How is this right?

How is this right?

the magic is gone.

muh dick

This is no doubt a fit guy with a slightly girly face. Why did they do this? Don't trapfags hate traps with manly bodies? Do they want to lose money?

astolfo actually gave me a fetish for slightly manly trap chests, like this

So if you can't appeal to someone, you change their tastes. That's pretty devilish of them.

No. If you ever looked at b trap threads or whatever, 90% of the pictures posted have a genuinely unnerving and disgusting manface. One or two even has facial stubble. And when the face isn't shown they're still completely unpassable because their stomachs and shoulders are too broad, they have no ass, no legs ext.

It's not my place to judge people on their fetishes but what I can say is it's baffling that people who like twinks and semimasculine crossdressers have started labeling themselves trapfags.

I wouldn't call that masculine, just a bone for the midriff fags

that's how fetishes work, see enough of one and you'll eventually acquire it

bit more toned than your usual girl or something, i dunno
you're right about the midriff bit though, i was a huge midriff/vagina bones fag even before i started liking traps

I will monitor this thread

Maybe that was the plan all along, to be a wake up call to trapfags so how them that traps are actually men and in real life the >draw a girl meme is impossible.

this is why you stick to 2D, 3D "traps" are disgusting nests of mental issues, they're even worse than 3D women

This fucking faggot actually made me start working out.

Honestly what is wrong with that?

The >draw a girl meme is absolutely true. Characters who look masculine aren't girls. It's that simple.

what is the best way to achieve an Astolfo build?

Depends from your current shape really, but from personal experience a good start would be to match your BMI with his and do localized exercises where you need to, because in the end he is just a skinny guy with not a lot of muscle.

Be a rider of blacks.

Traps that actually have masculine builds are the best. It's a challenge for the the artist to pull it off well instead of just drawing a girl and calling it a guy. I get enough of that shit when reading BL.

There's a reason why most BL authors are lesbian.

Dunno why but I want to feel his soft chest when I see this pic.

So they don't want to keep this character's gender ambiguous anymore? Fuck, I have a more androgynous waist and hips than this guy.

not enough muscle

What manga or doujin series is pic related at the top is from?

It's not wrong...

Your just jealous that your not as cute

Here kitty.

I want to snuggle with Astolfo and go out on dates with him.


But is it even bl if it has a girl (male) and a boy?
that's almost vanilla

This might actually attract straight girls to traps.

The girl im trying to date loves Shun from Saint Seya, so yeh, its slowy happening

>that writing

Back to f@cebook. Also Shun isn't a trap.

Straight girls already like traps.

I meant in the sense that in most BL, the uke tends to look like a girl without the intention of him being a trap. The reason for this come from a number of reasons;
>Artist simply can't draw men and can only draw girls, so all the guys end up looking as such.
>Artists/Authors think actual male bodies are scary and gross so they drew the boys more feminine.

Teen girls tend to like the second one the most until they mature and start appreciating muscles. If you meet a girl who likes only girly boys, she's either underage, a lesbian, or has had a negative history with men in her past and finds comfort in a male that looks familiar and weaker so that they don't pose as a threat.

Eat healthy.
Target exercise glutes, abductors, quads, abs, and shoulders.
Cut to optimal body weight for your fat distribution.

>not /fit/
Fucking trapfags

May not be right but something is definitely up.