Bodies that were made for goblins

Your kind is not welceme here

Slaanesh approved of this rape.

>Sword Maiden
>not a maiden
For what purpose

She wasn't raped. Right?

she looks evil

Rape when?


Did someone say goblins?

That leg will forever be fucked up.

>scales on the sword.
For what purpose?

You can't fucking rape a primal beast, user.

Pretty sure this old hag is far too dangerous to get gobbed.

I think it is a decorated sheath, user.



>tfw your godly d&d play gets fucked by a autism lord murderhobo going HAM on the gobs

>Some shamans can open portals to their moon nests where they usually send elfs girls because they can breed thousands of gobs in their lifetime

Wait, is that 'Goblin come from the moon' thing actually real.

If so we're going to have to kill the Moon

In the latest chapter of goblin Slayer year one actually

Based brainlet

She's damaged goods

It was stated in the manga you retarded shit.

How old is she?

He was an idiot. I mean, Champion of Chaos Gods, platinum-ranked equivalent, chooses goblins as his minions? Balance in D&D for gods pretty wierd.

Old enough

GS anime when?
Who would even be good VAs for the show
Personally I'd like to see:
Orcbolg: Rikiya Koyama
Priestess: Megumi Han
Cowgirl: Chiwa Saitou
Guild Girl: Saori Hayami
High Elf: Hisako Kanemoto
Dwarf: Keiichi Noda
Lizardbro: Jouji Nakata

That's what happens when you get a shite GM, guess not even the gods can be free of em

Why is he called Orcbolg and Beard Cutter if he doesn't kill Orcs or cuts beards

Ceremonial and religious purposes.

Like rape and servicing old men for blessings.

You call Charizard Lizardon.

What was his name again?

Ask the Elfs and the Dwarves, although I think it has something to do with some mythic sword of the Elfs crafted by the dwarves.

>The problem is, the goblins don't wait for the heroes to level up.

OK wat

GS making a shotgun when goddamn it

A Skyrim mod or a Doom mod would be awesome.

If you're talking about Reality, he's not interesting in the gobs raping the world to death, but in creating a gritty and edgy world. GS is the perfect NPC for him.

In some fantasy Orc = Goblin (and Japanese orcs are pigs anyway, fuck that shit), and thats in elvish anyway.
Beard-cutter is Dwarf's attempt to translate and adapt it to human language, but he missed the point. He was trying to say something like "terror of the ...", but missed the point that GS only kills goblins, and not just some "natural killer"

She become adult and started adventuring at 15. Add I think 6 months with Goblin Slayer... not even 16.

guess where the goblins come from? And I men the goblins under water town.

Even her eye sockets happily received gob cock.

I want to see some cuddling.

From the moon?

Too old for Watsuki, that's for sure.

Why would he need GS? Doesn’t he want rape?

What's her endgame?

To have her cheek rubbed by GS

Orcbolg is a sword from elven legends (basically Bilbo's Sting), which was crafted by Dwarfs, and dwarfs obviously had different name for it (guess what name)

From vagina actually.

>What the fuck? Hiw she coild wake up with all her body fucked up?
She was patched up by Lizard Priest, and was not in life danger. Then she was healed at the temple.

Rape when?


SOON.jpg because the girls are not going to be able to stand it anymore and will go Full HAM on the GS.

Why don't they have names?
How old is the clerk?

Goblin dicks are too small to satisfy a woman.

dick size is irrelevant when gob super semen causes r-reproduction in wenches

Please tell me where you found this, more art of GG is appreciated.

haven't read Goblin Slayer but I think I'm going to pick it up for that lewd elf

elf has a nice ass

Nice hips, he ass is flat but holy shit, her hips compensate.

She had to have something
Dwarf points out she has an ass in comparison for her anvil chest

If the gobs are that bad, how come there hasn't been food shortages in the entire realm yet?

Because, so far, only the frontier region where the GS lives has been affected.

>Dwarf points out she has an ass in comparison for her anvil chest
I thought he meant her ass is as flat as her tits.

Elf does have some ass, but it's ultimately the hips.

Ahh, that makes sense, otherwise gobs would be pretty much exterminated to the last one, mess with food and every dirty farmer and his mother will take up his pitfork and scythe marching for a fight to the death.

How Gs armor works? he has leather under the chainmail and metal paddlocks on it?

the military is busy with the demon army remmants too.

She is cute in general.

But she has a shit personality.

Orcbolg = elf sword for killing orcs/goblings
Beard Cutter = Dwarfs really loves their beards

All she did was stop him from using stuff that would destroy historical sites

BULLSHIT, she alsmot got everyone raped and killed. Worst part is that she never admits her fault and nobody calls her out.

Both Orcbolg and Beardcutter are the name of the same sword, a sword inspired by the Sting from LOTR, it glows blue in the presence of goblinoids. Elfs and Dwarves call GS that because it fits him, he is a tool to kill goblins.



Something anyone else would have told him. And he agreed on immediately.

that's a boy, isn't it

Wait a minute, magic 2B got gobled?

Reverse trap

Yes, ten years ago before she got gud, now she scared as fuck of gobs and quite insane.

is it hentai?

Elf will win the GS bowl

No a chance in hell, of all the girls she is the less effective with her healing method.

How long would this autistic oversleeper survive in gobber slobber?

Childhood friend wins the GSbowl
The wizard gets to rape GS first though

So umm, do gobs really come from the Moon?

remove knife-ear
remove goblins

space fungus

I don't quite understand your answer

See, when I use search engines for stuff and it doesn't show up, I assume it's an edit.

user, newborn goblins came from above the sky. When god makes a new baby goblin, he sends a stork to deliver the baby to the parent.

its their planet aye, usually shamans will send elven women there cause they can spawm new gobs forever

You have never played against Tucker's Kobolds?

Where the fuck was tgat mentioned.

There is a hive on the fucking moon?


why the heck he has the same spare helmet with the same design?

Why not?

he's not a fashionfag. he just wants a spare in case his current one breaks or is damaged.

cause its ridiculous that he has to cut off the horns just cause

Because someone needs to terrorize the terror, and GS is perfect for doing that to goblins.