Abortion law in poland

100k people are gathered at a demonstration against a law that the polish government is trying to get passed.

If the bill passes all abortions is considered illegal. Even if the woman is a victim of rape

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good kill anybody demonstrating against this law they want to kill babies

>If the bill passes all abortions is considered illegal.

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>If the bill passes all abortions is considered illegal.

How is that bad again? God said to not kill, killing unborn kids is even worse

Overton window moving sharply to the right, thats good. We're middle east tier!


>people on Sup Forums would force their daughter or sister to have the baby if she got raped by a nigger


Why is that a good thing.

Let's say a teen gets pregnant by mistake. Why shouldn't she have the right to a abortion?

Good. There's no excuse for murder.

It's not a fucking choice when you're already pregnant.

God said not to commit first degree murder.

I don't believe ensoulment occurs at the early stages of pregnancy.

what if it's a threat to the life of the mother?

>I don't believe ensoulment occurs at the early stages of pregnancy.

it does

>Why is that a good thing.
More white European children
>Why shouldn't she have the right to a abortion?
Unnatural, degrades society and encourages the idea that women should be anything other than stay at home mothers who produce children, not to mention this is a slap in the face to feminism

Because children of rape hurt the cohesion of society due the mental inbalance caused in the mother by the rape which leads to an unstable, ill taught child with no father figure.
I'll sacrifice myself and go to hell if it meant mercy killing a child that would ultimately suffer or left to fend himself by the powers that be

Oh shit I'm totally convinced now, thanks.

So when in your idea """"ensoulment"""" occurs? when kid is going out of vagina? or when he is 6 year old ?


Why so you want there to be more retards and poor people and neglected children?

Why is this so hard to grasp
Can it be all these faggots are big pussies?

The quality of these children would be shit though.

This new law also forbidds aborting extremely damaged fetus, which will overall spoil the quality of the Polish population.

Abortion is kind of like eugenics, and these catholic retards only care about the quantity.

Children are property until age of 18

Poland is now even more based. i didn't think it possible.

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in that case they are obviously allowed to do it you faggot

Should be capable of abortion if the baby is actively murdering the mother. but that may suffice temporarily

in murica most aborted babies are niggers so why would you be against that?

Niggers are property even after 18

I agree, pastabro
i'm anti-abortion but for the sake of society rape babies have got to go

We got Jesus as a King and now we say to world killing babies is wrong no matter what.

We're going to make it through upcoming world war

if you're not ready to have a kid and be a parent, don't fuck. especially outside of marriage. simple as that.

I have known two women in real life that got abortions.

The first woman got an abortion, but then months later it turns out that the doctors left some babychunks in her uterus that had started to fester and she had some huge infection and had to go to the emergency room. The idea that she was carrying around some putrid rotting babychunks inside her freaked her out so much she's never been the same.

Second woman got pregnant, didn't realize til fairly late in the game. Had an abortion. Then decided to get an IUD. Turns out the abortion was botched and the fetus was still in there, and the chemicals in the IUD killed it eventually. The IUD then migrated out of her uterus into her abdominal cavity. Then she had to go in to get the dead fetus and the IUD removed from her body.

I have to imagine these sorts of complications are far more common than we are led to believe.

In both these situations I know for a fact these women would be a lot less mentally scarred if they simply had the fucking baby.

The worst thing is that they say that abortion is first degree murder. But heaven forbid if that baby grows up to be gay.

>Poland is about to make abortions illegal under all circumstances and it's beautiful.

>the law will ban abortion even in cases where quality of life of the foetus is at risk and where irreversible damage has occurred

Yeah, because Poles weren't retarded enough. One of the few countries that have actually balanced and sensible abortion policy and they want to go full religious dogma on it. Fucking hell.

>a bunch of feminazis protesting
Somebody kill all these murderers.

>Even if the woman is a victim of rape
Why do you want to kill the victim instead of the rapist? Faggot.

100k? Bullshit, that pic is taken at an angle to make the crowd look larger than it is.

If you're raped why aren't you going to the hospital and getting the morning after pill to prevent fertilization.

It's safe to say if you got raped you then you're not going to abort it months down the road.

Better start working on that personal responsibility huh ladies. Women are baka!

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Low IQ people are property. Use them to conquer Germanistan.

I was just about to ask if anyone knows the real size of the crowd

With that reasoning we should just ban condoms as well. They are for no use anyways, because nobody fucks for fun.

Please don't ever get kids and kys

a little late for that old lady to care isn't it?

she cares about that soros money tho

Maybe in the whole Poland

Roastie confirmed

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>With that reasoning we should just ban condoms as well


maybe she hates white children``? everyone there should abort themselves

I spoke to a journalist. She told more that number.

And ofcause it is taken at a angle. Do you think I'm 100 m tall and can fit that many people into a picture with phone

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>your wife gets raped
>gets pregnant
>christcucks on Sup Forums will literally argue it would be wrong to kill the rape baby bastard fetus
>christcucks believe it would be wrong to kill the rapist, thus allowing rapists and rapist genes to continue in society

Not only do Christcucks allow rapists to thrive, they also allow murderers, serial killers, communists, jews, etc. to survive and thrive in our society, thereby making our societies worse.

All because "W-WE ALL HUMAN".

This is why Eastern Orthodoxy are based

It's amazing how much an abortion fucks with a woman's psyche. Women are simply not meant to kill their children. It breaks them.

>I spoke to a journalist.
in other words a paid propagandist
>Do you think I'm 100 m tall and can fit that many people into a picture with phone
If you actually went to this faggot protest, kys

do orthodox allow rape bastard baby murder?

Pretty much sums up the mindset of the average people in kurwacountry.

>Even if the woman is a victim of rape

That's terrible for the woman and sad but you know what? Shit happens. Might sound cold and harsh but nobody said life was fair. She's still alive and able to live out her life.

welcome to pol

Went to get bobs and vagane, left for gap


you're ability to reason sucks. go back to kindergarten.

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Its /Pol what did you expect

>looking for pussy on soros sponsored feminist protests
Are you a bug chaser or just a fucking moron?


How less likely is the rape given the immigration stance?

God does not exist kurwa

C section

he exists! look what wonderful creatures he creates!

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Abortion is already illegal here.

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Just in time for Merkel's Ficki Ficki Patrol.

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well thats fucking stupid since Polish people know how to abort using natural methods, the whole abortion legislation issue is total bunk

What is that billboard in the back?

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Holy mother of God!!

yup, thats some radioactivity

this abortion law, or abortion laws in general, are the exact counterpart of sjw virtue signaling, this time by christians.

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They are even using the same kind of reasoning in defending little monsters from getting scrapped.

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>our air is absolute fucking garbage, particulates at highest level in entire EU
Fuck leftists.

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at the same time in based denmark

WTF Poland

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Since fetus is unable to break nap, abortion is never ethically moral.
If somehow fetus is murdering the mother, it is braking the nap, and so it can be ethically aboted.

I just fucking noticed this. What the fuck.

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This is what was commonly associated with abortion. It wasn't about female empowerment, it was a really hard decision that would have lasting effects throughout your entire life and the best choice was to not get pregnant until you were prepared to raise a child.

Im not necessarily against abortion especially in cases of rape, incest, danger to the mother and so on. I just find it disgusting that its become something to celebrate and be proud of. Dead fetus' serve to fuel a politcial agenda nowdays.

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>>people on Sup Forums would force their daughter or sister to have the baby if she got raped by a nigger

They don't have nigger rape in Poland because they have borders and national identity.

All these pictures showing as if every single unwanted, non-aborted baby has a deformity. Good job retards.

Besides that, Poland has a dangerously declining population, with many fucking off to other countries already.

If the baby is deformed, just euthanize it, there's not much philosophy behind it.

Healthy = Let it live.
Minor Deformity (e.g Lisp) = Let it live.
Major Deformity (Meaning it will feed off social benefits and suffer for all of its life) = Euthanize.

>If the baby is deformed, just euthanize it, there's not much philosophy behind it.

>There's no excuse for murder.
this board is for those 18 or over.

My girlfriend was supposed to have genetic diseases per doctor's (((diagnosis))) and he recommended abortion but she's completely fine.

I support your retroactive abortion however, leftist parasite.

Women are stupid and I don't respect them.
Why can't women just carry a baby to term and drown it in the bathtub like normal person? I use to throw my cat's stray kittens in the creek all the time. If they swim in live they turn into catfish. Mermaids are just orphan babies that managed to swim. If babies aren't people, neither are women. Women are titty-niggers.

The responses to this post, the arguments for abortion, are basically other people deciding who deserves to live and who deserves to die. Retarded, you die. Black, you die. Welcome to atheism.

>People on Sup Forums wouldn't let a retard that can't defend themself kill a child

they dont even want to allow abortion of some fetus yet you want to euthanize already born children lol

Polak thots should not be allowed to procreate

Kill this demon spawn

This is what law is fucking about you retard. Previous law allowed abortion when the kid was deformed or an effect of rape. But apparently more freaks is what we need.

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