Who's my fucking son

Who's my fucking son

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com.bh/search?biw=1304&bih=702&ei=_HMbWoPZFMmlUfr_isgI&q=immortal regis chapter 1&oq=immortal regis chapter 1&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30k1l8.57998.61931.0.62089.
google.com.bh/search?biw=1304&bih=702&ei=VHQbWu77FYWsUYKOvugF&q=cavalier of the abyss chapter 1&oq=cavalier of the abyss chapter 1&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l6j0i22i30k1l4.189.2355.0.2483.

I forgot about this

>v.19 c.110 by Village Idiot & MangaIchi Scanlation Division (145d ago)
>v.19 c.109 by Village Idiot (463d ago)

Ah that's why.

One day we'll get that scene between Yuan and Xix... one day...

Reminder that Nex didn´t do anything wrong.

the white haired one, both of them

Xix is 100% the true child of Ifrita and her fucking cousin.

Why did she fuck her cousin again? I know it was to get serein out of the way somehow but I forgot why. Kinda sucks since I liked her until that point.

He didn't choose this life

Something about getting revenge at Nex for choosing to save Serin over the rest of Chaos...

If I remember correctly, Ifrita was the only person who saw Nex run to Serin as Caladbolg was about to crash the Abyss into the world. But she lied and said that Nex tried to save Chaos instead...

But because of that she also knew she could never be with Nex seriously because of his love for Serin. So she fucked her cousin who then just disappears from the manga after that.

It comes up in some of the "recent" chapters before the indefinite hiatus.

So she could get pregnant, claim the kid was Nex's, and become his wife.

Also this. However it turns out Ninroot or whatever his name was, IS actually Nex's kid.

>Artist is doing some shitty hentai webtoon
Where are never going to see the end of this, right?

Red the sequel before the original and thought nex was a huge asshole then as the series progressed I learnt that i fucked up reading order and I don't know if I could even bother reading the original because of how much shit nex had to go through and knowing how he became an asshole with everyone misunderstanding him.

It's been almost 2 years.... the story got twisted to hell and back... they probably just fucking forgot what their original story even was.

Nex is an asshole now. A necessary asshole.

They all did that. Even The breaker author/artist.

Hentai webtoons are apparently all the rage now...

Webtoons are apparently all the rage now.

The blue long hair one that you didn't love. Too bad you killed him.

But he´s an undead.

And he is dead inside user.

Both correct

fuck this manwo it jumped the shark in the second part

It started off so well... I had hoped for almost a more medieval fantasy setting at first with the cart and the village opening.

fucking kek

One of my favourite waifus for sure.

These artists had talent.

Is there a place where I could find this webtoons from both artists?


google.com.bh/search?biw=1304&bih=702&ei=_HMbWoPZFMmlUfr_isgI&q=immortal regis chapter 1&oq=immortal regis chapter 1&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l2j0i22i30k1l8.57998.61931.0.62089.

google.com.bh/search?biw=1304&bih=702&ei=VHQbWu77FYWsUYKOvugF&q=cavalier of the abyss chapter 1&oq=cavalier of the abyss chapter 1&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l6j0i22i30k1l4.189.2355.0.2483.

I meant the hentai webtoons.

lilith's cord

I still like him better than the Cavalier of the Abyss mc.

This manwha is predicted to be back in March 2018 according to the author. Unless, something happens on the artist Juder side to delayed it.

As far as who Xix is. He is probably an artificial son of Serin and Nex that Serin possibly made for a purpose to defeat Caldborg.

I thought he was supposed to be the previous king of chaos reincarnation or some shit.

I sure hope that´s the case.

Didn't know people were still concerned with


I hate iffurita with a fucking passion. Jae Hyuk has a talent for fucking around with the worst females. He should have went after Infinity. That's the real best girl of the series.
Would have Joined the Demon and Serpent Clans and stopped so much madness.

I'm sorry but it went downhill so hard I had to drop it.

Why aren't you reading Noblesse, aka Bleach but with vampires and werewolves right now Sup Forums ?

shit! no wonder the art looked familiar.
update when?

>Even The breaker author/artist.
What's the name of his lewd series, his girls in Breaker are 10/10