So apparently I will end up here if I try to kill myself?
Konohaha Kitan
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one way to find out
Yes, and being surrounded by extremely gay foxes that will never touch you is your punishment.
So when did Yuzu become a grandmaster of wisdom instead of a retard?
I thought the story of the man and dog was the best so far. Literally shed a tear. So beautiful.
I just didn't expect that level of mind-fuckery when all I wanted was cute girls with fluffy tails.
Sadly, it is but a lodge.
You may (And definitely will) enjoy your stay, but you must eventually leave the place after some time.
thats why i exclusively stay at hotel california.
So is the criteria extreme sadness? Because there were two near-death experiences, but the dog was just sad.
It's the same series, except it's about MILF foxes instead.
Why is Ren so bad compared to everyone else
Ren is the most talented by far, and she's very good at her job.
She would be useless without the tomboy around
anyone else get weirded out how quick this show went from gay fox comedy hour to contemplating suicide?
Yuzu is now the harbinger of death
>talented makeup artist
>talented hair stylist
>talented seamstress
>fashion aficionado
All this in addition to handling her main duties just as well as any of the others. They would be lost without Ren.
My original thoughts about this show have gone completely out the window. Half of the guests are ghosts or demons, each episode involves sadness and dark shit now, but Yuzu is still cute and I love it.
The only thing Ren is bad at is getting the D. Or V in some cases. She's more or less good at her job.
Is there even a single D in this show?
Isn't that pig creature that eats dreams male?
And the old guy with the drugs from the first episode
Fox Saber, How old is she again?
What if you reincarnate as a cute fox girl?
Not sure. Yuzu asked her like 3 times but she never answered
Only if your heart is as pure as that of a puppy, so nope.
Get your foxes right.
I could have sworn it was Yuzu in the episode, guess my memory is just shit
Whatever you're smoking, you should quit.
Those measurements are either wrong, or the character designs for the anime are retarded.
They don't nearly have a tiny body aside from Sakura.
If they are all small, then there is no one tall to compare them to, making them appear average in size.
I'm talking about their proportions.
Satsuki is 160cm-ish, and Natsume a bit taller, while Yuzu and Ren have 150-ish body proportions.
Episode 9 preview:
>yfw Rhombus is ded
You should take one for the team OP and find out.
Can it be true please
You won't.
No worries, Saber saves the day.
Of course.
If it is so, it looks like I might finally find peace
But Sup Forumsnon, you can find all the love you want here
What do you mean?
Don't try to kill yourself Sup Forumsnon, even if we all act like we hate each other sometimes. We're really all just tsundere for each other and couldn't be any happier.
It's not that, I'd never kill myself over Sup Forums, and I hope no one else is dumb enough to do that either
I just want a therapy session with Yuzu.
No, you will end up in Hell. Do not pass Konohanatei, don't collect foxes.
So Yuzu helps everyone, but she still doesn't realize that half of the people that she talks to are dead
I don't like Saber and yet Kiri is one of my favorites. Kitsune ears just make everything better.
Why are there always ghosts now
Might as well give it a shot. Not like life without cute fox girls is worth living