This scene right here is the peak of the shounen genre.
This scene right here is the peak of the shounen genre
Maybe in 1989, sure
It has been surpassed.
>you kill friend i angry i power up
>there's about a hundred ways gohan could have easily dodged that since he can literally move faster than sound
>decides not to
what was he thinking?
>what was he thinking?
A good fighter knows when not to dodge.
I wouldn't have dodged either
doesnt even have a pantsu shot 3/10
It's very Iconic and it means a lot to my generation. Even the dudes who went on to be normalfags fondly remember this.
It doesn't matter if you're Chad Thundercock or an Arch Wizard, everyone gets hyped by that scene.
It was an extreme low point...
Dragon bull is gymfaggot central. You are watching a normalfag show. Not even a normalfag ironic weeb show but and out-and-out normalfag show.
It's a demographic, you retard.
Your mother is a demographic made up of black guys.
they didnt watch original DB or watch Super now though
>or watch Super now though
That's not true. Plenty do. Not all but plenty. Usually the movies though as opposed to the series proper - but they're there.
I'm pretty sure we have past the point of mistaking shonen/seinen/josei/shoujou as a fucking genre.
I expect no less than a DBZ faggot, I guess.
Mistaking a term commonly known as a type of demographic as a genre, a battle shonen fag who is a DBZ fag no less, along with the reply you just gave lead to one conclusion: You're an underage newfag retard.
Please lurk the fuck more before posting.
You know damn well the term shonen is short hand for battle shonen in this use. You also know damn well that battle shonen is an established genre with many typical conventions and settings.
Don't act like you're in the know because you've read some wiki article and now you need to pull the others into line. You're right in your assertion but you're completely out of place in the conversation and clearly trying too hard.
my head literally exploded, I was like 10yrs old in a south-american country nothing else to live for but dbz
>because you've read some wiki article
Nice projection.
>g-guys you don't know what i-it means
If it's not news to you what are you doing thinking everyone in this thread doesn't already know? How new can you be thinking you're 'informing' anyone of this baseline fact, faggot?
It's either legitimate autism, you're new OR you're underage.
You are delusional. You underestimate the amount of people who saw freiza arc DBZ and massively overestimate the amount of people who even know super exists in the west.
I didn't realize a standard Sup Forums post correcting a blatant newfag counts as "trying too hard now". Even if it is a short hand, it's still misguiding for others who didn't know better.
Because Sup Forums always just uses "shonen anime/manga" or "battle anime/manga" while anyone who refers to shonen demographic or battle anime/manga as "shonen genre" is always a newfag. You would know this if you weren't new.
Now please lurk more OR grow up past the point of underage.
>deliberately dodging pussy
No wonder you're still a virgin
I've heard normalfags discuss the new films at bus stations. I am still in contact with a normalfag muscle head from highschool who brought them up.
Perhaps it's different in your country, but not in mine.
This is what poor as fuck black people actually believe.