The face of America

You may not like it, but this is what the peak of human evolution looks like.

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He has light eyes so he is white

Whiter than you, mohamed

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his gf is so ugly.

Is Tyler1 the King of the USA?

Max Haus?

He is the face of the USA

He's USA incarnated


Attached: meanwhile at the oval office.webm (640x352, 2.9M)

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wtf I love jews now


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The peak of human evolution is constipation, user?

why is his head pointy?

That chick on the right has a decent set of tits.

High IQ

dropped as a baby
head strapped to a board

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Superior american genes

Don't mean to play devil's advocate here but mixed race individuals are indeed at an evolutionary advantage in the majority of cases. Take a look at Jews. Because of hundreds of years of inbreeding within their genetic group they're riddled with disease and mental disorders. Another prime example of this can also be made out of that one African tribe that has a high percentage of people with two toes all because they prohibit marrying outside their tribe. After all there is a little bit of science out there that suggests different immune systems attract. The diversification of genes is what evolves the human species and brings it forward from an evolutionary point of view. Hell, I don't think there is a single person today that can rightfully claim their DNA is exclusively made up of one very specific genome. That simply isn't the case, and "recent" technological trends as well as socioeconomic advancements (air travel, international diplomacy, global trade, internet, and so on) have brought the world closer together and simply expedited the whole process.

I'd like to end this post by saying there is a reason why people the world over claim the UK is home to some of the ugliest people on the planet. It's an island nation made up of a very small gene pool.