Trump Winning!

Hahahahaha fuck you shills

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How is Fox dealing with Trump cucking out on the bill? They still defending him? Looking forward to Fox and Friends.

Fox news will defend any decision Trump makes. If he instructed federal agencies to go door to door confiscating guns Hannity would be saying anyone opposing it was a crypto liberal that didn't care about children's safety.

>agrees to dump billions into third world shit holes
>still hasnt gotten anything done
yea Im about fucking done with this shit

Fox news is big in America CNN is international the faggots they are.

Fox is a mixed bag of emotions right now.

>Not knowing what I'm talking about
>Posting anyway
yeah you're a retard.

Who cares Fox's demographic is old when men on breathing tanks and soon to die, and other angry poor white trash. The CNN demographic is younger, and more coveted by advertisers. They tend to be better educated and more successful than the dying trash that watches Fox.

>trump wanted to include 800,000 daca illegal aliens in the bill
>shills for illegals
>hurr daca recipients have been totally abandon
he just lost my vote.

You shoulda seen him after 9/11
Same with Mueller
But you're all retarded children

Prize for the most retarded post goes to (you).

Average cnn viewer is 60.

I know what youre posting about, youre shilling for trump who just sold all of us out.
Go watch the video that was just put out with him talking about this bill. Hes sitting there shilling for wetbacks.
I know youre paid to shill for him and all so reply with whatever you have to.

After all the scrutiny, CNN is actually getting better. Obviously they are still insanely biased, but as far as their reporting goes, they are night and day when it comes to fact checking.


Hannity (and lets be honest, Republicans in general) are total hypocrites. What they would give Obama shit for they're letting Trump slide on.. nothing but talking heads.

>Fox news is big in America

Just lets you know how many retards there in America. They still pay for cable lol

They are complete hypocrites.. they are worse than religious people in terms of that. Hannity just appeals to angry nutcases who got crapped on by life and live to be angry.

Mark Zuckerberg made an exclusive interview with CNN two days ago. He knows where to go for his audience, and that sure as hell isn't Fox News.

I've enjoyed Hannity for his coverage on deepstategate and the russia story but if he doesn't rightly criticise this bill, I will no longer be watching him

Nice..nice.. this could mean the end of trump's base. I assume evangelicals are total gun nuts, maybe it will turn them on him as well.

I've seen almost no one on FOX defend that today, and I can guarantee you that at least half of the late night hosts will be against it. Tucker and Laura will have an entire segment tonight talking about how it's a bad thing, I can guarantee it. As for the others, the female anchor who does the show before Tucker doesn't have any opinions and will say whatever they tell her to, so she will probably be non-opinion. Sean is a mixed bag of potatoes, so he might support it, and he might not.

You should stop laying it on so heavy, someone might suspect you.

That’s funny because Laura was talking shit about the bill the other night