Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou
This show is shit. I hope they fucking die.
I like this thread better.
Want to eat Yuu.
wide pride world wide
Cute repopulation
What's with the delay?
I want to love Yuuri.
Drunk Chito is best Chito
Did they fucked?
Is this yuri?
good episode
Only if you want to.
This Yuuri.
What does yuu's hair taste like?
Keep in mind she has most likely not washed it in weeks.
Ah, Yuu were at my side, all along.
>this episodes ED is them drunkenly huming the rain episode's ED
I love this show
pls no bully
I wanted to ask at point but forgot because beeu.
Was the 05 ED the VAs? sounds like them.
I agree, I can't believe some people would bully this sweet girl.
Yuuri is very pretty with her hair out. She's still a baka though.
What is going on with HorribleSubs for this show? They were late last week too.
I tried asking on that "discord" thing on their website but only got inane role playing comments.
>not acting like divas
>not acting entitled
They do it for free, user, give them a break. maybe.
Ep 8 isn't listed on anime stike yet. Maybe that has something to do with it?
Welcome to the other anime community.
Don't do that again.
fucking Amazon
No, it has nothing to do with it. Just go to horriblesubs.info, the comment system is a discord chat filled with cringy shit.
It's the same as always.
A reasonable explanation is that the guy doing SSR took a thanksgiving break.
Is this the best romance this year?
Yuuri take the wheel
Ah ty, makes sense
She's dumb as fuck though.
I hate you.
off yourself
Deja vu!
I just been to this place before!
Can't believe I waited 11 hours for subs, this is insane.
You need HorribleSubs why exactly? Other subs have been out for longer than that.
Extremely rare cute CG Chito with swirly eyes. Maybe I need a 1080p cap to better appreciate this.
It wouldn't help.
$5 it won't be out until monday
What the hell, why so long?
Eating a whole turkey takes a long time.
Thanksgiving + this show doesn't have a huge following. Who knows, Id just get it elsewhere for the meantime though
Why does Chito try to hold onto the past? Why can't she come to terms with their situation?
Another literal subrip has been out since an hour after it went up.
Because she isn't a buddhist monk.
Reminds me of Bomberman.
Imagine being a NEET that makes subs for no pay, your parents go over to a relatives house far-ish for thanksgiving and you're stuck there for a few days without your desktop.
Chito is an anti-fun cunt and needs to chill the fuck out.
Don't even joke about that stuff, it brings back awkward memories.
It's not Chito, it's Titus.
Their personalities contrast pretty well, two Yuus or two Chitos would be already dead.
Yuuri just needs to replace the water in her canteen with alcohol.
Yuuri has a baka aura that shields her from negative consequences
>[HorribleSubs] Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou - 08 [720p]
Thank the Lord.
I've come home piss drunk 3 times in a row only to come home to this show and get maximum comfy.
Who Erai-Raws here?
Not anymore, HS is out. Better quality all around.
So many cute CG Chitos today.
well fuck here's $5
That would be pretty funny, I guess. Getting into everytime more dangerous situations and barely just making it out just to happen again untill something like a nuclear explosion wipes them out-
So 2 dabs equals 5 dollars?
zimbabwe dollars
Waiting on nii-sama. Because I sure as hell am not gonna watch exmendic's trash subs
God this shit is so gay. Moeshit was a mistake.
Do Yuu and Chi have net terminal genes?
"The only bigger mistake than anime was your life" -hayao miyazaki
Horriblesubs is up
Holy shit
Female mangakas with mental issues are in fashion this season.
this time they joined you drinking user`
what's the best song in the OST and why is it endless journey?
>drink the cuddle juice chi-chan