Let´s get a god discussion thread going

Keep it Sup Forums friendly and all religions welcome.

Define what god to you is, how you found to god, your most awesome/ crazy experience with god and the most amazing/ crazy dream or near death experience you had

Lastly define what god is in 1 word and try to give the 3 most important principles of the universe. God bless everyone who participates and may atheist find to god today.

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The Lord our God is but one only living and true God; whose subsistence is in and of himself, infinite in being and perfection;

whose essence cannot be comprehended by any but himself; a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions,

who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; who is immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, almighty, every way infinite, most holy, most wise, most free, most absolute;

working all things according to the counsel of his own immutable and most righteous will for his own glory;

most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth,

forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin; the rewarder of them that diligently seek him,

and withal most just and terrible in his judgments, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.

( 1 Corinthians 8:4, 6; Deuteronomy 6:4; Jeremiah 10:10; Isaiah 48:12; Exodus 3:14; John 4:24; 1 Timothy 1:17; Deuteronomy 4:15, 16; Malachi 3:6; 1 Kings 8:27; Jeremiah 23:23; Psalms 90:2; Genesis 17:1; Isaiah 6:3; Psalms 115:3; Isaiah 46:10; Proverbs 16:4; Romans 11:36; Exodus 34:6, 7; Hebrews 11:6; Nehemiah 9:32, 33; Psalms 5:5, 6; Exodus 34:7; Nahum 1:2, 3 )


I'll answer those, but first I'll bump

Praise kek

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God is everything and nothing (or the smallest thing possible) at the same time.
I found ro god unironically after questioning the world more and more with Trumps election, reading theough wikileaks and discovering that the people who rule over us are the exact opposite of god

I think finding to god is objective number 1 and religion secondary and a test/ riddle from god

My most awrsome experiences with god where one day when I was feeling so full of love in a dream one say, it is simply undescribable and only felt this intense once

Another time was recently. One day I was dreaming I had head pain/ was lucid dreaming. My body was going all over the place and I felr amazing/ yet very uncomforzable at the same time. I qas asking Jesus to help me and to make it stop and it stopped. And I swear to god after that a demon or even Satan was rumbling some things or even trying to curse me? However the demon or whatever felt very upset and ushered a lot of words before the whole situation and with it the dream ended

God in one word: Love
3 rules of the universe: Truth, compassion, forgiveness

Jesus Christ is God with the Father and the Holy Spirit.

There is no way to the Father but through Faith in Jesus Christ, which is a freely given gift in the Holy Spirit.

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God has nothing to do with its personification. It is the mathematical structure of this universe and what is outside spacetime. /thread

With which personification? I agree that god is the greatest mathematician of all time and structured our world more fascinating than any supercomputer could

I was raised Christian but rebeled in my late teens and 20s and pretended I didnt believe in God. Over time I began to find meaning and truth from Deism. Observing the natural universe around me is all the proof I need that intelligent design created and/or formed our current reality and universe.

Pascals wager plays a role in my beliefs too: "If you bet there is no God and you're right, you lose nothing. If you bet there is no God and you're wrong, you lose everything."

I found God when I learned and finally accepted that Jesus Christ is a myth and that all the Gods of the religions are man made. God created the Universe. That is what I know about God.

So did any of you both ever "feel" god?
How would you describe gods laws/ and or rules?

I remember another dream I had. I went into bed with an extreme headache which resulted in a nightmare and a disturbing dream. However I began more and more to kucid dream and to take my dream/ life into my own hands. Despite the huge pain, I tried to think positive and suddenly I was beamed into a huge field of grass and flowers. The more I thought positively, the more flowers suddenly appeared and grew. Some rotten once even started to shine and over time more and more did and the field seemed endless and so beautiful/ even impossible to describe

Has anyone else had such dreams? Please share your most amazing or interesting dreams. Ty

there are many gods. You have to find the ones that speak to you.

Who are these other gods you speak of? I say there is only 1 god and many high spirits


Throughout mankind there has been many religions with many gods.
In the end its your own interpretation that gives you your belief.

>VIDEO message from the future
A digital Prophecy

What are YOUR beliefs and give the rules of the universe for an ideal society

I like to use massive amounts of psychedelics to find out truths about coinciousness and spirituality. It reaffirms my belief god would be a fascist over a marxist. That natural order is what god would want, not this marxist backwards world. That might is right, but kindness is also a virtue.

i haven't fully figured that out myself.

Okay sure, but what are they currently?

Hopefully more will participate...

I believe Egyptians and Inkas had some higher knowledge so i'm currently trying to read about those subjects even though my search is pretty limited.

What i really believe in is Energy. Since its indestructible.

I have been disillusioned with institutional religion since I was about 15 years old. I used to call myself an atheist for a long time, but most people who use that label do so out of spite because of the abuse they have suffered and because of the corruption and evil they see from institutional religion. I still can't say I know what God is, I just have a feeling that there is something out there beyond our physical senses.

>near death experience

I once tripped on a psychodelic called Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds. While I was tripping, I physically died and felt the presence of God. Together we looked at some of the most pivotal moments in my past and looked at what the consequences of those decisions were and how it might have been different. After reviewing some of these memories, I told God that I will accept death if and when the times comes, but there was still more that I wanted to do. God told me I didn't have to die, all I had to do was keep breathing. It was about that time I realized I actually wasn't breathing, so I took in a deep breath and regained consciousness.

This mostly. Scientifically, God is Absolute Consciousness projecting a holographic reality.
For those interested:

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Tesla believed in energy too, however he believed in god. Look into Tesla, he connected many things quite well


Check out Bodhi Mantra on youtube. Some of it is hokey but the ancient knowledge and electric universe playlists are fucking amazing.

I don't really care about god. I don't think I'm a theist, an atheist or agnostic. Because I don't really care if there is a god or not and there is no aspect of my life that really changes if there is one or not. Its just a aspect of life that I don't get at all and I rarely think about.

Do you believe god has a will too, since he is absolute consciousness? If so, what are the rules of the universe he wants us to follow?

yes i did see that.
There are things the ancient knowledge understood better than we do.
They were more open and not bound to any Institution giving you guidelines.
What for me is very intriguing is the Egyptian god Thoth.

The existence of god matters, because he provived mankind with good morals. Where do you take youe morals from, if not from god? From society? What happens if society is corrupted?

Honestly, I'm still working it out. I'm on the track of believing that we are all a fractal of the absolute consciousness (i.e the infinite universe experiencing itself by projecting a separate consciousness into a "holographic" reality), perhaps as a test or a way to learn. As for how we should go about life, as much as I don't like religion, I would say the ways of Jesus lay out a pretty good framework. The absolute is pure energy and consciousness outside of time and space, in a universe almost impossibly complex. If it has a will, I doubt we could understand it in our human forms.

Think bigger, my friend. Open your mind to the possibilities of everything you don't know. Your human life is a drop in a very, VERY large bucket.

To continue...

>3 most important principles

I'm not sure if I could name 3, but what I do believe is a fundamental purpose for existence, and it is the growth of one's own consciousness. I think that at the most fundamental, basic level of reality, you, me, and everything we experience, is inseparable from the Universe, like a finger is part of the hand. In the same way that you cannot know of hot without the knowledge of cold, in the same way you cannot know of joy with pain, in the same way God, the absolute infinity, cannot know itself without the knowledge of finitude. Each and every one of our collective experiences serve as that relative, finite experience to experience of being infinite.

I've never learnt anything about morals. Maybe outside of being raised perhaps and being told not do so and so, or that its nice to do so and so. But outside of that I've never learned any morals.
I don't see how they play into it either.

With or without morals, I still have to go to bed and sleep. I have to sit on my toilet and shit and wipe my ass. I have to cook and eat food.
For all those things to work I have to obtain money. Which means going to work. And so on and so forth.
With or without morals there will somewhere along the line come a Ted Bundy or someone else broken.

So if tomorrow god came to earth and there was no question if he existed or not.
I would still have to go to bed. I would still have to wipe my ass and consume food. I'd still have to drag my ass to work and walk my dog.

I think one will naturally find to god, if he either follows gods laws or has a near death experience. God is truly complex, however the more you understand the universe, the more you understand yourself and the more you understand god and why he does what he does.

And always remember: No loss, no gain

I know very little. The things I know are usually things that I must do. Such as, I now know I have to take a piss. With or without absolute proof there is a god, I still have to take that piss.
With or without being a fractal of absolute consciousness, I have to wipe my ass after I shit. That's what life is, and so I don't really give much if there is god or consciousness because it doesn't have any affect on my life at all.
The cows still needs to be milked. The dog still needs its meals. I still have to cut the lawn.

you are missing the point. Those are things we all have to do. They are meaningless when talking about a higher entity.
Morality and Ethics are the fundamentals which no matter how everything around you is, you're still doing the right thing.

i like the way you look at things.


Ive been trying to help everyone. If you want to end slavery learn about God and free will

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Love Harmony Order

god to me is a literal being but is also a force that resides in the law of non-contradiction. in an infinitely potential universe a god who is alll powerful must come into existence, but afterwards there can only be one all powerful god, because two would present two infinities, so all gods are lesser then him, he is god of gods. the original. I was presented a broad definition of god in church when I was 13. sometimes I think I;m talking to god but in reality it's simply my subconscious. he is real though, and I believe the reason he seldom speaks is because to logically acclimate the principalities of god is more powerful then hom actually saying it. god is "the word" i.e. the originator of all concepts and energy. 3 important principles: the way, the truth, and the light. remember atheists: the fire burns to those who wish not to drink from the everlasting well of god.

I'm not missing the point.
If a higher entity showed itself, I would still have to do those things. Nothing would change. There has never been a moment in my life where there being a god or a higher entity would have played out my life differently. So it doesn't matter to me if there is a god.

Take a look at society today. The second morals get abandoned, degeneracy follows. Drug epifemic at an all time high, high crime rates, homosexuality at an all time high, tranny and traps at an all time high etc. Abandoning even more morals will only lead to worse

God is Gaut, Gapt, Gauti. He is the ancient father of all Germanic people's and of Gothic civilization. When we worshipped God, we ascended to our highest heights.

Agreed 100%. A common theme amongst almost all religions and spiritualities is that life on this earth is fleeting, utterly temporary and is "meant" as a test of sorts, which I find very intriguing. I see it not as a test from god, but a test of self-governance and learning. We are here to learn and experience.

Of course you have to do those things, i'm not even debating it. But maybe you would take different decisions that for the moment seem right in your head but wrong in your heart. The ultimate end is infinit life and happiness.

Salvation is a gift from god, presented to mankind multiple times...

so the energy within is ever living. The better we live the stronger it gets.

We are here to return to god and to our true selfes user

The way I look at it, accepting the fractal-holographic nature of the universe and God will do nothing to change your life, but it does alter your mindset considerably and creates a peaceful understanding of your consciousness. It allows you to make those sought-after changes to your life.

Granted, it won't stop you from having to shit lol. We are bound by the laws of our biology and physical reality.

so all the things you mentioned here how can those people trapped in a cycle find salvation?

Yes you exchange Karma/ Sin for De (good energy)

The more you purify your body, the more pure/ and innocent your appearence will be.. Like a child

Of course, but after learning and experiencing a finite existence;)

I often take a look at society today, but at the end of the day if I'm not in bed in time and don't get enough sleep I'm going to be tired the next day at my job. So even if degeneracy spreads, I still need toilet paper for my asshole. If I want to buy that I need money. If I need money I need a job.
And again, what society is or does with its morals or ethics has very little impact and affect on me.

Nothing has ever felt wrong in my head or right in my heart or vice versa. And I would rather not live forever as that sounds mighty tiresome to me. Happiness comes and goes, and without unhappiness there wouldn't be a measurement to understand happiness. If there is nothing throwing a shadow there is no life.

To me I put my faith and trust in the shit. Its usually regular and I know its coming. My mindset doesn't really change if there is a god or not.

If they find back to god and follow his rules and loves. God gave us multiple times the opportunity to do so

It has a high impact on your morals, on your health, on your intelligence, on your Karma and your testosterone level. Hardly “nothing“

So sins are human and can be forgiven as soon as you start seeing the light and take that decision?

I feel closest to a divine maker out in the old growth forests or on top of a mountain or under a waterfall. I think if he has a sense of humor, then all the people running the false flags and causing war will return as slugs or some other prey animal.

Walking barefoot on grass gives me that same feeling. Or being inside a forest. Nothing else invokes that sort of peacefulness in me.

Sins will either be forgiven through christ, or will have to be eliminated/ traded by yourself. No loss, no gain. Karma gets traded for good energy through good deeds, suffering thrugh hard ships, and following gods laws. E.g. no stealing, helping the poor etc. Compassion, forgivenessy truth and pure love

>The existence of god matters, because he provived mankind with good morals.
If you are talking about Christian morals you are wrong sir. I don;t believe in an after-life where your actions on earth affect the outcome, but I still feel remorseful for my "sins" and the lives I've ruined. Sometimes I want to do charity work because I feel spiritually I have actually degraded. I don't want to do these acts of kindness out of gods will or the bibles will, but my own will, for my people.

In order to pleasure god, you need to be able to pleasure yourself first. Secondly how do you know what you do is good. Who keeps in check that you keep doing it? You might want to help a bullied kid out by providing sex for him, but god will be disgusted by such an act, even if you yourself, or society thinks what you did was good. God should set the standards and not society

This 100%, great points.

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Yo leaf read into Tesla more, he was truly amazing. Lastly read Zhuan Falun, it will make a lot of things clear for you. Cheers

Definitely, will do, thanks for the recommendation.

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Got any more of those Tesla quotes?

So gods law are the absolute morality?
You hit the nail on it's head.
what other suggestions do you have? You never replied anymore since i mentioned Egyptian mythology.

Yes they are. That's why he is so important. Society can become rotten, god can not.

After living an horrible life full of resentment. Morality became my most important rule. And i must say i feel more peaceful within. It helps choosing the right decisions as well when you have an inner peace.

My apologies, missed your post. Apart from everything on Bodhi's channel, Santos Bonacci is one of my favourite presenters; he gets into a lot of how the various planets affect us, chakras, ancient astrology, etc. Ancient Egyptian history is next on my list of things to research.

This one is my personal favourite.

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Bump for enlightenment

thank you i will look into that.
God expresses itself in many different ways.
Maybe some find the answers in different mythologies.
The key message in the end is always the same.

Nice thread idea desu.
>Define what god to you is, how you found to god
I'm not entirely sure I have - at least not yet. I'm not really sure what I believe right now, but I've definitely switched from being a staunch atheist to a wavering theist/Christian. I try to keep an open mind to lots of things, its especially useful on pol. So with the amount of theological discussion that goes on here, and the amount of slightly surreal shit going on in the world that makes sense if you assume aspects of theology might be true, I started trying to work with that assumption for a while - holding it in my head and trying to also view the world from that perspective. It's surprisingly peaceful, and it doesn't seem to clash with my general scientific background nearly as much as I feared.
>your most awesome/ crazy experience with god
None really. Praying for the first time was nice though - calming which I appreciated given the below.
>near death experience you had
Was heavily suicidal. amongst other things, was in a high place, desperately wanted to jump but chickened out at the last minute. Spent the next 6 months wishing I'd killed myself. Really fucked with my psyche long term (this is ~3years ago now), I'm basically a different person afterwards even though I didn't even do anything. Any anons out there that read this that are feeling suicidal, please believe me when i tell you its not the escape you think it is.

>1 word

Complexity, limitation, perpetuation.

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A pragmatist, i like that. Go plow my fields, peasant. Let me worry about the big picture hehehehe.

Precisely this. A vast majority of my life was plagued by depression and dread, and I never made a good decision during that time. Since finding peace, or at least the path to peace, I feel a lot more in-tune with making good choices.

Atheism is the only answer

but yes. being near to death or having a fear that death might be near changes perspectives and the way you look at the world.
All which is not known is as true and as false.
Belief is the first step to knowledge.

Nice joke, Soyboy

yes i noticed it recently.
I had a job offer which my mind would have immediately said yes to it.
But i knew it would harm me and my heart said no.
I was never so happy to make a decision not to do something.
Knowing what not to do is as valuable in knowing what to do.


Jesus loves you

Glad you didn't jump, user. I too was surprised at how much science and spirituality go hand-in-hand.

>Define what god to you is
logic, reason, maths, unavoidable timeless reality that you can partially learn about and the more we learn the more we can learn about it.
How it work, it's rules and generalities.
Only one way to know or to get close to "god" is to cultivate your understanding of reality.
Your "consciousness".

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Tbqh, if you kill yourself, demons get their goal.
That's why even if you look forward towards killing yourself the very moment or short befire you do, you will get overrun with an intense feeling of regret

>Knowing what not to do is as valuable in knowing what to do
True wisdom. Have you looked into the teachings of Buddhism? The eight-fold noble path is one of my favourite guidelines for living.

Where do niggers fit in the Christian world?. Obviously they are completely different than us Aryans and there should be some biblical explanation for this. Or is god a lazy writer?

They indeed do. Till a certain point they aren't much different.

Very true. The ayys thrive off of misery.

i have not and i surely will.
>True wisdom
this is a big compliment thank you.

I've smoked DMT and experienced all emotions simultaneously. I've seen the radiance of life that reflects off of time itself. I exist as a part of many and of many parts. God is the collection of all that is, was and ever will be. I am just a fraction of that. In being so, I am a fraction of God. The more of me that unites, the stronger I become. God is the collective. Currently God is being suppressed with the lies of the false Israelites. Those that worship Baal. However he will not be denied.

A separate set of consciousnesses that should be kept separate to evolve and grow on their own.

Q predicted this

Are you a christian and smokey DMT? If so, I would love to hear a detailed report

I love how physchedilics, meditation, mindfulness, science and/or spirituality all arrive at the same conclusion. It's beautiful.

*smoked DMT

Thank you. I am too, although it took a while to get to that point. Good choice of words too - science and spirituality have no real conflict - science and organised religions perhaps more so. I'm still not entirely sure how I'll end up falling on those issues, although I am a scientist at heart so accepting the possibility my theories might be wrong comes pretty easily to me. I just hope if God exists He's forgiving of people having accepted the possibility of his non existence.

Yep. It's also part of why male suicides are riskier than female ones. If you feel a lot of regret after downing some pills you can call an ambulance. If you do so halfway off the bridge, you don't have a lot of time or options to play with.

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