What do you think of the latest addition to the unique Misaka club? Only Full Tuning is left, what do you hope she's like?
pure shit
Hopefully full tuning has long hair too.
>Only Full Tuning is left
>Implying she's not Mikoto
Why do people call dolly mikoto
I imagine they don't like referring to her as a sheep.
She has really nice hair
Is Kamachi the Japanese Quentin Tarantino?
Flatsaki is best Saki
Do it Mikoto!
Best Misaka
>Accel checking out the biribust
Every thread until a poster I assume
Misaki a pile of shit
>tfw cant change the color of Mikoto's short
>cant make them skin colored
Why's this user laughing? Did he realize he's retarded?
Yes please. Long hair is superior.
That mikoto?
why is misaki there?
>Best way to makemoney is by beating the shit out of civilians with a Level 1 Kuroko with health cards and album
What did the chinks mean by this?
It was an old mobage promo
Because she is one of the most popular character. I guess they will put misaki in S3 for this reason
Its her original design idea
>Only Full Tuning is left, what do you hope she's like?
She will be Bald.
Stiyl, Kuroko, Mikoto, LO and Misaki are irrelevant in S3
>LO is irrelevant in S3
Stiyl is relevant in Brexit I thought
And don't give me the 2 cour bs. That doesn't change it.
>he thinks S3 covers russia arc
because people are retarded and don't know that this is old art for the older boring card mobile games
I'll bet anything it will
>he thinks S3 won't cover Russia arc
More going for the fact it will than won't.
I can't argue with those digits
Index-san 27 Translation: mediafire.com
Another Vampire/Zombie Chapter: baka-tsuki.org
Based as always
Thanks for the weekly VamZom dose.
Ty for both.
Damn the js06 train never stops
What kind of series do you think Kamachi should make next? An original, not a spinoff or something tied to an existing series.
What about Saten?
He should make a futuristic sol staring four girls making their way in the city.
Which worries me to be honest. Even in the unlikely event of a three-cour it'll still be rushed to get to the end of the series from where we are now.
3 cour is fine for it. the only long arc in the rest of OT is Brexit.
Not really. 3 cours is more than enough for WW3 and I'm not looking for a 1:1 adaptation, that's boring. They can easily adapt all of OT in 36 episodes. WW3 would not be that long anyway once animated.
Why Senran Kagura? Odd crossover for an Index mmo.
Nope. Anymore than 3 cour and it would be dragging on. British Halloween is meatier than WW3 in terms of content and that would fit into a 2 cour without issue with WW3 taking up the remaining cour just fine.
The chinks wnated it
We could also have gotten Bayonetta or Yakuza
Shouldn't BT update the OT and NT pages to reflect the arc names we have that are actually official now?
Why british people hate europe
Ask whoever handles those pages.
Get in contact with OH&S.
The point of a crossover is to do exactly that. Two different series and companies coming together.
In other words, don't fuck up like FGO.
Euros have been trying to invade Britain for 1000s of years, and keeps involving her in their dumb wars CARISSA WAS RIGHT!
Senran Kagura actually makes perfect sense and is easy to fuck around with
>fuck up like FGO
What happened with FGO?
FGO only collabs with other TYPE MOON properties.
FGO doesn't do real collabs
thats awful
inb4 laughingjeanne.jpg
It's a shame Mina didn't become an actual cat with a sexy human transformation.
I'd rather a lewd Jalter
Quick troglodytes, post your top 3 most alpha females in Raildex
kanzaki x washing machine OTP
What about Saten?
I'm not looking for a 1:1 adaptation. I just don't want another 0.5:1 adaptation that gives us less information that the volume summaries. Sure the first two seasons got the events down (mostly), but that was it. It was all "this is happening" and no "why is this happening". I really wouldn't mind seeing them slow things down a bit. Going at Heavy Object's pace would be good.
but on top of that you have SS2, Avignon, Batlle Royale and DRAGON to adapt as well. Top it off with a bunch of character perspective switches and you can be sure as hell we'll get a couple of recap episodes in there as well. This is assuming we'll even get a three cour as well.
Fuck off Nigel
>recap episodes
Gods no. Battle Royale and dragon won't take as long as you think, battles go by fast in animation
Early OT was a lot of dialogue and exposition, which takes over 3 times to adapt compared to action. 3 cour is the perfect fit. You don't want it to go slow with how fast paced shit gets by OT15
If we get recap episodes and no 3 cour, S3 is automatically going to be ruined for me. There's no way they can stuff everything in a 2 cour without rushing the plot immensely, you may as well not make S3 at all. The guy said he would follow the script faithfully though so, I guess we're good?
You could do 2 cour and end on like OT19, that wouldn't be too bad so I won't condemn S3 the moment I hear it isn't 3 cour, but if I hear it's a full adaptation then I might start thinking about it.
Man how come battle royale is so hard to do in game form, its cause theres ALOT of people ain't it?
I guess it'd be easy if you cut a lot of corners, good thing they're not
Is mikoto virgin
Right but you're not accounting for the fact that OT1 to 11 was basically exposition hell with not a lot of that in the first place. And no they've never done recap episodes so I don't know why you think they will start suddenly doing that.
3 cour is more than enough to cover everything from OT14 to OT22. Character perspectives don't take that much time, action is very short in animation and ontop of that BR and DRAGON aren't even that long. Hell, Avignon and Acqua Invasion are fairly short as well when compared to early OT given the story actually moves.
Etzali blanco drugged her after NT19 and they're off to Mexico right now
>Sea Slugs
But you could do 3 cour and end on OT22 and it'd be perfect.
1 yuan hasbeen added to your account
tell you the truth, part of me wishes they went lazy with OT15 so I can get to see the UK sooner
I know, I was only pointing out the "no 3 cour would ruin S2" train of thought was faulty
They have enough stuff under their wing to not require collabs with plebs. I like it
Similar to how kamachi does so many crossovers among his own series.
>worst angeloid has best body
>They have enough stuff under their wing to not
Tell you the truth user, I'd respect that if they didn't do collabs with the same three~ things most of those like the fate extra collab would fit in the game regardless
Who is this cutie
Hair's too short, not even blonde either
Cute, too bad she has to wear Tokidawai uniform all the time
Wow Kanzaki got cuter
Will we ever see Birdway go all out in a fight?
Whats the point of nigway