Trump about to BTFO satanic Pedophiles to Guantanamo via EO

So Trump caused some time ago a controversy because he seems to want to keep Guantanamo Bay open

I think this wasnt just out of a whim but because he had some plans with it. Now just the other day he stocked up personal on the Guantanamo

And the Executive Order against human rights abuse mentions
>and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.

How likely is it that these are connected and Trump plans to use the state of emergency to basically
>do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents--fast trial, death penalty.
via court martial. What other criterea are needed?

This here mentions a few individuals the EO goes after

And turns out they are all connected to the Clintons as this guy found out

To name some
The former president of Gambia which supposedly got put into place by the cia under clinton for example (Yahya Jammeh),
Benjamin Bol Mel, got military supplements from Clinton even though using childsoldiers
Roberto Jose Rivas Reyes, President of Nicaragua’s Supreme Electoral Council, got covered regarding electionfraud by Clinton
Dan Gertler, international businessman and billionaire, main business partner Glencore, whose founder Marc Rich was on the FBIs most wanted list until pardoned in 2001 by Clinton (Bill)
Slobodan Tesic, armsdealer that supplied various military groups in the civil war in Libya. ISIS most likely among those groups. Libya as a whole was a Clinton plot.

Attached: Trump slavery.jpg (750x1230, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Trump also declared january national slavery and human trafficking prevention month

And a bit later investigation into Clinton mails reopened. I mean they wouldnt do that if they didnt find anything interesting in there, right?

Also nothing about the EO on mainstream media

There is another executive order around regarding when they are allowed to use court marshall on March 1
Complete list of Enthities effected by the freeze of assets. Note: These are only foreign ones, but everyone cooperating with these will be effected too

March is the month where troops traditionally start marching and mars the wargod is probabl is associated with it because of that
>The name of March comes from Martius, the first month of the earliest Roman calendar. It was named after Mars, the Roman god of war, and an ancestor of the Roman people through his sons Romulus and Remus. His month Martius was the beginning of the season for warfare

Attached: clinton foundation.jpg (250x247, 9K)

ANY DAY NOW..............................


>BIN LADEN, Osa ma ( a.k. a. BIN LADE N, Usa ma ;
a.k.a . BIN LADIN, Os am a; a .k. a. BIN L ADIN,
Osa ma bin Mu ha mm ad bin Awa d; a .k.a . BIN
LADIN, U sa ma; a.k. a. BI N LADI N, Us a ma bin
Muh a mm ad bin Aw ad ); D OB 3 0 Jul 19 57; alt.
DOB 1 958 ; POB J ed da h, Sa udi A ra bia; alt.
POB Yem en (in divid ual ) [SDG T] [SDT ].
BIN LADEN, S a'a d ( a.k. a. ABBUD , Bin
Muh a mm ad Aw ad; a.k .a. ABU D, Sa' ad
Muh a mm ad Aw ad; a.k .a. ADB UD, Mu h am ma d
'Awad; a.k .a. AWAD , M uh am ma d; a.k. a .
BAABOOD, Sa' ad M uha m ma d; a .k.a . B IN
LADEN, Sa d; a.k. a. "AL -KAHTANE, A b dul
Rah ma n"); D OB 1 982 ; POB S au di Ara bia;
nati onali ty Sa udi A ra bia; P ass por t 5 20 9 51
(Sud an ); al t. Pa ssp ort 53 09 51 (Su dan )
(indivi du al) [SDG T]
But he is dead, right guys? i mean that one pic of him where he totally doesnt look like himself as well as the statement of him being instantly buried at sea totally is proof we got him, right? I know the Bin Laden family is big and possibly has other osamas, but well...

Attached: osama osman.jpg (378x389, 56K)

POKLONSKAYA, N atali a ( a.k. a. P OKL ONSKA,
Nataly a; a.k. a. POK LONSKAYA, N atali a
Vladimi rov na; a.k .a. POKL ONSKAYA, Nataly a);
DOB 1 8 M ar 19 80; POB Eu pat ori a, Uk r aine ;
Prose cut or of C rim ea (in divid ual) [UKR AINE-
EO13 66 0].

Attached: Natalia.jpg (400x300, 31K)

some selfbump


has to lose some battles to win the important ones. however i honestly dont know what is in the cloud act except for that its easier to get our data legally, but wether they do it legally or illegally doesnt make much difference and they would have gotten it just as easy either way

>he still think trump cares about usa

That's The Freedom of Information Act, Chuck.


Attached: omnibus bill.png (362x677, 297K)

no he isnt

>durr North Korea torture and enslave their captives
>Guantanamo exists
Defend this, underage faggots

Why even waste your time with that gay ass-donkey flag?

what's to defend?
>north koreans breathe air
>omg, so do we!!1!

we really need to put shitposters into guantanamo


stop being distracted by niggadicks, Sup Forums


i curated a show of artwork by guantanamo bay detainees

They strip spaces when they run analysis. You're not fooling anyone.

how am i fooling anyone? just posting whats written in the doc. ctrl f yourself, and the doc is a .gov link so no way i faked anything

The reason we don’t close the prison on Guantanamo bay is that it would cause the naval base to possibly close as well which is the real goal behind every attempt to close Guantanamo bay.

let's say i curated an exhibition of artwork made by guantanamo bay detainees, and i wanted to propose a hypothetical spin off exhibition for an application to a school. what are some angles you guys, as Sup Forums inhabitors, would be interested in?

It means any foreign LEO can access my shit without notification.

>first pic coming up is a painting of a mosque
i'd say we put the right people into there then

I don't know if you realize this, but it's almost April, you dumb fuck.

so just to take a temperature of the board, we do or don't think pedophiles are being sent to gtmo? hot or not?

>the international satanic pedo cabal that enslaved humanity for centuries now without most of humanity even realizing can be undone in a couple of days only

one time i saw marina "satanic pedophile" in person on the sidewalk. here's a pic. this was p recent, so not in gtmo, but anything is possible.

Attached: IMG_0875.jpg (750x737, 275K)

>no other sizes found
this memeflag might actually not be bullshitting

^smug pedo who thinks there isn't a cell waiting for him in Guantanamo.

lol why would i lie? i demonstrated i work in visual arts in nyc. this was in late february.

yeah, why would anyone just go on the internet and just lie?

i really hope the cells in guantanamo will be just a temporary meassure until we got enough rope

i don't know ambramovic i just work next to a place she was. and she was not extradited to jtf pedoisland.

Leaving now. Got to sleep a bit. Will read through everything though once i wake up

bless your heart thinking people will care after you stop bumping this rofl. if you wanna talk gimo and art im one of the cocurators! ;)

Mohammad fucked boys in the ass

which one, honey?

He also had a child bride, because he was a inbred cretin. Kikes created your religion and still own your sausage pounding hairy ass

tick tock tick tock

sounds less incel than you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>i only want to be spied on by MY government
If they want your information, they will get it. This is just (((them))) rubbing our noses in it.

>satanic diddlers

Attached: ivanka_humped_a_lot.jpg (960x636, 443K)

It's the legalization that bugs me.

so we pro kiddie diddlin or nah

I can’t wait !!!
Literally !!!

Attached: 382CABE5-2BE1-4005-805B-F37DC42CA19A.jpg (385x385, 65K)

Hi Sean.

The woman that never ages.

Attached: D43EA9ED-BE08-486F-AE02-A994C50635D0.png (1152x648, 420K)

I did notice a lot of shilling lately. Post names.

that's why they use foreskin as beauty products... they are basically stemcells that can differentiate into whatever.