When did you realise no Muslim ever can be trusted?

When did you realise no Muslim ever can be trusted?

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when i met a muslim


muslims are ok people

>ok people
Akmed detected.

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Met more white people I couldn't trust than Muslims. If you're so angry about them, get off your computer and go do something about it you worthless cunt

Don't call Mohammedans Muslims, the only true Muslims are those who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, Muslim in Arabic means someone who submits to God, Mohammedans do not submit to God but to Satan!

This doesn't help as it's misusing the term, it gives them grounds to argue on basis of certain sects of islam and thus strengthens the case for "not all muslims".
The ideology of islam as a whole needs to be challenged and, in my view, pushed completely out of the west because it's simply not compatible.


The fact is mohammedanism is a cult, they follow satan as their God and Mohammed is his prophet, he even believed he was possessed by demons until his wife tricked him into thinking it was actually God speaking to him.


Wow you seem angry.

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Bali Bombing

I fucking hate every white person who tolerates these raghead cunts more

Sound like huinca lies to me, but everything written in anglo gives me that feeling.


nice try kike

Islam does not allow us to decieve, unlike you kikes and the kike shills


Always knew, never doubted. Keep the faith, friend.
I know this little girls family. Broke my heart that fart smelling Islamists can do this here. We need to get out of the EU and drop all this totalitarian German law.

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When did you realize literally no one can ever be trusted?

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Based chink

The biggest mistake the Anglo ever made was that we didn't wipe these Satanists off the map
Today on the subcontinent there are 488 million Mohammedans, In Nigeria 77 million and in Egypt 76 million.
If in just these 3 countries we replaced the native fauna with Anglos we would have reduced the global muhammedan population by 35%, if the Dutch too drove this species to extinction in the Dutch East Indies alone we would have 47% fewer Mohammedans today!

I agree and so does Kek, #99.

But you can not wipe us though?

You degenerates have been trying, and for the wars and slaughter in the middle east, muslims are now instead growing in your own nations.



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Targeting children.

I don't remember when but I just now you can't trust them

Mohammedanism needs to be outlawed, every copy of the Koran burnt, mosques torn down and replaced with churches, Mohammedan youth should be sent to reuducation camps to clear their mind of this satanic brainwashing and to teach them the truth about Christ, their parents should be sent to gold mines in the Yukon Territory to labour for their crimes

It's the Jews who aren't trustworthy

Muslims aren't either but they just don't belong in your country or anywhere in Europe. They belong in the Middle East where they spent upwards of a thousand years ripping each other off and fighting each other.

> pls notice me america sempai
absolutely pathetic

The Anglo has never tried to wipe anyone out, that's our biggest mistake that we didn't even try, if it was Anglos who did the holocaust 6 million Jews would have died instead of none

seeing Mehdi Hassan on BBC. What an absolute cunt

Czechoslovakia will be absorbed by the Teutonic Caliphate


I seek refuge in allah swt from shaytan allahu akbar inshallah I pray you find the path to allah swt kafir

Is that Lebron James?

We need to sanction every single soverign state that holds a Mohammedan population that exceeds more than 1% of the total population, we need to place travel bans on these nations, we need to seize any assets these nations have in Canada, we need to deport all persons of that national background from Canada. Deport every Teutonic, swede, chinaman, Indian, etc.

I can’t wait

"we never tried"
hahaha, like you would have the balls to face a Ahmed or a Mohammad irl. Besides Allah has promised that Islam will not die out, hence it is impossible for the anglos to succeeed.

I mean you can totally trust muslims to not be trustworthy, that's true.

the moment i learned about taqqiya

The Anglos could single handedly wipe out millions of Europeans, for literally no reason whatsoever Americans constantly blow up your cities, they destroyed two of your countries because you blew up two of their towers

>Divide and Conquer
>Islam is true enemy meme
A shekel for the good goyim

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In all honesty this distinction confuses me. Because muhammad is still considered the prophet of islam even though you know he did bad things and usurped your faith to suit his own ends?
It's like saying the message is still good even though the messenger was bad.

Only replying as I'm surprised this thread is still going.

UK will be cleansed of bigotry racism and hatred, accept Islam retards, there's no escaping.
