First Episode

First Episode
>Ha, we outnumber the empire they could never attack us
>oh no they're attacking us
Second Episode
>We will form a wedge and break their ranks
>oh no their ranks are breaking!

Please tell me it gets better.

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I'll be honest with you, it get worse more worse that you can think, I just say that, the first 30 episodes are the best that that show can offer, IS JUST A SPACE SOAP OPERA

The show does, but the battle logic doesn't.

its not about tactics

no I figured this was the case. I'm sure (hoping) that the focus shifts away from battle logic.

It does, even the most climatic of battles only last a few minutes at most.

But this is how battles really work, Alliance has a bad fleet deployment without unified command because each fleet commander wants the credit for victory an easy victory, Empires creates local concentration of forces to perform a breakthrough, the breakthrough runs out of momentum and the alliance launches a counterattack, both sides about even now and it falls into a battle of attrition. Since there is not territory to hold in this battle the two sides withdraw.

I couldn't tell if Yang's tactics were genuinely brilliant or if other characters were written to be stupid. Maybe it's realistic for everyone to be stupid in a long shitty war, except for the one guy who's just smart enough to see the obvious

The war between the empire and the alliance that ends around episode 40 was one of the most frustrating things I've ever seen.

The Alliance deployed their three fleets separately so that they could encircle the enemy. Empire attacks each one individually so that they get a number advantage. Up to that point it makes sense, but then the Empire does the same thing two more times. There's no way that an 8000 ship advantage means that they come out basically unscathed. Even if we accept that the Alliance fleets are spaced so far apart that two fleets can be wiped out individually before the third can reach either of them, there's no way that they should have a significant numbers advantage the second or third time around.

I may be miss-remembering but weren't the the second and third battles were also started in an ambush scenario where the Imperial fleet crushed the first fleet unexpectedly fast giving them a chance to maneuver to ambush the second fleet and later the third as they came in to reinforce.

The advantage isn't really enough the third time around due to attrition like you describe which is why the counter-attack works at all.

Yes, but I actually think it's more frustrating when half of it makes sense and they just gloss over the part that doesn't. Later on it's not such a big deal because you realize it's all there as a roundabout way of saying "look how smart these guys are," but when you first start watching it presents itself as a space battle tactics show rather than a political drama, which was a bad move since that's what the show is worst at.


The show is 10/10 if you ignore any sort of battle tactics and anything involving Julian

Julian's first battle really got me in the feels

It's as if 3D space doesn't exist during space battles.

The author used battle tactics from the 1800's as his basis for conduct of war in space.

It's almost as if the third dimension doesn't matter that much when your enemies can see your vertical maneuvers and adjust to counter them before they can actually impact the battle.

When the only planes of reference are the fleets themselves it really has no meaning, being flanked is being flanked regardless of your perspective of what constitutes left/right/up/down. Battles are essentially point blank range so the size of the fleets determines whether you are surrounded or not.

This is essentially true. Even though we are shown carriers and other ship classes the naval parallels aren't there because the high quantity of forces combined with the even distribution of fighting power is most similar to infantry. Even so I think these tactics are consistent with the technology we are shown, the ships are space faring musket-men so they use those tactics. It's not like you can use modern infantry tactics whose focus is on capturing strong points which don't exist in most of the space battles and the use of mobility isn't really a factor in a space force because everything is mechanized so the speed differences aren't there.

The author also made up all the space combat too.

Tanaka: Please do whatever you like. After all, I’m doing the same. When I was writing the novels I thought I should really read up on space warfare, so I read a lot of mooks on the topic. The first volume was published in 1982, around the same time as the Star Wars movies, so there were a lot of related publications.
(Note: mooks are large, illustrated publications on a certain topic, kind of like thick magazines.)

Fujisaki (mangaka of the new LotGH manga, mangaka of Shiki): I see.

Tanaka: And every one of them said different things. (laughs)

Fujisaki: Hahaha. (laughs)

Tanaka: In the end, after much thinking, I thought, “nobody has seen an actual space battle anyway, so I’ll just make it the coolest I can.” Like, if I’m wrong then go ahead and prove it!

Its not about battles, but character developement. If you are expecting something else you should stop watching it.

>There's no way that an 8000 ship advantage means that they come out basically unscathed. Even if we accept that the Alliance fleets are spaced so far apart that two fleets can be wiped out individually before the third can reach either of them, there's no way that they should have a significant numbers advantage the second or third time around.


Except when someone comes in to attack you at a vertical angle. Then it's brilliant tactics that only a true genius could pull off.

If you've finished the second episode then you've already seen it get better.

It's not about the battles. It's about what those battles accomplish.


this reminds me of playing games for the story not the gameplay

im a storyfag so i dont really care, i just hope that the battles arent more than like 25% tops of the show since its the weakest part



