Traps BTFO

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I’m still waiting for him to ban anime. They’re one in the same.

The limited circumstances is that the balls must not touch.

>it's real

Goddamn right whenever I start to doubt he turns it right back around.

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He doesn't know what he's doing, does he.

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>limited circumstances
What does this mean?


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If the penis is feminine enough, they’ll allow it.

Trannies are allow to serve at the front, as sex holes for the troops.

Keep watching that shit and you’ll be begging for someone to fill your boi pucci soon enough.

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no no this is all wrong i should be forced to pay for hormone therapy for mentally-ill suicide risks in our armed forces


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Big one if true


fuck dolls for increasing troop morale

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they have to be cute

>You will never be slapped by Rei
why even live



Traps are fine as they aren't suffering from gender dysphoria.

It means tactical sissy scouts which bring troops more ammo and let them empty their balls.

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No way 3DPD sex is gross. And I'm 3DPD.
>Rei will never turn you to tang
feels bad

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As someone who fell for the (((transgender))) meme in the past but escaped, I'm not sure why this is controversial
When I first woke up I went to join the military to get my life in order. I was still on antidepressants and they told me I had to be off for at least 6 months to apply because if I'm deployed they might not be able to get meds to me. Extremely reasonable.

If I had still been going for the transgender meme and was on hormones, but only asked about antidepressants, I'd assume people on hormones couldn't serve either. I can not imagine a way that this is different and it's a terrible idea. Trump should have come out and said it's a logistics problem, we can't take people who have ongoing medical needs rather than citing the medical expenses.

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We're 1.5 trillion more in debt, but fuck yeah those 5 traps serving will be booted out!

BTW an edit on that with Trump's smug face could be funny.

We need a bigger military budget
>Concern Trolls: For what, traps?
Suddenly we are going to find out how a discretionary omnibus works. Take the money from the Traps, spend it with Army Corps of engineers building wall.

the fuck is this supposed to mean

Good! :)

legit lol

I feel so much safer now after he threw us a sop. Yup, he's really our guy after all. Everything will be great.

Trans are represented at 2.5x the population in the military because they join to get the tax payer to pay for the transition. They bleed funding away from a guy who needs a prosthetic leg because they want to grow tits.
Logistics is also a big reason, what if you are in a fob in Afghanistan and don't get non essential supplies for 60 days? You just crash off your hormone therapy? Are you still fighting fit during that? Traps have complex medical needs and represent a burden on the military.

probably means they're in the draft
got to have some sort of frontline cannon fodder

Wooiooooooah based trump bannned all 7 tranny faggots from serving but still no border wall funding in two years. biggest betrayal ever, and I thought Teresa May was a sellout.

Good. We need to protect sexy traps from danger, and this is a good start. They are too valuable to be wasted as common cannon fodder.

What platform are you guys using for your raid? Let's take the number from shills favourite fact source.
>The 2014 UCLA study estimates that 15,500 transgender service members to be enlisted on active duty, in the reserves, and in the National Guard. That same study estimated 134,300 transgender people are veterans or retired from the armed forces.

There are around 50,000 transformers in the military. Or at least that was the number lefties were throwing around the last time Trump talked about banning them.
Also the wall’s not happening.

>„Quick! Let’s deploy some STRATEGIC social conservatism. Let’s throw those MAGA boys a bone.“

Fuck off.

For sure the medical costs are insane. I just mean that it's obvious that will be pointed to as cruel or whatever. Bringing up the logistics and even saying it's partially for their safety given the effects of cutting treatment makes it a lot harder to attack. Sure the left will anyway, but it will be even more overtly wrong to "centrists".

they can be the vanguard during attacks on fortified positions

Is that why there are so many trannies that seem to be some odd mixture of conservative and liberal ideology? They went in the army to get their treatments?

Trannies should be rounded up and put in camps desu

It's not covered by Tricare NEXT LIE PLEASE

wow this total non-issue totally makes up for him betraying us!


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99% of trannies are normal goyim we can do without desu, but one or two are statistically bound to have a special skill that we need.

Can he make them kill themselves before age 30?

No, it's just the problem with white males. I have a lot of gay friends and after the marriage fight was over, about 70% of them went back to a libertarian, low tax, leave me alone position. The left will realize this eventually and eat the Rubin's and Blair's of the world in their ongoing revolution.

Who paid for Manning?

They have manly political leanings because they are men.

Bradley Manning - mentally ill traitor - celebrated as the world's most famous military tranny

I'm not sure banning them goes far enough really

Donald Trump Really FUCK UP this time

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This. If more trannies existed anyway some of you fucks might get laid.

Hey, I'm all for qt3.14 traps for civilians, and more of them. They will flood the feminine market place forcing women to compete by offering reproduction services and raising children, as a hot trap is always horny and wants to Vidya. It also removes a bunch of betas from the reproductive pool.
But in the military, they don't belong.

And then what?

Now trannies will work for the other side. Fucking idiot.
Stopping tranny surgery is a good idea, letting the ruined, indecent, devious people apply their perverted logic elsewhere is stupid.
Generals were right, the more on your side the better. Shut down degeneracy, but don't make an enemy of it first, they'll just try harder to grow their numbers, instead of just absorbing into the system and promoting it.
Good thing politicians are just figure heads. Imagine the mess otherwise. Nothing but civil war. Military already has opposition. Total degenerates have big mouths which would have been near shut in service, make them think they are essential and cut them off that way. Prevent parades, propaganda etc as they promote the military instead and make opponents look stupid.

>manly political leanings
No such thing. Men don't tilt.

>promote the military instead and make opponents look stupid.
you are so dumb

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How to unfuck:
Show pro lbdnfadlfyvgbsdilfvbuilq stuff. Make people think being gay is the norm in the Army via real footage. Professionalism + fatalistic camaraderie. You're going to die with people, whatever they are they're good enough to die with you, better than anyone else in the world.

It's pretty clear the high rates of traps in the last 10 years has more to do with ideology than biology. In that, traps should be as trusted as Jewish Nuclear scientists. Fun to use and fuck, not to be trusted with state secrets.

Pentagon will ignore it like they did before.

But Trump loves wikileaks?

>be trannie
>get banned

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t. trannie.

Sells America to Israel
>b-but trannies!

Remember this? It's almost like the tranny thing is damage control, huh?

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You fight for people, fucked up people especially. You're the good guys. You want to be the fucked up people.

America always tries to outdo others in being fucked up. People cutting off their dick at least makes that blase.

Freedom is at the bottom. The richest people ever fighting their way to the bottom is poetry.

>Only cross dressers allowed
Meet your next military interrogator, Mohammed

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So what. They won't let you join the military if you have something as mild as ADHD. Why would they let you join the military if you think you're the opposite gender?