... but Wilson and FDR still deserve the bulk of the blame for the sorry-state our nation is in today.

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Teddy Roosevelt and Nixon did nothing wrong

Seems pretty shitty to put Jackson on that list because he couldn't stop the inevitable conflict between the North and the South. It had been brewing since the nation was formed.


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Idk about truman


>the man responsible for niggers voting and getting gibs

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FDR and Obama absolutely.

Lincoln, Teddy and Nixon not at all.

Teddy should have known what gunboat diplomacy would lead to. I guess it can be excused as ignorance of the time, but his insistence on globalism most certainly has contributed to our current situation.

Best I can give him is the title of foolish goy.

He he's known as the president that did the very least with his office and had moderate af stances.

You make a good point, I'm a little fuzzy on the Truman/Johnson eras. I knew they were pretty bad, but they quite didn't leave the same horrible impression as Wilson & FDR.

That's the power of the saxophone baby

Lol , guys one of them outlawed gold.
Fucking traitorous fucks, we have never recovered from "the gold grab".
Pro tip bankers financed the world wars to kill the gold rush.

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>gold is a jew trap made so we can never have enough to cover our debts! Mint silver!
>gold is the only thing saving us from the jew trap! Buy crypto!
I think the lesson to learn is that currency is kike territory, so best stay on guard.

desu i think i was confusing him for wilson...yes it was because he invented big time government bureaucracy

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Lincoln was the most destructive of them all.

Each one set a bad precident which subsequent presidents have followed.
So yes I agree

Jackson should not be on there. Reagan should be on there. I don't know why conservatives have such a hardon for him, but he was responsible for a lot of the things going on now with immigration and trade.

Jackson, definitely. But it was Nixon who started opening up to China

You're right, I always forget about Johnson's bullshit. I'm officially upgrading him to a "Y E S".

I was thinking the same thing. Lincoln was our first 'progressive' president. That is, a bloated central government tyranny began with him. All the rest on that list were bad for America except for Jackson--he got rid of the central bankers and was the only president to achieve that.


There was an economic crisis during his time in office that had the potential to be a major depression. Instead of intervening as the growing progressive movement would have had him do, he did nothing and the market corrected itself. Contrast that with the actions of Hoover and Roosevelt II who threw everything they could at the actual depression that didn't go away until there was a war.

Private central banking is the problem, gold is a red herring. The bankers control the gold of the world too, switching back to gold-standard would do virtually nothing.
>pic extremely related


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Reagon is only loved by globalist neocons.
He talked a good game but ultimately his policies took us in the wrong direction as a country

George Bush sr

Lincoln is on the list

35 min show on how Jackson abused power, by the books author

Nixon was actually a fantastic president with one of the strongest foreign policy record and of pretty much all world leaders in the 20-21st century.

Didn't teddy sell out to the bankers and get the federal reserve going?

>Jackson & T. Roosevelt
Took on the banks and financial sector for the publics benefit, also annexed whatever the fuck they felt like. Both cool guys in their private lives.
Controversial on this board, but ultimately did what he thought was in the countries interest and held the union together
>Wilson, FDR, and Truman
Some good domestic polices, all had shit foreign policy and no idea how overseas markets would eventually dominate the U.S financial sector
All around bad guy, Kennedy was better
Crook, but right on a few foreign policy points
Literally brought about a second cold war and the near death of his party through his sheer incompetence

Need to replace Nixon with W. Bush, but other than that accurate.

>made the commies surrender in shame
>Terrorized Muzzies into giving us our prisoners back

What's not to love. He also has the benefit of being a strong president after 20 years of mostly weak spine faggots

No, that was Wilson (which is why he got the "YES")

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I dont know much but nixon and obama were both screw ups.

excluding nixon

Wilson and FDR had terrible domestic policies. F
DR and Truman responsible for out of control civil service AKA deep state.

>No Polk saving America, by manifesting our destiny westwards

It's shit, clearly

You know you're talking about the guy who started the spoils system and founded the Democratic Party, right?

He killed the bank user, and the Democrats weren't always what they are today.

Who are they? The only one is recognise is Theodore Roosevelt

Raygun was literally the patron saint of Cuckservatism yet delusional boomers worship him the same way they do Nelson Mandala and Martin Luther Nigger


Nixon made China into a superpower

The list is above. Jackson, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Wilson, FDR, Truman, LBJ, Nixon and Obama

Jackson anyway. imo

Hardly. They aren't even a "superpower" today, just a regional one.

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>Jackson and Nixon
Lmao subtle Jew influence

You can add Trump to it. He just guaranteed libshit victories until the end of time.

The book came before Trump


Nixon didn't, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter did. The entire point of Nixon opening up to China was two fold:

>Court them away from the Soviets
>Open their economy up so that American entrepreneurs could own it

That was Kissinger's entire plan in a nutshell: Open China up, get China into the global economy, then infiltrate and subvert. Ford and Carter screwed the pooch by not following up on that third part.

Here's the author speaking quickly about every president from worst to best


Libertarian (((merchant))) detected

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no reagan? no this guy is an idiot

>All these people shitting on Reagan
How to spot a communist/leftist 101.

That curve is proof Chinese are robots or they have been heavily engaged in currency manipulation.

>ruining anything
If anything he saved the country, stopped monopolies from being allowed to continue because it was a danger to national interests.

I get what the others did, but what did Old Hickery and Ruff and Ready do?

Also, list is incomplete without Kennedy.

That video is about as useful as a John Oliver or Colbert video on Trump.

Retard. He destroyed Bretton Woods and for that gets no sympathy

When you try to change America to your vision or version of it, then you have failed. A pres. is to uphold American values and culture. Not alter it to how they feel it should be. Once that ego gets in the way, they have failed the American people.

Coolidge was pro-tariffs tho

There are vids explaining it ITT

>no Bushes
>no Reagan
>no Clinton
>FDR, LBJ:: should be there twice

>Jackson: WTF?

Lyndon B. "Slob my johnson" Johnson was the worst POTUS that ever lived.

Just a lot of people moved to Shenzhen and areas like that to work for cheap ass labour in factories who benefited from the increasing demand for technology like smartphones etc from China. It makes sense, check the statistics on how many people lived in Shenzhen and Hong Kong before and after 2007ish.

>I am a teenager who gets his political opinions from comedians

Based Bill

Based Don


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All the welfare leeching + retarded immigration policies that turned the US into a land full of muh gibs + dysfunctional families + muh diversity can be traced back to Johnson.

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Reagan's biggest mistake was amnesty.

LBJ is the worst or them all. His immigration reform singlehandedly fucked us because he wanted more votes for his party.

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reagan was insane