Sup Forums POLL

Do you still support Trump?

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Why all this israel posts

Bonus poll:

>How have your politics changed since Trump's election?

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Only shills dont!
Israeli cock is great!

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No, I think Hillary should be president now.



Fuck you, Shareblue kike.

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Are you still a faggot, OP?

Israel first user!
if you don't like the president you are a shill!

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He was really handsome back then...must say..

No, but I am open to supporting him again if he finds his balls by some miracle before Nov.


I think it's safe to say this board is done.

Trump was able to unite the libertarian and natsoc factions of the board throughout the campaign, but it's impossible to keep up the charade anymore.

Sup Forums will fade away into irrelevancy due to infighting, bickering, and leftist infiltration until they're able to coalesce around another figure or movement.

The Trump that the board campaigned for is no more. UKIP is no more. FN and the Le Pens are no more. Spencer is no more. The alt-right is no more.

It's ogre.

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Trump is the biggest "kike shill" on the planet, you mouthbreathing retard.

Do you have no self-awareness at all? Perhaps you're severely autistic. In any case, please stop posting and go back to r*ddit.

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this post is suspect.
Looks like a "how to" post on Sup Forums

The "anti-Zionism before all else" is going to be the death of this board.

Likud's Zionism = right-wing nationalism. Netanyahu surround himself with unironic fascists, yet Sup Forums still hates them because of their religion.

libertarians never supported Trump, maybe they voted for him because the alternative was Clinton but it was pretty clear from the get go that Trump had no respect for civil rights or the free market

also the idea that Trump united Sup Forums is wrong, the board was just flooded by newfags from reddit who came here because of the_donald

I will support our Leonidas at the hot gates even when there is no hope.

I never expected him to win. I expected him to fight.

Yes, let's hand over Israel to Palestinians so they can destroy ancient holy sites of Jews and Christians.

Or we can say fuck Muslims and let the jews just fucking have Israel where they'll keep that shit protected..

I really don't get this "pro-Palestine" shit whenever Israel comes up. There's no historical record of them even having a government and they're way more degenerate than jews all jewish tricks considered. They're the religious version of "we waz kangs"

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You are going to have some surprises in your future.

He's already saved the world three times, TTP, Paris Accords, and war in the ME and with Russia. All three of those things on their own would have ended our world as we know it. Trump will be the greatest president in our lifetime.

Trump supports Israel.
Therefore he sides with the Jews, and you never trust a Jew. Never.

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>also the idea that Trump united Sup Forums is wrong
t. newfag

The board was pretty united on election night.

>54% no 46% yes
a lot more controversial than i was expecting desu

yes, to spite Hilary and make a bunch of pompous libs cry

Give it time, I'm pretty sure the atmosphere of the board right now is at least 75% no.

Pro-Trump shills are out in full force tonight.

Yes I do.

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Sup Forums is in a constant state of being raided. This is its normal state.


It’s Sup Forums noob.
OP remains a faggot
Sage goes in the options field

Just wait til he fixes NK and Kim.

Currently split 50/50. Come on, guys, click that "yes" button so we can reaffirm to the shill kikes that our support of Trump is unconditional.

t. cambridge analytica


>Sup Forums's poll getting shilled for a change
like pottery

I voted no. He lost me at gun control.

I don't care either way. I just don't want the SJWs to win the future.

NO ONE EXPLAINS WHY, they always just say this dumb shit. Fuckall, I'm pro-israel until someone gives me a good reason why mudslimes deserve Jesus town.

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>Currently split 50/50. Come on, guys, click that "yes" button so we can reaffirm to the shill kikes that our support of Trump is unconditional.

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>NO ONE EXPLAINS WHY, they always just say this dumb shit. Fuckall, I'm pro-israel until someone gives me a good reason why mudslimes deserve Jesus town.

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Yeah, I don't think Israel has to do with that. And I don't see how muslims taking israel makes SJWs lose. If anything Christian Conservatives lose because it's their holy land too.

Here's a truly impartial poll.

I've seen grosser shit, nice try though

yeah, well it's all you're worth. Not trying anything, just being as relevant as you

I don't

I'm neutral towards Israel. I support Trump to get rid of SJWs

Okay, well I haven't mentioned SJWs at all. Are you just talking to me to tell me your hate of SJWs? This isn't relevant. ffs. Yeah they suck. They're also atheists. Why do they matter here?

Of course, Trump is aiding Israel and by aiding our greatest ally he is aiding America.

>Only one option

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>Trumpfags firing up bots

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He caved in.
No border wall.
No new funding for boarder agents
Fix nix which really is back door confiscation
Rate increasing device ban
Largest military budget increase
Gib dats for democrats
Fuck him!


of course i support trump and israel is #1

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Why do you Trump shills continue using antisemitic slurs? Don't you realize that it makes you look absolutely retarded? Trump loves Israel and the Jews more than anyone. Referring to those that oppose him as "kikes" is rather asinine.

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holy hell

The entirety of r/the_donald is on this board, and the poll is still 50/50


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This just goes on to show you that the actual shills are the trumpcucks, they always shart and claim anyone who opposes the is the shill while in reality most of Sup Forums hates trump and recognizes he is just another kike puppet.

just know that the reason you use the phrase "kike puppet" in the first place is because Stormfront successfully shilled this board into supporting national socialism back in 2012.

>My shilling is only 48% effective

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Get fucked stormnigger. You can't control the narrative anymore.

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Poll for those who voted "No"

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fuck this im out. going to mar-a-la go. let them impeach me, let pence take fired


impeach trump, then round up all his supporters.

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No your cringy posts all over this board have finally changed my mind. I'm a gay liberal now. Where do I start though? I got pink hair dye but how do I go about fucking men in the ass? Plus where do I get clothing? Is Hot Topic still around?

anonymous sources

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Noice Trips

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I was a huge MAGA fella right up til today. I could deal with that strike in Syria and even a one time DACA compromise to get shit done.. but this bill is the nail in the coffin for the Republic. Signing this bill has condemned us to demographic suicide. 8 out of 10 immigrants vote left and Trump just ensured that we will never sort out immigration. All that's left is to go further right or get killed by some BLM thug or Mexican gangbanger. RIP USA

Holy shit! 72% feel they align themselves more "right" as of the time of this message.

You know you don't belong here you kike faggot

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I hope this image raises your blood pressure and you accuse me of being a shill.

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Trump had one job to do and he fucking blew it...he obviously ain't building a wall

I will vote for the most far left whack job I can find so we can get this party started

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He loves Israel and Jews more than he loves Americans

Because of Trump, my paycheck increased by about $400/month due to the tax reform. I would have to be an idiot to not support him.

So if the jews give you breadcrumbs you will kiss their feet?

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i stopped supporting him months ago. at this point its about if he can redeem himself. it was the cumulative unwillingness to follow through with campaign promises or his flip flopping like with DACA. at this point even if he does get rid of the all of the illegals it almost seems like it wasnt his call because he has said he didnt want to kick them out even 1 time on the campaign trail

syrian air base strike sure it wasnt a lot but it wasnt ending american involvement in syria. red scare ver 2.0 and red scare classic on top of that just seems generic and even liberal esk. le weed man and merkel cry about russia and have for years. hillary wouldnt stop running her mouth about russia. liberals under obama bitched about n korea so much al gore sent 2 chinks to wander into n korea who got caught


lolno I’m off the Trump train. Next stop, Tel Aviv.

>Do you still support Trump?
Glad we won to save the SCOTUS but he can go fuck himself now, no turning back for me, I will never vote for someone who supports gun control while lying to our face

I never did support Trump. But i do enjoy how he makes mild mannered liberals into crazed psychopaths

I support trump over some people but I would support others over him it depends.

>Poll for those who voted "No"
And those who didnt

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Support him, UN-ironically but answered ironically in the voting station

>so we can get this party started
Something has to give first, a small part of me wishes they would try to take them and maybe that would force our hand and get this show on the road before its too late to fight back

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Shills think we hate Israel rather than the (((communist))) rats that are fucking up western civilization. Israel is a working ethnostate. It's basically exactly what we want every ethnicity to be able to have.

>...irrelevancy due to infighting, bickering, and leftist infiltration...

So no changes then?

I support Trumpianism
So I voted No

>reddit kikes shilling for trump
>the poll is still 50/50

lmao how fucking embarrasing

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My buddy told me one time he went to a rave at a gay bar cause there was an artist he really wanted to see. Some fag asked him if he goes to these things often. He said yeah. Thinking he meant raves, and not gay bars. The fag later whispered in his ear "I'll let you fuck me in my ass in the bathroom for some molly." So that's a start.

Is that. Kosher cock? Because Trump only sucks the most kosher cocks there are. Trump’s dick sucking is the best dick sucking there is. No one sucks a cock like Trump.