It looks a petty and absurd thing but that sort of behaviour is why blacks have never built any decent modern civilisation. You need the rgeat mass of men to be productive and can't have many like that causing trouble and damage.
Austin Ortiz
African communism is like saying "shitty shit".
It's shit anyway.
Colton Murphy
Black Community Survival Conference The Black Panther concept of "revolutionary intercommunalism" involved the strategy of building community service programs or "survival programs", programs meant to develop positive institutions within the community to help individuals meet their needs. The Panthers developed over 60 such community programs.
The concept centered on Black self-determination, Black people getting themselves organized together so that they could survive outside the municipal, state or federal systems, which were already under-servicing the Black community. It was not a new idea: minority communities across America had done this in previous decades to support new immigrants through communal associations and political machines.
A short list of some of the 60 + Black Panther Survival Programs:
Free Ambulance Free Breakfast for Children Free Clothing Free Commissary for Prisoners Free Dental Free Employment Free Food Sickle Cell Anemia Research Seniors Against a Fearful Environment
sure sure whatever. im all for blacks segregating given that they are close to me in the first place. And them cooperating instead of leeching sounds very good too. Black pnathers are a 1000 times better than Martin Gay King. my point is it never works, and with africans it never works even more. The thing that makes communism so poisonous in africa is that it just turns to gibgibgib because the percentage of the people intellectually capable of grasping the full scope and intentions of communism.
rare flag, afribro. stay happy, my brother Morongo is in the south, dont want him killed
dude youre just not thinking are you?
Kevin Hall
>Carrying one of those loop things >ears not big enough >lip is fine
Where does she put this skin loop spanner pol?
Michael Bennett
>Communism will win Venezuela down South Africa going Planet of the Apes North Korea turning to Trump Cuba turning to the US China going full dictator because trouble in communist paradise Antifa getting beat down in the streets by the workers