I actually got a tear in my eye while watching this...

I actually got a tear in my eye while watching this. I almost did not believe it until i saw the French flag in the background and the worst part of it all is that i can do nothing to stop any of this. I know America has a lot of its own problems but it saddens me to see this.

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Same here in Canada desu

It cant be that bad in Canada if you minus the Chinese,Justin and most of the liberals

Look at all those hard working immigrants, that old age pension and social infrastructure is practically paid for. Yup...

Same in England, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, Germany, Greece, Spain all white countries (only the east of europe escapes)

It's pretty bad.

Is the point of no return coming

Stop whining like a faggot and do something about it. Spread awareness among the White population on normie sites at least. Hit Facebook, Twitter all that shit.

Why did you let this happen?

Everybody has already done that, it doesn't do anything other than get you banned

Keep doing it. Create more accounts.

same thing is going to happen in the US after Trump gets impeached. He shouldn't have cucked on his election promises, now the demoncrats are gonna win the midterms

I went to Vancouver and I saw more Pajeets and Chinks than white men.

Those I got to meet through family were almost all far-left on immgiration and openly complainign about the slightest restrictions stopping them brinign all their fmaily over instantly.

All have been fully brainwashed about how bad the white man is.

We saw what they did to Rhodesia. We see what is happening today in South Africa. In Canada, Australia, England and the US and yes PAris once the whtie man no logner is the majority he is vulnerable - they will rape our daughters and take our land.

It looks bad. It feels bad.

One person with proper preparation would be capable of easily killing every person in that video in less than 30 minutes.

Who gives a fuck, do i look like i give a fuck? i'm right here.

Yeah, and then you get killed by the cops/military. Genius thinking.

The real reason we have immigration is debt. The average person is between 40 and 70k in debt. They can’t take anymore because they can’t meet interest payments if they do. They’re debt saturated. These people can’t drive the economy because they can barely spend any money. What do immigrants not have? Debt. What can you do when an immigrant comes into the country?
You give him loans, goyim. Lots of loans with interest rates he’s too stupid to understand, which he has to pay off. And for each of these immigrants who takes a loan to buy a car, a TV, or a new pair of shoes, you can just magic money out of thin air, straight into your own pocket. And you can count both the loan itself and the items the immigrant buys in your GDP calculations so it makes it look like your GDP is growing.
But this pyramid scheme only works so long as you have a steady inflow of people without debt. Once you slow the immigration down or stop it, the economy slides into recession.
That is all the reason why there is rampant immigration.
Sweden is bringing in more immigrants because they are having growing economic problems, and they are having growing economic problems because they are bringing in more immigrants. There was a point somewhere along the line before this immigration mess, where someone said “But immigration won’t solve this fundamental issue with our banking and economic systems, we’d have to completely change how our economy works” and they were ignored, laughed at, or if they had enough influence to actually change it- killed.
The people benefiting from this don’t care. They don’t care that they will single handedly ruin the nations they’re doing this to. They don’t care that they are destroying entire cultures and the achievements of a race over the past 1000 years.
They’ll destroy it all, all of society, for a lifetime of personal hedonism and debauchery, funded on the suffering of billions.

So the real reason is Jews then?

not yet

The real reason is whoever is controlling the financial institutions behind these loans

>Is the point of no return coming
In many places, like Southern Ontario, and Vancouver, its basically totally fucked now. I'm thinking of moving to the Maritimes to escape this. Fortunately there are still a few urban areas that are homogeneous. But its changing fast. I don't think my kids will have anywhere left to escape by the time they are ready to leave.

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>canada's not that bad if you ignore 80% of the population
Brilliant, I'm sure they'll be just fine

I literally cant even create accounts any more
each time I make one now, before I can even set up my profile it gets suspended for "security purposes" and asks me to verify my phone number AND my email and I'm just not gonna do it
it does nothing anyway, we need action and we need it right now
fucking faceberg isnt going to save the white race

The real reason is God or whatever/whoever created this shithole. See, unlike you i'm very deep. i get to the bottom of things.

People like to make fun of the UK, Sweden and Germany because their problems are a lot more public but France is by far the most fucked country in Europe if not in the entire west

They had the same amount of immigrants in 2004 as the UK does now

Yep, you can see the French flag in the background

not anymore

We need a good old fashioned race war boys.

WE NEED THOSE CHEAP WORKERS! How else can guys like Trump run successful businesses?

The New World Order's homogeneous blend of human is dope bros. We totally gotta mix all these disgusting people in with the whites and end violence and finally be in Utopia. Religion of peace bros.

Attached: tintinparis.jpg (356x500, 88K)

Fucking that revolution ruined France. It's been a shithole ever since.

please someone
just fucking start it already
I'm so tired of waiting

You are a terrible larper

10-15 years and it's done,at least on vote levels

I was born already in this mindset portrayed by or media and schools, of our eternal white guilty, because of muh colonialism and fascism and whatever

BC and Alberta are good, don't go farther east than that, Vancouver's filled with minorities but I don't even mind westernized Chinese and poos, the Indians at the 7/11 are 10x more based than the average European cuck. The increasing number of muslims and isolate Chinese on the coast is alarming.

Attached: leaf-brained.jpg (645x729, 65K)

The Caliphate Of France, Charles Martel is rolling in his grave.


Maybe the White race will go out with a whimper instead of a bang, it's a possibility.

nazi propaganda about france from the 1930's

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Are you sure they're not druid monks? I thought I saw a druid monk or two.

>whiter than you shitposting in the 1930s

>I don't even mind westernized Chinese and poos, the Indians at the 7/11 are 10x more based than the average European cuck.

Really? "you don't mind them"? wtf is wrong with you?

YOU let it happen you fucking oaf

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wasted digits
you must not know much about the history of the white race, memeflag
we will take this miserable planet into oblivion with us if we can't or don't stop the big game before it's too late, but we will stop it
we always wait until everyone is forced to agree action is needed, which is usually precipitated by mass hunger
either way, we win
and on top of that Christ will come back and rule all in the end
so jews lose forever

Please please please tell me this will stop, I wanted to visit France or Europe in general one day. Of course i would not stay there of course because its Europeans homeland, not mine.

ugh, arent most places in south ontario free of shit skins if u avoid major areas like gta, sauga, pickering, ajax, new market? like the smaller places are atleast 80-99.999% white in most places. but the only shit thing is, theres rarely any jobs in those cozy places tho.

take off the meme flag and read the entire pic related. then we can talk

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france might make it by the skin of their teeth and sweden is doomed because it has such a low population and is so far gone already but i expect all the other nations of europe to survive

Europe is still nice. OP's vid is probably taken in a bad slum of Paris. However, Muslims breed like rabbits, so it will definitely get worse.

It's truly amazing that we all pretty much agree this is terrible for us, and we have the numbers to stop it still, yet don't. The systems in place are so powerful.

My only hope is the fact that when it finally comes down, we don't need numbers to win. See the conflicts in Africa for reference.

It is the sign of an unenlightened being to go around pointing fingers. You fucking krauts, why did you invade Russia? fucking morons i tell you.

Real Swedes will flee the country and return once the crusades (Retaking of Stockholm) happen.

>but the only shit thing is, theres rarely any jobs in those cozy places tho.
Exactly. Cities like Kitchener-Waterloo and Hamilton are now being flooded with 3rd worlders hiking up the housing prices. Still mostly white, but give it a few more years. Also I have never seen so many fucking Muslims. I have no idea where they are coming from. They were practically non-existent in the 90s and early 00's.

And who is going to crusade then? If all the real swedes leave then nobody is going to.

here is another piece of nazi propaganda about france from the 1930's

the text reads "in 100 years france will be a zoo attraction"

Attached: tumblr_inline_p1sgnbIPGp1t9f1uj_1280.jpg (622x908, 246K)

they were right

You're tripping dawg, if the Christ part isn't real then White people are doomed. We're just animals after all. There is no God and all that. You really do need the spiritual aspect to be real cause otherwise, holy shit are we fucked. We're not special, we're just dumb animals. We'll go extinct like many before us some day, maybe soon, who know?s. Check dat ego wh*te boi.

I'm sure many terminal cancer patients think they're gonna be magically saved by Jesus as well.

lmao we would have fucked those ruskies
while you can argue about stalingrad and other shits,a 1 on 1 fight against commies would end up in a victory for us
this is the future you chose
good riddance

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It won't. Stop being a faggot.

>read the entire pic related


I have not seen a single frog in this whole thread, i wish they could post and tell me what the situation is over there.

i know it honestly freaks me out how fucking accurate that poster is

Attached: rtrrkum.jpg (662x366, 26K)

Pretty disgusting picture of dying 1st world, i must say. I am vodka muslim and i wouldn't want to live around these sandnigger scum t b h.

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This is how it looks in america already

>fight for me
But white women are fighting each other to be first in line to get with blacks.

America i guess fucked you in the ass without a condom, didn't it?

I fucking hate that the jews will win but maybe they will. Fucking kikes. I'l lkill all of them.

cities are fucked,above 40-50% non ethnic,just like here
what do you expect?

The delusional White race is cucking themselves stop blaming jews, its you sick fucks who spawned the lgbt degeneracy which also lowers your birthrate, its you who opened the doors to refugees hell Isreal is deporting them.

Take responsibility for your actions for once dammit, also there are more Somalis in USA then Sweden so lets stop with the stupid meme.

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Are you not willing to swallow the nuclear redpill on natsocialism meme flag? Why are you such a terrible larper.

We pretty much forced diversity down everyone's throats, including our own.

That woman looks like a trans.

I haven't seen a Pepe in a long time either. Oh wait you mean French. Yeah, okay. Whatever. Pepe is like cool and stuff too. Fuck you guys, Pepe is my nigga.

only about 10% of white women racemix
you should worry about the 46% rate of failed marriages in white/white couples
>America i guess fucked you in the ass without a condom, didn't it?
I did indeed
maybe there is a timeline where they followed Teddy and didn't go full betrayal

Instead of niggers it's sand niggers though. Same difference. Kil lthem all.

Actually, Roosevelt not getting assassinated was the bad timeline. If he had died Taft would've likely won due to Roosevelt not splitting the vote.

meanwhile varg with 5 children in his safe space

vargs farm will be the last outpost of the white race in france

I give it 50 years until most first world countries are run by retarded niggers and China wins by global conquest

>>only about 10% of white women racemix
It's a lot more than 10 imo, the problem is that they're rushing to go after literal monekys. I mean having an Asian gf is racemixing too, and not good, but at least your children will have a 3 digit IQ.

Is Brazil improving any, i heard that one of the politicians running was /ourguy/

it says " the negrofication of france in 100years"

It depends on the cities, Paris, Marseille, and Bordeux look fckg lost. I think Lyon there's hope there, probably the most nationalist city of France, but you are right more or less, even mid size cities like Perpignan and Strasbourg are fucked up. Here Lisbon is following London, Amesterdam, Brussels, and Barcelona path. the rest is almost fine

the nigger that kinda looks like a chink (written in broken spanish)

what? fuck off with this bullshit

China gets power by using a sizable portion of its large population for slave labor - which allows them to undercut any rival product. The second qualifier for their success though is having a reliable consumer - which collapse will take from them. So my question to you is; if the west falls apart and thus cannot consume- how does China remain wealthy? especially when they rely on the strength of that consumers dollar to determine their very own dollar?

I'm throwing in also; what happens to that massive slave section of the population? How they gonna eat famalamadingdongchong?

This isn't France. It's a fucking zoo

thanks, i dont speak german and was just going off of what i saw other people say it said

How safe is it though? France is fucked, he should move back to Norway maybe the extreme cold will keep the niggers away.

Parallel societies.

Whites and Hordes don't live side by side.

see pic related

Belleville may be a shithole, but it's my shithole

Genocide, just throwing that out there.

Did you know only 1 in 5 arsons are ever solved?

Are you an actual Commie? cause if you are this is your fault.

that is for the future to decide. Norway is probably the most likely alongside Finland.

Varg says let's find out.