Dragon Ball Super


Why can't Super have god tier music like this? Is Toei even trying?

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No, I thought not even the artist gives a shit anymore
Let it die.

About time the bootleg verse was given an end. Thank you Gohan and thank you Piccolo for dealing with their remaining namekians and delivering what everyone in the audience has been eagerly expecting for a while now: their erasure.

Fuck off attempting to start the same shitposting from last thread.

Universe 6 isn't getting erased without a parting gift

Who is worse?




Also don't use meme arrows in your meme picture it is pointless and looks terrible.

Whats living in a saiyan city like?

I don't know

Can you repeat the question?

i always imagine it to be a futuristic utopia like the cities in the series but with more skyscrapers
also was the planet cabba picked up Caulifla and kale planet sadal or a random planet

Probably a random desert in Planet Salada. I doubt Caulifla owns a spaceship.

>blocks your path


I run to punch him, he dodges, I keep walking.


sayonara no aizu ga...

When the fuck are we getting the ultra instinct theme in full

Will you miss him

>Gohan responsible for all of u7s erasures

Hmm, they're setting him up for something.

>Gohan Blanco was the true villain all along
>Grande Padre only set up the tournament so that he could have Zeno erase him because even Grande Padre cannot match Blanco.

the blame

No. He's just going to be brought back by goku when u7 wins and wish them back with the SDB.

This is the best we have at the moment.


Fact: Super plagiarized a lot of stuff from Multiverse

Fact: Multiverse wouldn't exist without Dragon Ball existing prior.

Like what?

Couldn't Piccolo fuse with one of the remaining namekians in a flashy enough way to call zeno to rule that U6 isn't eliminated until piccolo is?

If Champa and Beerus are both brothers born in U7, doesn't that mean Champa wouldn't be eliminated when U6 is?

>what is U9

Probably not U2 either since it'd be weird if he of all people fought Brianne.

adiĆ³s hermano

Probably like living in Detroit

>it'd be weird if he of all people fought Brianne.

Why's that? Because she's a Stacy?

super has great music

I'm starting to think Chi Chi was right all along.

Toriyama won't let anybody replace or outshine Goku. Cell saga was a fluke. No Z fighters are allowed to relevant other than Goku and Vegeta. And the makes for the revelation...

Training Gohan to be a fighter was meaningless.

He never even wanted to be a fighter to begin with.

He can't succeed Goku or do anything useful with his power. Why have it at all? He might have actually been better off if he did study more. He certainly might be happier and would have lived through less trauma.

So, yeah, Chi Chi was right all along.

Why is Kale impossible to damage !!!!?????

U7 is probably like living in a Highschool full of chads and jocks with only a few betas
U6 is probably like living in a highschool full of betas and nerds with only a few chads

Chi Chi doesn't know shit and she's a single mother
Just wait for the inevitable SPANISH powerup

Gohan could have, and still could, make mad amounts of cash from abilities like Yamcha does. There's no need for him to study.

We might see but I think he's largely considered part of universe 6, I don't think him possibly originating in universe 7 will mean much


>meme arrows


But I want to see him move over to sit next to a smug Beerus and watch the rest of the tornament with him.

She's the hulk. Her regeneration power goes beyond the charts.

Was Chichi ever relavent, or was she always like this?

Reminder that Kid Bra > Adult Gotenks.

Why doesn't everyone go through the mystic ritual with the Elder Kai if it has no drawbacks and makes you immediately stronger with no training

Have there been any new episodes since Bulma's VA died? Can you tell if the remaining VA's are sad or not?

Good question. Why doesn't everyone do the same for the god ritual, too?

Jesus christ, get over it. They're not going to stop production because Bulma's VA died. The character is still alive, she'll be replaced like Roshi's and Mr. Satan's old VA.

Speaking of god-tier music, what the fuck happened to Hironobu Kageyama? Why didn't Toei bring him back for Super? His music was iconic as fuck.

Yes, there was one last episode.

muh power scaling

It's not infeasible, It's not even unprecedented. Toddler gohan was stronger than adult goku

Have some respect for the dead, faggot.

And? How was everyone? Did Goku constantly sound like he was going to cry?

They have now been eliminated for 6 days and are still living RENT-FREE in Sup Forums's head. What do you have to say for yourselves?

VA work is done months before the episodes air.

Just thought I'd add my own favorites.
youtube.com/watch?v=S-PVZzbVGGY (this one was never used for DB but it's a good song).

That could happen, we'll see and I agree it would be pretty nice

Seriously? The early episodes of DBS made it look like they were literally making every episode the week before.

How was my post disrespectful? It's disrespectful to think Super should stop or everyone should still be saddened by her death so much that it'd effect their work on the show. Tsuru wouldn't want that.

What? Of course that's not gonna fucking happen.

>dog Beerus
kek, every time.

They were pretty rushed, but the DBS staff said in a con a few weeks ago that it takes about 6 months to make one episode.

can you repeat that question

They pretty much were. It was insanely rushed and not funded as much at the time either.

Fuck off, falseflagger.

Like clockwork.

whats caulifla doing on the bed?

Getting ready to bear my children.

Fuck, that Future Gohan segment got me.

Reeris reeris roo

Pedro you have to go back.

Could you pass the cards for Cauli and Kale?

This one is great too. It's my favorite Gohan amv.

>Why didn't Toei bring him back for Super?
He's like 85

Is Bardock like Saiyan Jesus?

He's 56 user.

>UI re-awakened
>not god-tier

nigger are you retarded


here you go

i never had the hate boner for them to be honest, they were alright


and heres caulifla

Caulifla has a brother, speedwatcher.

Yeah, I fucking miss him

And how do you replicate these?

Shit I thought you were talking about Kikuchi. But I heard Kageyama can't perform for Fuji due to contract issues.


You can't plagiarize something you own the copyright to.

Kale is so cute with her hair down.

Like a hippy wonderland ran by weaklings

The hate for them comes from a fundamental dislike of their fans. One hates them because they hate waifufags, you see

Some times I really wonder where did these anons come from. I wonder if telling him goku is voiced by a woman would fuck with his head

I agree. She should leave it that way more often.